Border Philanthropy Partnership News
Twice a month, the Border Philanthropy Partnership delivers in-depth news and stories about philanthropy and community work on both sides of the border. Learn about the latest grant opportunities, border region news, initiatives, data, programs, and research.
January 24, 2025
BPP fiscal sponsor program takes in over US$488,000 in year-end December giving. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership received over US$488,000 in the month of December in support of fiscal sponsor programs for arts and culture, child services, education, environment, faith-based initiatives, and public policy advocacy. We are so pleased to support our members and donors in their charitable giving, says Board Chair Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta. This is the most generous month to date for our program that has seen nearly US$17 million supporting 173 initiatives since its inception. Our program is unique, says BPP Director Andy Carey. We are uniquely positioned to support donors from both the U.S. and Mexico, and as you can see from the growth in the program, generosity has no boundaries. For more information on how you and your organization may participate, contact Andy Carey.
The BPP is pleased to welcome the newest members and renewing members to the BPP community:
- Asociación para los Niños de Tijuana, A.C. (Ciudad de los Niños)
- Cáritas de Chihuahua, I.B.P.
- Community Foundation for Southern New México
- Fundación Tijuana Sin Hambre, A.C.
- International Community Foundation
- James Gerber
- Jóvenes Constructores de la Comunidad A.C.
- Nettleton Strategies
- Promujer con Cáncer de Sinaloa, I.A.P. (Encauza)
- Santa Fe Community Foundation
- Sharp Healthcare Foundation
The Border Philanthropy Partnership reminds its members and friends of the opportunity to consult Candid's Foundation Directory at its physical locations. As an exclusive benefit for our members, unlimited remote access to this valuable tool is also available, offering information on more than 240,000 grant makers in the United States. This service has a market value of $200 per month. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we provide free access to this service as a community benefit at our locations in Mexico, Monterrey, Nuevo León (UDEM); Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (Fundación Paso del Norte); Ciudad Obregón, Sonora (Centro de Formación Social); Mexicali (UABC); and in the U.S.: San Diego, California (BPP). Stay tuned to our upcoming webinars (included at no cost as a member benefit) delivered by Candid experts and starting in March 2025: Intro to Corporate Giving, Your Board and Fundraising, Fundraising Planning, Advanced Proposal Writing Workshop, Intro to Individual Giving, and Ask Me Anything: Candid Experts on Finding Grants.
January 9, 2025
Border Philanthropy Partnership mourns the passing of Christine Baker. The Board of Directors and staff team mourn the passing of our friend, colleague, member, and staff accountant, Christine Baker. Christine was hired in October 2008 as the Accountant for the newly formed and independent U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The organization was just getting started so we needed a dedicated and talented individual who was an expert in nonprofit accounting. For the next 16 years, Christine helped us grow our membership, start new programs, measure our impact, and maintain administrative overhead to acceptable levels. Christine was recommended to us by the Nonprofit Institute at the University of San Diego. In addition to serving as a nonprofit accountant at multiple organizations across San Diego, she also taught in the nonprofit program as a professor of practice for the nonprofit accounting courses. Christine was a valued and loyal member of our administrative team, and worked to implement processes, procedures, and controls for our accounting system. Additionally, she played an invaluable role in our fiscal sponsor program, and we successfully presented every audit while Christine led our financial operations. Christine relocated to Bullhead City, AZ at the beginning of 2019 and continued to support our work remotely. Christine is survived by her life partner, Greg Rupeiks, two grandchildren, two great grandchildren, one brother and two sisters, and multiple nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her son Dean last year, and her daughter Linnea two years ago. Rest in peace dear friend.
Arizona Community Foundation, Fundación Tichi Muñoz and BPP join forces in support of NGOs in Sonora. For the second year in a row, the Arizona Community Foundation, Fundación Tichi Muñoz and U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership have collaborated in supported of civil society organizations in Sonora. We are elated to work with the Fundación Tichi Muñoz in Cd. Obregón to support worthy nonprofits addressing community needs, says Adam Lopez Falk at Arizona Community Foundation. This last year the selected nonprofit organizations secured over US$100,000, and our family foundation is elated to partner with Arizona Community Foundation in this co-investment initiative, says Anabella Díaz Rivera R. Bours, Board member at both Tichi Muñoz and BPP. The projects supported in year one included Ecomunidad, A.C., Centro de Formación Social, A.C., Bazar Solidario, I.A.P., Baisae, A.C., and Pronatura Noroeste, A.C.. More than 30,000 people in Sonora benefitted from year one results, and we are excited to see what happens in year two. This innovative initiative supports binationalism in its truest form says BPP Board Chair Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta.
New team members join BPP in January 2025. BPP is pleased to announce the arrival of new team members to support our work in the binational region. We are excited to welcome Chandra Lukes as our new Accountant. Chandra brings a decade of fiscal management and accounting experience to the organization. In addition to serving BPP Chandra is also the Director of Accounting at San Diego Foundation. Previously, Chandra served as an Audit Senior Manager for EisnerAmper, where she specialized in nonprofit organizations, among other key areas of accounting. Lalibela Walto also joins the team from Bisbee, AZ. A recent graduate of the University of New Orleans and an AmeriCorps volunteer member in Louisiana and Colombia, Lalibela will serve as Project Specialist, and support social media campaigns, data processing and collection, research, and member services. Please join us in welcoming Chandra Lukes and Lalibela Walto. For more information contact Andy Carey.
December 4, 2024
BPP Board of Directors holds final meeting of 2024. The BPP Board of Directors met in late November for the final meeting of 2024. The Board received and approved the 2023 Audit report, approved a new policy for expired membership, approved updates and changes to the legal structure of Alianza Fronteriza de Filantropía, A.C., and approved several new fiscal sponsor relationships. Executive Director Andy Carey also shared his year-end report, as well as related financial information. Board Chair Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta remarked, “this has been a remarkable year for Border Philanthropy Partnership, and all we have accomplished in service to our membership and our region. We are excited for 2025 and look forward to meeting in Phoenix, AZ in late January.”
Fiscal Sponsor program grows to new heights in 2024. Since 2013, BPP has provided fiscal sponsor services to more than 173 organizations across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. This represents nearly 42% of the member network and makes this service one of the most valued amongst member clients. During the first three quarters of 2024, BPP distributed more than US$1.5 million in charitable gifts between the U.S. and Mexico. The total fiscal sponsor giving program now surpasses US$16 million. We are elated to support our members and donors generosity towards arts and culture, child services, education, environment, public health, and public policy advocacy in the Borderlands, says BPP Chair Eduardo Acosta. We are proud of the work we are doing and look forward to continuing to support our network in doing important work on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. For more information contact [email protected]
November 21, 2024
BPP and Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles sign collaboration agreements. The BPP Board of Directors has approved a collaboration agreement with the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles to support community outreach activities across the region. BPP will serve as fiscal sponsor for the community activities carried out by Mexico including the health and wellness outreach, financial education, scholarships, and community engagement efforts. “The Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles is proud to work with the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership in bringing needed services to our community,” said Carlos González Gutiérrez, Consul General of Mexico in Los Angeles. Since 2013, we’ve provided fiscal sponsor services to our member network and leveraged our ability to support philanthropy in both countries, says BPP Chair Eduardo Lalo Acosta. Since that time, we’ve channeled over US$16 million to support families and communities. We are pleased to join our friend, Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez and the diplomatic team in Los Angeles, he continued.
Molina Healthcare awards BPP US$100,000 to support health and wellness in LA. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (“BPP”) has been awarded a $100,000 grant from Molina Healthcare of California (“Molina”) to strengthen and increase health services for the Hispanic and Latino population in Los Angeles County. The grant will support health initiatives through a partnership between BPP, The Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles, and the Consulate’s Ventanilla de Salud (VDS) program. The BPP is a San Diego-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to support a network of organizations that build prosperity through leadership, collaboration, and philanthropy in the U.S.-Mexico Border region. “Health disparities among the underserved Mexican population in Los Angeles can be significant,” said Andy Carey, executive director of BPP. “Factors in the disparities include limited access to healthcare services, language barriers, and socio-economic challenges. The Molina Healthcare grant will help us reduce the disparities by funding health promotion and preventive activities,” Carey said. “Molina is committed to removing barriers to care and helping communities connect to critical health and wellness resources,” said Abbie Totten, plan president of Molina Healthcare of California. “We are proud to join The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and the great work they are doing to help underserved communities access the services needed to thrive.” Individuals of Mexican origin face the highest rates of uninsurance in the U.S. and encounter numerous health disparities, particularly in access to healthcare. Los Angeles County is home to the largest Hispanic and Latino population of any county in the United States, with more than 4.8 million individuals.
BPP moderates panel on diplomacy in the Borderlands at World Design Capital conference. World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024 held the Beyond Borders Conference last week in San Diego. Over 400 civil society leaders from Canada, the United States and Mexico attended. The conference explored design as a strategy to build community and stronger relations across the globe. As a part of this effort, BPP moderated a panel on subnational diplomacy between the U.S. and Mexico in the Borderlands. The panel included Ambassador Alicia Kerber Palma, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, and Christopher Teal, Consul General of the United States in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. The two diplomats shared keen insights on the future of U.S.-Mexico relations as it relates to business and commerce, student exchange, diplomacy, environmental protection issues in the region, and civil society engagement.
BPP supports USD School on Leadership and Education Sciences to host delegation from South Africa. The University of San Diego School on Leadership and Education Sciences and the Global Center hosted the Wits Business School based in South Africa. The delegation included 16 graduate students and faculty members exploring the role of civil society in the globe. The delegation visited Miami, FL, San Diego, CA and Los Angeles, CA as part of a 10-day tour of academic institutions. BPP was honored to participate in the event, says Director Andy Carey. This was the second time this year that Wits Business School has visited Southern California, and we were honored to share the story of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. In addition to learning about the work of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, our friends also toured the Border to see first hand the dynamic relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.
November 7, 2024
BPP and Arizona Community Foundation leaders visit Mision Caridad in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora. Last week, BPP Executive Director Andy Carey and Arizona Community Foundation officials including Adam Lopez Falk and Taylor Pineda toured BPP member Misión de Caridad School and Center that serves students and families in the surrounding community serving pre-school to ninth grade students and families in the Northern Sonora region. Misión de Caridad provides an excellent educational experience for women and children and was started in 2019, says Founder Jean Sicurella. Jean visited the area as part of a church mission trip and decided to make a bigger impact by starting a nonprofit to create real change for the students and families. The students are provided after school program support, supplies, two meals a day, get school uniforms and shoes, and receive an excellent education in reading, writing, math, science, and technology. Additionally, Misión de Caridad is providing support to the families to address health and wellness as well as opportunities for employment. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP visits Universidad de Monterrey for nonprofit training and support launch of new health organization. BPP Director Andy Carey travelled to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon to provide a nonprofit training in collaboration with the Universidad de Monterrey and Fundación de Beneficencia Jesus M. Montemayor. More than 40 nonprofit executives attended to learn strategies and cultural differences in successfully securing funding support in Mexico from U.S. based donors. Carey highlighted the use of BPP member services and the member access to CANDID Foundation Directory online. There are almost 5,000 foundations based in the United States that regularly support initiatives in Mexico. "We are excited to get the word out about access to CANDID and the incredible opportunities to secure funding support from the other side of the Border," says Carey. Additionally, Carey met with the newly formed Board of Directors of a soon to be launched health initiative supporting individuals and families dealing with neurodivergent people. Generosity knows no bounds, says Carey, and this new initiative will have an incredible impact on the people and families served, and will no doubt be a wonderful resource for people living on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP to moderate World Design Capital Beyond Borders panel November 12, 2024. The San Diego-Tijuana World Design Capital Beyond Boundaries Forum launches next week in San Diego with leaders and organizations attending from across the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Topics include diplomacy, journalism, transboundary governance, migration, housing, urban mobility, and workforce development, education, and climate adaptation and resiliency. The two-day forum includes hundreds of officials from the public, private, and civil society sectors from the three countries and is designed to facilitate dialogue, creative thinking, and engagement in the topic areas. BPP Director Andy Carey will moderate the opening session titled “Building cross-border collaboration through subnational diplomacy” and features the Consul General of the United States in Tijuana, the Hon. Christopher Teal and the Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, the Hon. Alicia Kerber Palma. For more information contact BPP.
October 23, 2024
Arizona Community Foundation recognizes Jones’ family. The US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) congratulates the Russ and Janet Jones family on the 2024 Generational Giving Award presented at the annual Heart of Yuma awards this week by Arizona Community Foundation. This is the first time this award was presented and recognizes the entire family’s engagement in the binational community. “What a testament to the Jones’ community leadership, giving, and philanthropy, says Eduardo Lalo Acosta, Chair, BPP Board of Directors. Thank you Russ Jones, Janet Jones, Shelley Jones Mellon, and Eric Jones for your commitment to our binational community and the families that live here. Russ Jones is a founding member of BPP and was named Chair Emeritus. Arizona Community Foundation of Yuma and Arizona Community Foundation are founding members of BPP.
BPP supports Festival Mariachi in Tecalitlán, Jalisco for third year in a row. BPP was honored to attend the 7th annual Festival Mariachi in Tecalitlán, Jalisco in recent days. The 11 day annual festival brings together musical groups from across Mexico as well as the United States. Tecalitlán is the home for mariachi music. The festival was amazing, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, and we were delighted to support the wishes of American donors to celebrate the Art and cultural heritage of mariachi music. The event brings thousands of people to Jalisco each October from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia and the United States.
The vision of impact: Adam Lopez Falk and the future of Arizona’s communities. Republished with permission, original article published in Spanish by Newsweek en Español América. Adam Lopez Falk stands at the intersection of community, philanthropy, and legacy. As the Senior Community Impact Officer for Discretionary Grantmaking at the Arizona Community Foundation (ACF), Lopez Falk views philanthropy as far more than just donations. For him, it’s about generosity rooted in culture and history, particularly within Arizona’s fast-growing Latino population. With decades of experience advocating for the Latino community, his leadership blends a background in professional development, a deep understanding of local needs, and a passion for driving Arizona’s future forward. Established in the mid-1970s by individuals who found success in their own lives, the Arizona Community Foundation is a key player in... (read more)
Ana De la Rosa, former BPP Board member, receives the 2024 Rotary Merit Award. On October 16, the Chihuahua Campestre Rotary Club, along with all the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs in the City of Chihuahua, presented the 27th Rotary Merit Award, in its 2024 edition. This event aims to highlight and recognize the work of individuals who, while not being Rotarians, stand out for carrying out altruistic activities for the benefit of their community, which aligns with the same spirit that drives Rotary: to give of oneself before thinking of oneself. This year, the club had the honor of nominating the awardee in the environmental category, with the chosen recipient being Ana De la Rosa Carpizo, director of the Centro de Cultura Ambiental de Chihuahua, A.C., where she currently participates actively... (read more)
San Diego and Baja California leaders in Mexico City for binational meetings. Eduardo "Lalo" Acosta, BPP Board Chair and Louis Escareño BPP Treasurer, among the visiting leaders. Issues to be discussed include border efficiency, water management, strengthening economic ties between both sides of the border and more. More than 100 business and elected leaders from San Diego and Baja California began a four-day trip to Mexico City Sunday to discuss binational issues as the new Mexican administration starts its term. Mexico elected Claudia Sheinbaum as its next president on June 2 in a landslide. Sheinbaum, Mexico's first woman president, assumed office on Oct. 1. The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce's 18th Annual Binational Delegation to Mexico City includes San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Nora Vargas and Tijuana Mayor Ismael Burgueño, among... (read more)
October 10, 2024
Border Philanthropy Partnership leaders join California First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom at Climate Ambassadors program in Mexico City. Last week during the Mexican Presidential Inaugural festivities, Board Treasurer Louis Escareño and Director Andy Carey joined California’s First Partner, Jennifer Siebel Newsom at La Casa de la Universidad de California en México to discuss climate change. Attendees included San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Nora Vargas, Rafael Fernández de Castro, Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies at University of California San Diego, Susan Guinn, San Diego Regional Policy and Innovation Center, Silvio González, U.S. Embassy Mexico City, Diana Dominguez Guereca, California Governor’s Office, student leaders from each of the University of California campuses and Mexico City based universities including Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. The event was organized by AlianzaMX that is doing incredible work boosting scientific research and education bringing California and Mexico closer together. The event was strategic to highlight that climate change does not respect international boundaries, our shared region is a powerhouse for innovation and collaboration, and by connecting students, public officials, and civil society organizations, we are able to build a stronger and more engaged cross-border community.
24st Binational Health Week launches across the USA. Consulates General of Mexico across the United States launched the 24st annual Binational Health Week held each October. During the month of October, the Ventanilla de Salud health and wellness outreach program highlights and provides medical, dental, and mental health services to the Latino, Hispanic, and undocumented community across the United States. "This program is providing healthcare services to more than 3 million people annually," says BPP Director Andy Carey. Across the Borderlands, our community members are gaining access to health services and referrals for free or low-cost services at community clinics. The program provides blood pressure checks, glucose checks, vaccinations for Flu, Covid, and TB, grief counseling and more. This week in San Diego, Ambassador Alicia Kerber officially launched Binational Border Health week with a full house at the Consulate with community members and program providers in attendance. "The program is only possible due to the commitment of healthcare providers to reach out to the most vulnerable amongst us," says BPP Director Carey. The Ventanilla de Salud program is a remarkable effort supported by the Mexican Ministries of Foreign Relations and Public Health and augmented by thousands of community health partners across the United States.
September 25, 2024
Arizona Community Foundation, Fundación Tichi Muñoz, and BPP complete first year of AZ-Sonora Co-Investment initiative. This week marks the first year of the Arizona-Sonora Co-Investment initiative between the Arizona Community Foundation, Fundación Tichi Muñoz and Border Philanthropy Partnership. This effort witnessed the first-ever community foundation and family foundation joint effort in support of the Borderlands and BPP. The two foundations collaborated to identify community-based organizations and provided joint funding support. The organizations receiving the grants included Ecomunidad, A.C., Centro de Formación Social, A.C., Bazar Solidario, I.A.P., Baisae, A.C., and Pronatura Noroeste, A.C.. The projects funded included food security programs, scholarships, water restoration programs, support for migrants and vulnerable families, and capacity building efforts for the nonprofit sector. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP Fiscal Sponsor program supports Festival Mariachi Tecalitlán. For the third year in a row, the Festival Mariachi in Tecalitlán, Jalisco, Mexico will be supported through the BPP fiscal sponsor program. The annual De Tecalitlán los sones, festival cultural del mariachi draws thousands of visitors to Tecalitlán to celebrate the history of mariachi music, art, and culture. “We are excited to support the City of Tecalitlán and this historic annual event that brings the best mariachi performances to the birthplace of mariachi music,” says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. The festival runs October 3-13 and features musical presentations from groups in both the United States and Mexico, including the world renowned Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán.
September 12, 2024
Samuel Kalisch has passed away. The Mexican philanthropic sector mourns the death of the beloved and respected leader, one of the founders of BPP when he was the Board Chair at FECHAC. Last Thursday, the renowned businessman Samuel Kalisch passed away at the age of 82 in the city of Chihuahua. His death was confirmed by family and close friends, who mourned the loss of a key figure in the business and educational sphere of the state. Kalisch Valdez leaves a legacy that covered various areas, from the steel industry to education and public service. Born on May 23 in Chihuahua, Samuel Kalisch Valdez graduated as an Agricultural and Zootechnical Engineer from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) in 1965. Son of Margarita Valdez and José Gustavo Kalisch, of Polish origin, Samuel forged... (read more)
BPP joins ASU Transborder Studies at Arizona-Mexico Forum. This past week BPP leaders and members attended the Arizona-Mexico Forum hosted by the Arizona State University School on Transborder Studies held at the ASU Downtown Phoenix Campus. The event was organized by Dr. Irasema Coronado, Director and Professor of the School in partnership with Jesús Rodríguez Dávalos, President of Rodriguez Dávalos Abogados. Attendees included public officials Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs; Roberto Velasco, Chief Officer for North America, Mexican Foreign Ministry; Jorge Mendoza Yescas, Consul General of Mexico in Phoenix; Rafael Barceló Durazo, Consul General of Mexico in Tucson; Luis E. Ramirez Thomas, President Ramirez Advisors Inter-National; and Abraham Zamora, Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs, Sempra Infrastructure amongst others. The forum explored ways to foster collaboration, innovation, and sustainable growth, and examined comprehensive approaches to challenges and opportunities between Arizona and Sonora. The topics included Nearshoring: logistics and competitiveness; water and environmental issues; energy; investment and infrastructure development; and workforce development and labor mobility. The event was a resounding success, and additional forums are planned. For more information contact Dustin Davila-Bojorquez.
BPP leaders, members support Arizona Community Foundation launch of Latinos Unidos Fund. Last week Arizona Community Foundation President and CEO Anna María Chávez launched the Latinos Unidos Fund to support Latino philanthropy throughout the State of Arizona. The program is designed to empower Latino-led nonprofits and promote Latino leadership in philanthropy. The growing Latino community now represents 33% of the total state population. Guests travelled from across the state to participate as well as leaders from California and Mexico. During the event, Latinas in Philanthropy and Service (LIPS), a group of dedicated Latina philanthropists committed to supporting and uplifting Latino communities, presented grants to Children’s Action Alliance, CPLC de Colores, CPLC Women’s Center, All In Education, and Unlimited Potential. Former BPP Board Chairs Robert Ashcraft, ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation; Elisa de la Vara, Arizona Community Foundation were in attendance, as well as FESAC Board Chair Luis Arturo Torres and Director Alma Cota de Yañez, and the leadership of Aguilas del Desierto.
Binational Border Health Week starts October 1, 2024. Across the United States beginning October 1, is the launch of Binational Border Health week. Communities and community-based organizations are planning to carry out thousands of health fairs to promote healthy living and access to free and affordable healthcare services. The events are part of the Ventanilla de Salud program sponsored by the Mexican Consular network and the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission. Nonprofit organizations partner with Ventanilla outreach coordinators to provide multiple health services including but not limited to preventative health support; vaccinations; early detection screens for glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure checks, eye exams, and dental exams; grief counseling; HIV testing; nutrition support; and mental health counseling. In San Diego, more than 45 activities are planned throughout the county to support the local community. Contact your nearest Mexican Consulate to participate in Binational Border Health week. For more information contact [email protected]
August 29, 2024
BPP supports Puente News Collaborative in El Paso. The El Paso Community Foundation launched the Puente News Collaborative to support journalism and effective reporting in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Recently the El Paso Community Foundation hosted philanthropy leaders across the Borderlands in El Paso to showcase this new and innovative news initiative. Participants included El Paso Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, Community Foundation for Southern New Mexico, San Diego Foundation, San Angelo Area Foundation, Southern New Mexico Press Collaborative, Paul Foster Family Foundation, Microsoft, MacArthur Foundation, Border Philanthropy Partnership, and distinguished reporters from across the region. Puente News Collaborative is led by renowned journalist and former Dallas Morning News representative Alfredo Corchado. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP supports health initiative in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. A new initiative supporting a variety of health services is launching in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. This week BPP leaders travelled to Monterrey to support the formation of a new board of directors supporting health in Northern Mexico. “This is an exciting development for our region,” says BPP Director Andy Carey. “There is no effort in the binational region like this and it is exciting to participate in this effort”, says Carey. The initiative will support both private and public health initiatives and will likely support the medical tourism industry in the Borderlands as more and more individuals seek medical care in the Northern Border of Mexico.
BPP leaders show in force for North American Development Bank annual environment summit. This week more than 500 leaders from both the U.S.A. and Mexico will gather in San Antonio, TX to support and participate in the North American Development Bank’s annual gathering. Leaders include elected and appointed public officials, business executives, nonprofit organizations, grantmaking foundations, university leaders, and more. The summit will make recommendations related to water crisis solutions in the Borderlands, Energy and Water efficiency in sustainable food value chains, innovations in clean energy, and sustainability production initiatives related to supply chains and circular economy. For more information contact [email protected]
August 7, 2024
BPP and ACLU San Diego and Imperial Counties join forces to work on Borderlands narrative. Last week the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and the ACLU for San Diego and Imperial Counties collaborated in hosting a day-long communication strategy session for narrative change in our community. The event was a resounding success with more than 200 registrants for both in-person and online participation. Harvard University Law Professor of Practice Alan Jenkins headlined the event with dynamic and creative storytelling and strategy development curriculum to help devise strategies to implement improved language strategies for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the Borderlands. BPP was proud to work with our former Board Chair, Cheryl Alethia Phelps, ACLU Executive Director Norma Chavez-Peterson, and attending guests and stakeholders. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP fiscal sponsor program disperses over US$700,000 in first half of year; Board approves 7 new relationships. At the BPP Board of Directors meeting held at the end of July, 7 new member organizations were approved for fiscal sponsor services at BPP. The organizations support arts and culture, education, environment, and public health initiatives in both the U.S. and Mexico. More than 150 organizations in the BPP network are now benefiting from this service. BPP Board Chair Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta says "over US$14 million has been directed to member partners. We are so pleased to see such great response to our services. The generosity of spirit crosses the U.S.-Mexico Border every day, and we are happy that BPP can facilitate this work."
BPP officially welcomes Darren Kew, PhD, as new Dean of Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies. The University of San Diego is a long-standing member of the BPP network and the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies just welcomed Darren Kew, PhD, as the new Dean effective July 1, 2024. Darren brings to USD a unique academic background and wide-ranging experience in the peacebuilding field, which combine to make him a perfect fit to lead the Kroc School. Dr. Kew is a professor and former Chair of the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance, and Executive Director of the Center for Peace, Democracy, and Development at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Kew has also worked as an advisor on democracy and peace initiatives with the United Nations and U.S. State Department, among others. He studies conflict resolution and democratic development in Africa and has monitored the last seven Nigerian elections. “USD attracted applicants from across the globe for this unique opportunity,” said Senior Vice President and Provost Gail F. Baker, PhD. “After an intensive search which included zoom and on campus interviews with myriad members of our community, it was clear that Dr. Kew has the skills, background, passion and alignment with our mission that will move the Kroc School of Peace Studies forward.” The Kroc School is committed to developing its students into changemakers and training them to shape the future of fields of peacebuilding and social innovation. Baker added that Kew’s collaborative and student-centered leadership approach will help elevate the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies to its next level. BPP serves as fiscal sponsor to the Border Fellows program and BPP Executive Director serves on the Advisory Board for the Kroc School.
July 25, 2024
U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and ACLU San Diego and Imperial Counties to host narrative change session. On Monday, July 29, 2024, BPP and ACLU are hosting a day-long conversation with community leaders related to narrative change. The session seeks to improve community understanding of narrative change used in social justice circles, as well as strategies designed to address hate speech and social injustice. Participation is available both in-person and virtually. The session will be lead by the nationally renowned social justice leader Alan Jenkins, Professor of Practice at Harvard Law School. For more information and registration click here.
BPP Executive Director talks cross-border leadership for South African business school students. This week the University of San Diego and their School on Leadership and Education Sciences hosted a 26-member delegation of South African graduate students in business administration to discuss leadership principles. USD invited BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, who also serves as Adjunct Professor in the program, to address the group. Carey highlighted the work of Border Philanthropy in building bridges between countries through cross-cultural understanding, binational collaboration, and philanthropy. We were eager to learn ways to create lasting and positive change in challenging environments, and the BPP stories about the plights of migrants moving northward in search of dignified existence was inspiring, said Renee Horne a member of the delegation. Carey also highlighted the collaborative work between government agencies in Africa and Central America to develop new and innovative agricultural processes to address the growing impacts of climate change, which is the leading cause of migration northward in Central America. For more information contact [email protected]
July 11, 2024
BPP members join forces to support wildfire and flood relief and response in New Mexico. In this edition of the BorderBuzz, we want to highlight the tremendous impact of cross-border collaboration between New Mexico and Texas. After the recent fires and floods that devastated parts of New Mexico, BPP network partners jumped into action. The Community Foundation for Southern New Mexico, the Paso del Norte Community Foundation, the Community Foundation for Lincoln County and their Shelter fund, and the Albuquerque Community Foundation and their emergency fund all jumped into collective action. Even the New Mexico State University Foundation joined their efforts to support students, alumni, friends, and families impacted by the wildfires in Lincoln County, Otero County, and the Mescalero Apache Reservation. "This is philanthropy at its finest," says BPP Board Chair Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta. "Generosity in the Borderlands knows no bounds," he added. "In this spirit, BPP intentionally highlights this cause to raise awareness of the wildfire devastation and call to action and invites the public to give generously. We especially celebrate the collaborative response of these community foundation network partners in the Borderlands to assist families in need. Thank you all for your leadership, and more importantly, for your commitment to our community." The direct links for the various funds are:
For more information contact: [email protected]
- Greatest Needs Impact Fund - Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico.
- Wildfire Relief Fund - Paso del Norte Community Foundation.
- Shelter Fund - Community Foundation for Lincoln County.
- Aggie Student Emergency Fund - New Mexico State University Foundation.
- New Mexico Fire Relief Emergency Response Fund - Albuquerque Community Foundation.
For more information contact: [email protected]
North America Development Bank visits San Diego. North American Development Bank is hosting meetings in San Diego, CA to meet with current and potential stakeholders to discuss the work of the Bank here in the Binational region. Jesse Hereford, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement is meeting with public, private, and philanthropic partners to discuss issues, projects, and opportunities to address environmental projects across the region. NADBank is a binational financial institution established by the Governments of the United States and Mexico to provide financing to support the development and implementation of infrastructure projects, as well as to provide technical and other assistance for projects and actions that preserve, protect, or enhance the environment in order to advance the well-being of the people of the United States and Mexico. The Board of Directors of NADBank includes (United States) Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of State, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, a Border State elected Representative, and a Border Resident. The Mexico based Board leaders include Minister of Hacienda, Minister of Foreign Relations, Minister of the Environment, Border State elected Representative, and a Border Resident. NAD Bank is a long-standing member of BPP. Welcome Jesse Hereford to San Diego.
June 25, 2024
BPP attends Hispanics in Philanthropy annual meeting in Chicago. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey participated in the Hispanics in Philanthropy Conference 2024 Corazón y Poder: Unleashing our Power this past week in Chicago, IL. The three-day event including informative sessions related to migration, health and wellness, environment, community development and more. It was great to see members and partners in action, says Carey. The annual event brings together funders from across the Americas to a single location to foster relations, strengthen partnerships, and create synergies in philanthropy he added. The BPP member network was there in force with representation from BPP, San Diego Foundation, International Community Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Latino Community Foundation. The HIP team really knocked it out of the park pushing funders to get closer to issues impacting the Hispanic and Latino community. Additionally, the White House Office on Hispanic Initiatives was also present to talk community engagement and collaboration. The HIP 2025 conference will be held in Albuquerque, NM next June.
BPP supports July 4 celebration in Mexico. This past week the U.S. Consulate General in Tijuana celebrated the annual binational Independence Day celebration in Tijuana. "The BPP was excited to support this important community event and to support the donors and sponsors that made the evening possible. The event was a resounding success," says BPP Board Chair Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta. "It is always a great experience to celebrate our binational community at the Independence Day event. It brings together our business, academic, government, and community leaders and partners to celebrate the U.S.-Mexico relationship and our freedom and democracy," added Acosta. This was the final July 4 celebration for Consul General Thomas Reott as his three-year term is coming to a close. Thank you, Consul General Reott, for your friendship and tireless efforts to support U.S.-Mexico relations in the Cali-Baja.
June 13, 2024
BPP participates in Funder call in response to Biden Administration Executive Order. Funder groups from across the USA participated in an information gathering virtual meeting last week in response to the Biden Administration’s latest Executive Order related to asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico Border. There is great concern in the funder community related to vulnerable populations gaining access to the USA asylum system, and significant cause for concern on the impact this will have on the Northern Border of Mexico, says BPP Director Andy Carey. There are extraordinary groups on both sides of the Border responding to the needs of the people, but the costs to maintain the shelters and respond to the large number of individuals is daunting. More financial support is needed for legal services, direct operating support, as well as basic human needs to enable these frontline organizations to do their work. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP hosts Puente News Collaborative in San Diego. This week BPP was pleased to host award winning journalist Alfredo Corchado, Executive Editor and Correspondent for Puente News Collaborative, a project of the El Paso Community Foundation. This new venture launched just a few short months ago and is designed to recapture the narrative of the U.S.-Mexico Border region from Brownsville, TX and Matamoros, Tamaulipas all the way to San Diego, CA and Tijuana, Baja California working in collaboration with news partners along and across the entire region. Corchado aims to remove the controversy, chaos, and concern that mistakenly highlights much of the news about the Borderlands and highlight the day to day stories that truly impact the families, communities, and businesses that reside here. Alfredo Corchado Is formerly the Mexico Border correspondent for The Dallas Morning News and author of Midnight in Mexico: A Reporter’s Journey Through a Country’s Descent into Darkness (Penguin Press) and Homelands: Four Friends, Two Countries, and the Fate of the Great Mexican-American Migration (Bloomsbury). Corchado was born in Durango, Mexico, he was raised in California and Texas. He worked the fields of California’s San Joaquin Valley alongside his parents, who were members of the United Farm Workers union led by Cesar Chavez. Corchado began his career in journalism at the El Paso Herald-Post, before working for the Wall Street Journal in 1987. He is a 2009 Nieman Fellow at Harvard, Woodrow Wilson, Rockefeller, Lannan, USMEX, and IOP fellow, and the winner of the Maria Moors Cabot Prize and Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award for Courage in Journalism. Contact Alfredo Corchado.
BPP supports Mexico Pavillion at BIO 2024. For the third year in a row, the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership supported Mexico in participating at the annual BIO International Convention to showcase the growing role and participation of Mexico in the Biotechnology sector. The annual conference is held each year in the United States with participation from countries across the globe. Scientists, academics, entrepreneurs, business and government leaders gather to showcase the latest developments in the sector. The BPP provides fiscal sponsor services to the participating organizations to ensure the full participation of leading universities, businesses, and scientists at this global event. "We are very grateful to our friends and partners at the Border Philanthropy Partnership for their incredible support," says Ambassador Alicia Kerber, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego. "They are key to the participation of Mexico in this event."
May 29, 2024
BPP leaders and members welcome Cuauhtemoc to San Diego. The Mexican Naval training tall ship, Cuauhtemoc, made an historic visit to the Port of San Diego in a display of International diplomacy last week. The ship is used to both train future naval officers and crew as well as to strengthen International ties between Mexico and the globe. It was exciting to meet Commander Victor Hugo Molina Perez and his crew of more than 220 sailors, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. The crew made all the visitors to Cuauhtemoc feel at home in true Mexican hospitality style, he added. Duiring their visit to San Diego, more than 29,000 visitors took advantage of the public tours to see first hand the ship built in 1982, and to meet the crew and learn about their 7 month voyage that will take them from Mexico to the United States with stops in San Diego and Honolulu, and then off to Japan, South Korea, China, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, and Tahiti before returning to home port of Acapulco. BPP donors and partners assisted with social activities aboard the vessel.
Fiscal sponsor program supports education, arts and culture, and public policy advocacy in May. BPP’s fiscal sponsor program was in full force during the month of May as donors and partners joined forces to spread education, arts and culture, and public policy advocacy initiatives between the U.S. and Mexico. We are so pleased to support the generosity of both U.S. and Mexican donors to support cultural ties between our countries, says Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta, BPP Board Chair. Together our organization is opening doors and pathways to stronger bonds between families and communities. In just the past few weeks, we have channeled more than US$266,000 to support education, arts and culture, and public policy advocacy in our region, continued Acosta. We look forward to supporting more philanthropic initiatives that are in the pipeline for education, environment, child services, public health, and more. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP leaders participate in official welcome of Mexican Consul General to Los Angeles. The Cordoba Corporation, based in Santa Ana, CA sponsored a welcome reception in Los Angeles, CA to officially welcome Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, Consul General of Mexico in Los Angeles to his new post. The Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles is the largest diplomatic outpost of the Mexican government anywhere in the world. Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez was initially assigned nearly 35 years ago to the Consulate in Los Angeles as Consul for Community Affairs. In addition to his new post in Los Angeles, the Ambassador has served in Washington, D.C., Mexico City, Austin, TX, Sacramento, CA, San Diego, CA. Congratulations Ambassador Gonzalez. BPP member representatives present included Polidore, San Diego-Tijuana World Design Capital, Smart Border Coalition, and Sempra Energy.
BPP supports Border Health Commission for continuing education. BPP Executive Director recently presented to the continuing education program of the Mexico Section of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission meeting held in Baja California. The delegation of nearly 30 individuals is participating in a certificate program on public health in collaboration with the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, University of Arizona, San Diego County Government, and the Border Health Commission. The program supports continuing education in infectious disease, public health, leadership development, and resource development strategies. BPP expresses its appreciation to Dr. Gudelia Rangel for the invitation to participate in the certificate program. BPP has supported the Border Health C
May 15, 2024
Find grants to fund your nonprofit with Foundation Directory Online by Candid. As a BPP member, you have exclusive access and coaching to explore new funding opportunities. Candid’s Foundation Directory gives you access to the information you need to be smart and strategic with your funding requests. The tools available on Foundation Directory allow you to tap funding opportunities beyond open Requests for Proposals (RFPS) that make up less than 1% of total foundation funding. 90% of U.S. foundations do not have websites, the insights you need to find funders will not be discovered via standard search engines. Digging deeper is critical to your fundraising success. If you are a BPP member, request access to FDO today. Not a member? Join BPP.
BPP congratulates María Laura Muñoz on 14th anniversary. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership Board of Directors and staff extend our congratulations to María Laura Muñoz on her 14th anniversary with our organization. "María Laura is an integral member of our staff leadership", says BPP Board Chair Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta. "We are so proud of her contributions to our staff team and her tireless efforts to support our growing member network." María Laura oversees BPP communications, and our education and training programs. "We are fortunate to have Malaura on our team," says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. "She is a Borderlander that studied at University of Texas El Paso and has led a distinguished career in philanthropy in Mexico leading at multiple institutions and organizations." Thank you Malaura for your wonderful contributions to our team. ¡Muchas felicidades! ¡Enhorabuena!
April 24, 2024
BPP fiscal sponsor program grows in Borderlands to over US$13 million. Last week the BPP Board of Directors met for the second quarter meeting for the 2024 administrative year. The Board reviewed and approved five fiscal sponsor relationships that are expected to generate significant support for academia, public policy advocacy, child services, the LGBTQ community, and binational relations. “This brings the number of fiscal sponsor relations to 140 groups in the BPP network”, says Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta, Board Chair. “We are excited to support our members grow their programs, and we are honored by their confidence in making us their partner,” continued Acosta. According to BPP Director Andy Carey, 38% of the member network engages this important member service. To date, more than US$13 million has been channeled to support causes on both sides of the Border. What is most exciting is the giving is nearly 50/50. Acosta says that just as much money comes into the United States from Mexico, as the United States sends back into Mexico. Generosity knows no Borders.
Border Briefs to debut this May. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is proud to publish the Border Briefs in the coming weeks. “The Border Briefs are an important contribution to the International narrative about the U.S.-Mexico Border region,” says BPP Board Member and Treasurer, Louis R. Escareño. “These publications will showcase the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands in a powerful and compelling way, and we are excited to help provide important information and resources to both countries to better inform policymakers on key issues impacting our region,” he says. The Border Briefs cover general Border dynamics, education, environment, migration, public health, and philanthropy. We are excited to share the Briefs and the Executive Summaries in both English and Spanish, and look forward to disseminating them across the U.S. and Mexico. We are grateful to Dr. Paul Ganster for his wonderful support in completing the research and analysis, and to our staff team for completing the project. For more information contact [email protected]
BPP hosts Texas students to learn about migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. The 7th, 8th, and 9th graders from St. Catherine’s Montessori School in Houston, TX visited San Diego, CA this past week to learn first-hand about the challenges facing migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border. The delegation of students and teachers numbered 38, but the interest, enthusiasm, and empathy demonstrated was even greater, says BPP Director Andy Carey. This was a repeat school delegation from Houston, TX to visit BPP and once again we were amazed at the generosity of spirit of the students to address the challenges facing migrants entering the United States. The students demonstrated incredible knowledge of global affairs, and also possessed a keen sense of humanitarian duty to assist the most vulnerable amongst us.
April 10, 2024
Fiscal sponsor program grows in support of Borderlands and the Americas. The Border Philanthropy Partnership fiscal sponsor program for members continues to grow in scope, service, and territory. As of today, 140 member groups are actively participating in the program says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. This represents 35% of the member network. We are elated to support our network’s generosity and engagement. Carey also shared that the program has extended in select cases beyond the Borderlands to help Borderlands groups extend their reach. The program now supports efforts in the U.S.A., Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Brazil. And for the first time, we are proudly and actively supporting the LGBTQ community in the Americas, he says. Over US$13 million has been granted to groups in support of child services, education, environment, public health, and public policy advocacy. For more information on this member service, contact [email protected]
March 20, 2024
International Boundary and Water Commission hosts Border leaders to discuss projects, funding, and priorities. The U.S. and Mexico Sections of the International Water and Boundary Commission hosted a binational meeting this week in Tijuana, Baja California with leaders from along and across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands to discuss water issues between the two countries. Civil society leaders were invited to attend to address community water priorities, collaborative opportunities, and funding issues to address water issues in the region. Participants included U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials, SEMARNAT, State of Baja California officials, North American Development Bank, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, San Diego Regional Policy and Innovation Center, and San Diego Foundation officials. "It was a pleasure to join Commissioners Maria Elena Giner and Adriana Resendez at this meeting", said BPP Director Andy Carey. "Together we are working on collaborative solutions to many of the ongoing challenges facing our region." This meeting was important to finalize working proposals to seek additional funding support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other funding agencies.
March 8, 2024
BPP honors the International Women’s Day.In this edition of the bimonthly newsletter, we want to recognize the invaluable contributions of our leaders’ service to philanthropy in the Borderlands. Since 2008, 15 leaders from across the Borderlands have served with distinction on our Board of Directors, and 4 have gone on to serve as Chair. Together we have galvanized programs, services, and charitable giving to support arts and culture, child services, education, environment, migration, and public health initiatives in the Binational region. On behalf of many, we thank Karen Yarza Sieber, María Antonieta Beguerisse, Ana Maria de la Garza, Cheryl Alethia Phelps, Carla Roberts, Judy Gresser, Sara Topelson, Elizabeth Sames, Ana Maria de la Rosa y Carpizo, Dolores Roybal, Elisa de la Vara, Laura Speer, Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Denise Herrera, Karina Jimenez Lewis, Anabella Díaz Rivera R. Bours, and Hannah Russell. Additionally, we thank our incredible staff team for their tireless efforts, compassion, and engagement to support our member network with dynamic programs and services. Thank you, Maria Laura Muñoz, Celith Bañuelos, Christine Baker, Cecilia Guzman, Berta Garcia, and Amanda Schultz Brochu.
BPP makes news publications in Texas for Border Tours. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy recently traveled to South Texas to support Border tours and to engage with key stakeholders. Along the way, San Antonio Express News’ Elaine Ayala met up with BPP Executive Director to talk diplomacy, immigration, and our work at the Border. Check out the story here. Additionally, La Prensa Texas also picked up on the news and did a feature story you can read here. Thank you Yvette Tello from La Prensa Texas, Elaine Ayala from San Antonio Express News, and BPP Treasurer Louis R. Escareño for making these stories public.
Universidad Xochicalco, Border Health Commission and BPP join forces to support Ventanilla de Salud. The Xochicalco University in Tijuana, Baja California is a private and nonprofit institution in Mexico with three campus in Ensenada, Tijuana, and Mexicali with over 46 years of experience in higher education. Students from Xochicalco will be working weekly at the Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego assisting Mexican nationals with their primary healthcare needs. This is an exciting program says, Cecilia Guzman, Coordinator for the Ventanilla de Salud program. This allows medical students to complete their professional experience required for graduation, and helps the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, the Ventanilla de Salud program, and BPP reach more individuals each day. We extend our deep appreciation to Dr. Gudelia Rangel, Chief of the Mexico Section, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission for securing this important support. For more information contact Cecilia Guzman.
February 22, 2024
Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta elected Board Chair during 2024 annual meeting. During last Friday’s annual meeting, Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta, was elected Chairman of the Board for the 2024-2026 term. Lalo is Vice President of RL Jones Customhouse Brokers, and a partner for over 20 years. RL Jones Customhouse Brokers has 9 locations along and across the U.S.-Mexico Border and Los Angeles, CA. Acosta is very involved in the binational region and serves on many boards of directors including Chair of International Business Affairs at the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce, Index, Chair of Pacific Coast Council of National Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association of America, and Smart Border Coalition. Lalo is a Borderlander, raised in Nogales, AZ and attended University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. Lalo and his wife Anny Nenninger (Cd. Obregón, Sonora) have been married for 30 years and have three children (Eduardo, Anna Lucia, and María Ines). “BPP is an important organization serving the binational region, says Acosta, and I look forward to working with members, partners, donors, fellow board members and our staff team to grow philanthropy between the U.S. and Mexico”. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey remarked, “we are excited to have Lalo lead our Board and continue the strong partnership with RL Jones Customhouse Brokers, and our Chair Emeritus, Russ Jones.” The Board also elected Guillermo Garza, (Arca Continental) Vice Chair; Louis R. Escareño, (Attorney at law) Treasurer; and JC Thomas, (City of San Diego) Secretary.
New Board members join BPP Board of Directors. BPP officially welcomed several new board leaders to a three-year term including Karina Jimenez Lewis (Associate Director Policy Reform and Advocacy, Annie E. Casey Foundation) Anabella Díaz Rivera R. Bours (Board Member, Fundación Tichi Muñoz), José Roble Flores (Board Member Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor), and Hannah Russell (Bush School Fellow, Texas A&M University). We are very excited to have these new leaders join the Board, says Lalo Acosta. This is an exciting opportunity to continue to grow our relationship with these important organizations, but also to bring new ideas, interest, and enthusiasm to our work in the Borderlands. Karina, Anabella, and José all represent long-standing partners in our Board, and we are delighted to benefit from their leadership. And Hannah is a talented and engaged graduate student at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, and we are excited to have this new opportunity for service, says Acosta. The Board also expressed appreciation to departing Board members Laura Speer (Annie E. Casey Foundation) for her 7 years of service; Juan Guadalupe Marcos Giacoman (Fundación para la Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor) for 3 years of service; and Enrique Díaz Rivera R. Bours was recognized for his 11 years of service and named Emeritus member. The Board also thanked Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres for her extraordinary leadership as Chair during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for her efforts to foster significant membership growth and program expansion. Rosa continues her service as Immediate Past Chair for two years.
Board approves 2024 annual plan – Border Briefs to lead BPP programming in 2024. The BPP Board approved the 2024 annual plan and budget that encourages robust education and training support to the membership, as well as support resource development in collaboration with Candid. The Border Briefs, authored by Paul Ganster, Ph.D., are expected to lead programmatic efforts during 2024 with public presentations along and across the region on General U.S.-Mexico Border information, Environment, Education, Public Health, Immigration, and Philanthropy. For more information, please contact [email protected]
February 7, 2024
British Diplomats visit Borderlands. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership was honored to assist the British government in a recent visit to Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. The delegation included Deputy Chief of Mission at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. the Honorable James Roscoe, British Ambassador to Mexico the Hon. Jon Benjamin, and British Consul General in Houston Richard Hyde. During the two-day visit, the representatives visited with the Mayor Victor Treviño of Laredo, Texas, Mayor Carmen Lilia Canturosas of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Consul General of Mexico in Laredo Ambassador sJuan Carlos Mendoza, Consul General of the United States in Nuevo Laredo Erika Zielke, Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Laredo, His Excellency Bishop James Tamayo, President of Texas A&M International University Dr. Pablo Arenaz, IBC Bank Executive Vice President Gerald Schwebel, Pastor of Christ Church Episcopal Reverand Paul Frey, Laredo Area Community Foundation Board Chair Christina Cerda, Arca Continental Coca Cola Southwest Beverages leaders Ada Ortega and Hugo Audiffred, and BPP leaders Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta of RL Jones Customhouse Brokers, Louis R. Escareño Attorney at Law. BPP staff included Executive Director Andy Carey and Mexico Representative Maria Laura Muñoz. In addition to the visits with public and private officials, the BPP hosted a dinner for 80 community leaders from both sides of the Border to engage a dialogue with the visiting delegation related to trade, commerce, trilateral relations, and the issue of migration. The delegation shared insights on the British government post Brexit, as well as thoughts on dealing with the challenges related to global migration. Deputy Chief Roscoe commented that he wanted to see for himself what was going on at the U.S.-Mexico Border. In discussions with Washington, D.C. based policy makers, “many complain about the Border, but have never visited, so I decided to see for myself.” The delegation also completed a tour of the Laredo Port of Entry and engaged discussions with the Department of Homeland Security. The last visit was to Catholic Charities and their migrant shelter in Laredo. The visit was very informative, says Ambassador Benjamin. During our visit we were able to meet individuals from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and Haiti.” The shelter is operated by Catholic Charities and handles more than 150 individuals each day. On this day, we met with more than 100 individuals, says BPP’s Andy Carey, but at least another 200 arrived during our visit. This is a humanitarian crisis that must be addressed in a humane way, says Carey. These people are just looking for a dignified life with clothes on their back, a roof over their head, and food on a plate.” The visit was possible due to the generous support of Arca Continental Coca Cola Southwest Beverages, IBC Bank, Hank and Elizabeth Sames, Louis R. Escareño, and Texas A&M International University.
BPP Members gain access to Candid’s Foundation Directory. For a second year in a row, BPP member can access the Candid’s Foundation Directory as part of your BPP membership. As you begin your work in 2024, don’t forget to leverage this important tool to support your resource development team, says Maria Laura Muñoz at BPP offices. This service enables our member organizations to have the latest information on grant opportunities says Muñoz. Members may reach out to us to gain the access. It has been an integral part of our membership services program, coupled with access to the Candid training programs that will get started in the next several weeks. We anticipate another robust response to the virtual trainings again this year. Each session will be delivered in both English and Spanish, and are recorded in case the members miss the session. We are excited to be working with Candid again this year, says Andy Carey. The turnout for the trainings and the positive response to Candid’s Foundation Directory has really helped us solidify our membership program. Contact Ma. Laura Muñoz.
January 17, 2024
BPP to host British Ambassador to Mexico Jon Benjamin in Borderlands. The British Ambassador to Mexico, the Honorable Jon Benjamin will complete his first-ever official visit to the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. The Ambassador will meet with public and private officials as well as leaders from the business and corporate community in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas and Laredo, Texas January 24-25, 2024. BPP is organizing meetings with the Mayors, Consuls General, leaders of the Chambers of Commerce, as well as business and civil society leaders from both sides of the Laredo – Nuevo Laredo Border. The visit is a chance for the Ambassador and his delegation to learn about the dynamic trade and commercial relationship at U.S.-Mexico Border as well as the issues and challenges related to migration. The Ambassador will visit with the Department of Homeland Security and tour the Laredo Port of Entry as well as visit migrant shelters. BPP will host a dinner and reception for the Ambassador where he will meet with local leaders and officials from both sides of the Border. BPP wishes to thank Arca Continental Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages, IBC Bank, Hank and Elizabeth Sames, Louis R. Escareño. Esq., and Texas A&M International University for their sponsorship support of the event. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP Board of Directors to hold annual meeting February 16, 2024, in San Diego, CA. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership will complete its annual meeting Friday, February 16, 2024, in San Diego. The meeting is normally held in January but was postponed allowing the Board and Staff team to receive the British Ambassador to Mexico in Laredo, TX. The BPP Board will elect Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta, RL Jones Customhouse Brokers as Chair. BPP will also welcome four new directors who will serve for a three-year term. The new directors include Karina Jimenez Lewis, Associate Director of Policy Reform and Advocacy at the Annie E. Casey Foundation; Anabella Díaz Rivera R. Bours, Board Member Fundación Tichi Muñoz; Juan Roble Flores, Board Member of the Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor; and Hannah Russell, graduate student at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. For more information contact Andy Carey.
December 21, 2023
Consul General recognizes BPP, Ventanilla de Salud for work during 2023. This Monday, Ambassador Carlos González Gutiérrez, Consul General of México in San Diego, recognized the achievements of the U.S. – Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and the Ventanilla de Salud program at the Consulate at an event to celebrate the achievements during Binational Health Week 2023 (BHW) in San Diego. During BNH, Supervisor Nora Vargas issued a Proclamation to honor Binational Health Week; we hosted a historical meeting between Health Secretaries Dr. Jorge Alcocer (Mexico) and Javier Becerra (EE.UU.); we provided close to 4,000 flu and Covid-19 vaccines; conducted numerous health events and fairs; and offered 6 workshops for parents, training 850 families to reinforce their children's education and health. We thank our sponsors and partner agencies for their support.
December 6, 2023
Strong donor relationships are critical to fundraising success at all stages of the development cycle. That’s a fact! Explore eight steps successful fundraisers take to reach and surpass their goals. These steps present proven techniques for connecting with donors, effectively communicating your cause, and cultivating long-term relationships.
Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
- Explain how selling your cause is a part of fundraising in the social sector
- Make the case for the value of donor relationships for fundraising success
- Assess your circles of influence to identify prospective new donors
- Draft a plan to improve relationships with your existing donors
Delivered in English with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish.
BPP Director to speak at Arizona Community Foundation convening.
The Arizona Community Foundation is hosting the third annual Border Philanthropy Convening this Thursday, December 7, 2023 at the Santa Cruz County Fair & Rodeo Association in Sonoita, AZ. The day-long event features speakers from California, Arizona, and Sonora. This in-person event will bring together nonprofit organizations, philanthropists, and community leaders to exchange knowledge gained from Frontera work. The Arizona Community Foundation is thrilled to host representatives from three organizations fostering binational collaboration across the US-Mexico Border, says Adam Lopez Falk. They'll share initiatives supporting binational work and future plans for Arizona-Mexico communities. One of the most enriching aspects of past convenings has been the time to hear from nonprofit partners and share successful strategies for some of the work already being done—ample time will be provided this year to do just that. This convening aims to improve future philanthropy, communication, and awareness of needs in our communities and the binational region. To register click here.
The Arizona Community Foundation is hosting the third annual Border Philanthropy Convening this Thursday, December 7, 2023 at the Santa Cruz County Fair & Rodeo Association in Sonoita, AZ. The day-long event features speakers from California, Arizona, and Sonora. This in-person event will bring together nonprofit organizations, philanthropists, and community leaders to exchange knowledge gained from Frontera work. The Arizona Community Foundation is thrilled to host representatives from three organizations fostering binational collaboration across the US-Mexico Border, says Adam Lopez Falk. They'll share initiatives supporting binational work and future plans for Arizona-Mexico communities. One of the most enriching aspects of past convenings has been the time to hear from nonprofit partners and share successful strategies for some of the work already being done—ample time will be provided this year to do just that. This convening aims to improve future philanthropy, communication, and awareness of needs in our communities and the binational region. To register click here.
Year-end giving spurs generosity for fiscal sponsor program. Since 2013, BPP has offered fiscal sponsor services to the member network. The program continues to grow and now 37% of the BPP member network is participating. To date more than US$12 million has been received in support of child services, education, environment, health and wellness, and public policy advocacy. It is exciting to see generosity in action, says BPP Board Chair Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres. We are excited to match donor interest with real needs on both sides of the Border, says Montaño Fimbres. Each relationship is reviewed by the Board of Directors, and we are so excited to engage binational donors in this way, says BPP Director Andy Carey. Carey shares that the resources are split rather evenly between the U.S. and Mexico. This program is successful because it is truly binational. Mexicans are helping Americans, and Americans are helping Mexicans. For more information, contact [email protected]
Bush School of Government and Public Service Fellow at Texas A&M University to join BPP Board. The BPP Board of Directors has approved the addition of a Graduate Student Fellow to join the BPP Board of Directors beginning in 2024. The Bush School of Government and Public Service is a long-standing member of BPP and approached BPP about placing Fellows in the BPP network. We are excited to participate in this leadership development opportunity in support of the Borderlands says Denise Herrera, BPP Board member and liaison to the Fellow program. This is a dynamic opportunity for students choosing public service to engage in real world experiences in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, and this opportunity will help the Bush School, BPP, and most importantly the individual fellow says Herrera. We are excited to welcome Hannah Russell to the Board of Directors as a nonvoting member for one year. Hannah Russell is a graduate student in Public Service and Administration at the Bush School. Hannah completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology and International Studies, also at Texas A&M University. In 2018, Hannah also completed a study abroad program at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. Welcome Hannah to the Border Philanthropy Partnership and best wishes to you in this fellowship.
November 15, 2023
Arizona Community Foundation, Fundación Tichi Muñoz, and BPP support binational philanthropy. The Arizona Community Foundation, Fundación Tichi Muñoz, and U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership have launched an innovative partnership to support binational philanthropy between Arizona and Sonora. The two Borderlands grantmaking foundations are coinvesting on support for nonprofit organizations in the region with BPP as a supporting fiscal sponsor partner. Arizona Community Foundation has embarked on a series of historic investments in the Borderlands supporting projects and organizations across the Arizona – Sonora region, says Adam Lopez Falk, Community Program Officer at Arizona Community Foundation, and with the assistance of Enrique Díaz Rivera from Fundación Tichi Muñoz, and BPP’s Andy Carey, we’ve been able to create a strong partnership for philanthropy, says Lopez Falk. This is an exciting time for philanthropy and binational collaboration, says Enrique Díaz Rivera, Board member of Fundación Tichi Muñoz. For more information contact [email protected].
We all want to grow our individual donor base, but where to start?! If you’re interested in learning how to find new individual donors, then join us as we will provide practical strategies for researching prospects who share a passion for your organization’s mission. You will learn techniques for connecting with prospects and keys to managing valuable donor information that will help you make data-driven decisions when locating donors who want to fund your cause. You’ll walk away with inspiration, confidence, and the next steps that you can immediately apply to your fundraising.
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Leverage your network to identify potential qualified donors.
- Plan to approach U.S. generation(s) likely to be interested in your cause.
- Describe how you can use email, social media, and direct mail to connect with donors likely to be interested in your cause.
- Collect potential donors’ information at an event and assess which leads are best.
- Justify the use of technology to manage prospect information.
- Prioritize next steps for connecting with potential donors.
El Paso Community Foundation launches Endowment fund for Border Philanthropy Partnership. The El Paso Community Foundation President and CEO, Eric Pearson, visited with the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership Board of Directors last week to announce that El Paso Community Foundation has launched an endowment fund in support of Border Philanthropy Partnership. "BPP is an important partner and organization in the Borderlands," said Pearson, "and we determined that we wanted to be a part of your long-term success", continued Pearson. This gift is intended to ensure that BPP has the tools and resources at its disposal to ensure their long-time presence in our region. The El Paso Community Foundation started this conversation with us while BPP Director Andy Carey was in El Paso. In a meeting between the organizations, it was discovered that BPP is in its 15th year and needed to start an endowment fund. The El Paso Community Foundation decided they wanted to help get that started. "This is a wonderful show of support for philanthropy, the Borderlands, and BPP," says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, BPP Board Chair. "We are honored by this opportunity to work on the long-term funding of our work in support of families and communities in the U.S.-Mexico Border region, and we greatly appreciate the generous gift from the El Paso Community Foundation," says Andy Carey.
November 2, 2023
US EPA Administrator Michael Regan thanks BPP Director for service. This week U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan publicly thanked BPP Executive Director Andy Carey for his service to the National Advisory Committee. Carey served from November 2016 to November 2023, and during the Biden Administration, was appointed Chair. Carey was nominated in 2016 by Maria Elena Giner, then General Manager of the Border Environmental Cooperation Commission (now part of North American Development Bank). As a member of the National Advisory Committee, Carey represented philanthropy in the Borderlands in his advice and counsel to the Committee and the E.P.A. Administrator in office. Carey served three U.S. administrations including Obama, Trump, and Biden. In his letter, Administrator Regan remarked, “you should take great pride in knowing the nation's air and water is cleaner, in part, because of your achievements. Indeed, committee members play vital roles in advancing environmental policies that will result in a sustainable future for North America.”
More than 200 nonprofit leaders participate in BPP webinar. This week, more than 200 BPP members and stakeholders from both sides of the border participated in our webinar “Measuring and Sharing Your Impact to Attract Funders”, delivered by David Holmes and Lori Guidry from Candid. This hands-on session allowed participants to identify outcomes for their own programs and create their own logic model. Participants also learned to describe outcome thinking and how it differs from other approaches to program planning and management, apply an outcome mindset to their organization’s programs, projects, and grants; and create a logic model as the outcome framework for program management, grant proposals, and stakeholder communications. Download the session materials and view the webinar recording here. Register for the upcoming webinar in our series: Practical Strategies for finding new donors, on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 10:00 am PST.
October 18, 2023
Businessman and philanthropist Louis Escareño participates in Connect Humanity webinar. Discussion held on Connect Humanity’s plans to build a $10 million fund to help finance the digitalization of small businesses in the Texas border region. A recent webinar hosted by Connect Humanity was titled, ““Digital Equity in South Texas: Paths Forward.” The webinar was held to provide more information about Connect Humanity’s plans to build a $10 million fund to help finance the digitalization of small businesses in the Texas border region. The webinar was hosted by Jordana Barton-Garcia, a senior fellow at Connect Humanity. The webinar included entrepreneurs and local leaders that discussed the importance of investments in digital infrastructure, broadband affordability, and skills — and how this can act as a catalyst to help... (read more)

Funders increasingly want to invest in a nonprofit’s impact, not activities. In this workshop, learn to shift your nonprofit organization's focus and communication tactics from activities to outcomes. We will discuss and learn how nonprofit organizations can develop frameworks for tracking the outcomes and impact of their work, and how to successfully articulate that to funders. This will be a hands-on session and participants will have the opportunity to identify outcomes for their own project or program, and will create their own logic model. Delivered by expert from Candid.
Upon completion of this workshop you should be able to:
Upon completion of this workshop you should be able to:
- Describe outcomes thinking and how it differs from other approaches to program planning and management.
- Apply an outcome mindset to your organization’s programs, projects, and grants.
- Create a logic model as the outcome framework for program management, grant proposals, and stakeholder communications.
October 31, 12:00 -3:00 PST
New Mexico based funders and donors continue to address humanitarian crisis in Borderlands thru HEAL Fund. Since early 2021, funders and donors supporting programs and initiatives in the State of New Mexico have collaborated to raise critical human and financial resources to address the on-going humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico Border. The HEAL Fund (the Healthy Entry for Asylee Lives) is supported by a lead gift from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and with additional support from New Mexico Foundation, Thornburg Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, McCune Charitable Foundation, Con Alma Health Foundation, Hispanics in Philanthropy, and multiple individual donors, where nearly US$1.6 million in grants and donations have been deployed to date to support more than 13 organizations providing direct and immediate relief to migrants and asylum seekers at the Border from more than 22 countries. These organizations supported include but are not limited to transportation, shelter, meals, clothing, legal aid, translation services, public policy advocacy, and family reunification efforts. The HEAL Fund continues to seek support as well as requests for funding for New Mexico based projects and programs. The HEAL Fund is managed by the New Mexico Foundation and is provided volunteer support by representatives from each of the participating foundations. Leaders from New Mexico Foundation, Thornburg Foundation, Hispanics in Philanthropy, and U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership review funding proposals for consideration. The local nonprofit agencies awarded funding to provide immediate support include Santa Fe Dreamers, El Calvario United Methodist Church, Las Cumbres Community Services, New Mexico Immigrant Law Center, American Red Cross, Lutheran Family Services, Centro Savila, Colores United, Reading Quest, United Voices for Newcomer Rights, and Albuquerque Asylum Seekers Welcome/St. Therese. For more information about the HEAL Fund, contact [email protected].
October 4, 2023
U.S. and Mexican Health Leaders visit Borderlands, Inaugurate XXIII Annual Binational Border Health Week.
Dr. Jorge Carlos Alcocer Varela, Minister of Public Health in Mexico, and Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services in the United States visited San Diego, CA this week to discuss binational health issues including the growing challenge of fentanyl abuse. The two health officials and their delegations are collaborating on developing effective joint responses to address the growing challenge impacting both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. In addition to their high-level meeting, both leaders participated in the official launch of the XXIII Annual Binational Border Health Week here in San Diego where the Ventanilla de Salud program at the Mexican Consular network officially launched 20 years ago. “It was an historic moment, says BPP Director Andy Carey, to have both Secretaries of Health of our two nations together to address this growing problem, as well as to meet and address local stakeholders from both sides of the Border was simply inspiring. Both Secretaries have agreed to do more to address the health challenges facing vulnerable communities, and both indicated more needs to be done to address mental health challenges. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is a partner in this work, and has supported the Ventanilla de Salud in San Diego since March 2017, and since 2018 has assisted in resource development support for all Ventanillas de Salud across the U.S.A. Most recently BPP secured resources to support the vaccination of more than700,000 Mexican nationals residing in the United States, completed more than 17,000 COVID test at the Cross-Border Express terminal, as well as distributed COVID-19 test kits in recent weeks to more than 16,000 individuals in cities across the nation. During the event, the Consul General of Mexico, Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, and BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, publicly thanked the tremendous financial support of our community partners, especially to San Diego Foundation and their President and C.E.O. Mark Stuart, Alliance Healthcare Foundation their Executive Director Sarah Lyman, and Wells Fargo and their VP for Community Development Antonio Barbosa.
Dr. Jorge Carlos Alcocer Varela, Minister of Public Health in Mexico, and Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services in the United States visited San Diego, CA this week to discuss binational health issues including the growing challenge of fentanyl abuse. The two health officials and their delegations are collaborating on developing effective joint responses to address the growing challenge impacting both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. In addition to their high-level meeting, both leaders participated in the official launch of the XXIII Annual Binational Border Health Week here in San Diego where the Ventanilla de Salud program at the Mexican Consular network officially launched 20 years ago. “It was an historic moment, says BPP Director Andy Carey, to have both Secretaries of Health of our two nations together to address this growing problem, as well as to meet and address local stakeholders from both sides of the Border was simply inspiring. Both Secretaries have agreed to do more to address the health challenges facing vulnerable communities, and both indicated more needs to be done to address mental health challenges. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is a partner in this work, and has supported the Ventanilla de Salud in San Diego since March 2017, and since 2018 has assisted in resource development support for all Ventanillas de Salud across the U.S.A. Most recently BPP secured resources to support the vaccination of more than700,000 Mexican nationals residing in the United States, completed more than 17,000 COVID test at the Cross-Border Express terminal, as well as distributed COVID-19 test kits in recent weeks to more than 16,000 individuals in cities across the nation. During the event, the Consul General of Mexico, Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, and BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, publicly thanked the tremendous financial support of our community partners, especially to San Diego Foundation and their President and C.E.O. Mark Stuart, Alliance Healthcare Foundation their Executive Director Sarah Lyman, and Wells Fargo and their VP for Community Development Antonio Barbosa.
San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chair Nora Vargas recognizes Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, Ventanilla de Salud and BPP. This week, Chair Nora Vargas, San Diego County Board of Supervisors, and long-time supporter of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership presented an official proclamation recognizing the incredible work of the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, the Ventanilla de Salud, and BPP in recognition of the XXIII Annual Binational Border Health Week, and the XX Anniversary of the Ventanilla de Salud program. “As a long-time supporter and advocate of public health, I am very pleased to recognize this wonderful effort,” said Chair Vargas, “access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right of our community, and these organizations are working tirelessly to support our community,” she added. Border Philanthropy Partnership has served as fiscal sponsor of the Ventanilla de Salud since March 2017. Since that time, the number of people served has grown significantly. At that time, the number of people served monthly was approximately 1,200 individuals. Today, we are serving over 3,000 individuals, and the partner network has increased from the original 20 to more than 84 from both sides of the Border. “We are so proud of our colleague, Cecilia Guzman, Coordinator of the Ventanilla de Salud,” says BPP Director Andy Carey. “Cecy has brought passion, empathy, commitment, and team-building skills to this position. It is truly a labor of love,” adds Carey, “and to see Cecy lead the two health Secretaries through the health fair as part of the launch of Binational Border Health Week is simply amazing. All the partners were able to highlight their role, responsibility, and the services offered to the local community.”
September 20, 2023
BPP Executive Director visits Alaska to promote binational philanthropy. Last week BPP Executive Director Andy Carey visited Alaska to discuss binational philanthropy and fiscal sponsorship opportunities with donors. The visit was funded by supporters of Border Philanthropy Partnership who have great interest in supporting causes on both sides of the Border. To date initiatives supported include education, health, and faith-based initiatives on both sides of the Border. Alaska is a beautiful State, says Andy Carey, but to experience the beauty of Alaska alongside the beauty of binational philanthropy is a magical moment. The visit included stops in Anchorage, Whittier, Prince William Sound, College Fjord, and Cook Inlet.

Fiscal sponsor program supports Mariachi Festival in Tecalitlan and Education initiatives. This week Border Philanthropy Partnership continues to engage fiscal sponsor services in support of significant binational efforts. US based donors are supporting the 2023 Mariachi Festival held in Tecalitlan, Jalisco, Mexico enabling the participation of artists from both the U.S. and Mexico. This is the second year in a row that BPP and US based donors are supporting the annual event. Additionally, Mexico based donors are supporting University scholarships in Texas to enable U.S. citizens of Mexican origin to attend University in Texas. The fiscal sponsor program has been in place since 2013 and has reached nearly US$12 million in total giving. For more information contact [email protected].
Septermber 8, 2023
BPP tours Arca Continental, talks corporate social responsibility in Houston, Texas. U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership leaders and members toured the Houston, TX facility of Arca Continental this week to learn about their corporate social responsibility efforts and to seek ways for additional collaboration. Guillermo Garza Martínez, Chief Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability Officer, and BPP Board member hosted the delegation that included Louis Escareño, BPP Treasurer, Andy Carey, Executive Director, and Salvador Lopez, Chief Environmental Officer, North American Development Bank. The group reviewed the sustainability efforts Arca Continental implements across the five countries where Arca Continental operates including United States, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, and Argentina. Arca Continental is a long-standing supporter and partner of Border Philanthropy Partnership, and we appreciate and value their commitment to the Borderlands, community issues, and their incredible support of the nonprofit sector, says Louis Escareno. Arca represents what corporate social responsibility is all about, added Escareño. Our relationship with Arca started when we launched the capacity building portal says Carey. The Fernandez Family of Cd. Juarez and their Fundación Rosario Campos de Fernández in conjunction with Fundación Tichi Muñoz, and INDESOL provided the funding to create this dynamic portal with more than 400 tools and resources were added to portal to support nonprofit organizations in resource development, governance, volunteer mobilization, legal and fiscal issues, nonprofit basics, and more. To date, more than 600,000 visitors have benefitted from procapacidad. Later this year, Guillermo Garza will be elevated to Vice Chair, BPP Board of Directors.
INTRIVO Diagnostics, Inc. gives 17,000 COVID tests to BPP for use in Ventanillas de Salud. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is pleased to announce that INTRIVO Diagnostics, Inc., a Miami, Florida based healthcare company has presented 17,000 COVID-19 tests for distribution to the public through the Ventanilla de Salud program at Mexican Consulates located in the U.S.A. The Ventanilla programs were all offered the opportunity, and 14 located across the country agreed to participate. Each Health and Wellness program is to receive between 1,000-2,000 test kits. “We are elated to continue to support COVID-19 programming”, says Andy Carey, Executive Director. “Our community was one of the most impacted, and we look forward to supporting this important effort through the end of January 2024.” Intrivo Co-CEO and Co-Founder Ron Gutman added: “One of our core values in On/Go for Good by Intrivo is providing those in need with immediate access to high quality healthcare anytime anywhere. I deeply believe that healthcare is a fundamental human right and our collaboration with and donation to the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership exemplifies our commitment to helping everyone live healthier happier lives and aligns perfectly with our core values.” The in-kind value of the COVID-19 tests exceeds US$140,000.
BPP Executive Director hits 15-year anniversary. This month BPP Executive Director Andy Carey celebrates his 15th anniversary leading the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. Andy arrived at the BPP offices on September 2, 2008, to help convert a program supporting community foundations to a dynamic Border-wide membership organization. “We started with 18 community foundations and today we have over 400 members from along and across the Borderlands,” says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Chair, BPP Board of Directors. “We are so proud of our organization, and greatly appreciate the support and engagement of our member network. Our work is only possible due to their commitment and support,” adds Montaño Fimbres. Since 2008, BPP membership has grown substantially to include academia, business and corporate partners, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and grant-making foundations. Congratulations Andy on this important milestone, and thank you to our members, partners, donors, and stakeholders for all that we’ve accomplished during the first 15 years.
August 23, 2023
BPP Leaders join Ventanilla de Salud annual meeting in Atlanta. This week Cecilia Guzman joins Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores and the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior for the annual meeting of the health and wellness outreach program. This year marks the 20th year that the Mexican government supports diaspora communities with health and wellness. The program is operated at each Mexican Consulate General across the USA and abroad in support of healthy families and communities. BPP provides key support to this important network across the USA, and most recently provided funding support for COVID-19 campaigns that led to 760,000 individuals getting vaccinated. Featured here in the photo is Cecilia Guzman, Coordinator of Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego, and Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego.
BPP delivers leadership training to nonprofit organizations in Paso del Norte region. Today BPP Executive Director is in Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua in support of the REALIZE conference organized by the Fundacion Paso del Norte para la Salud y el Bienestar. The Paso del Norte family foundations are an integral part of the BPP member network, and we are honored to support their program support of the local nonprofit community, says Carey. Carey is presenting effective board meetings and the board partnership with the CEO.
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce invites BPP network to National Conference in Orlando. The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a long-time partner and ally of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and is offering the BPP network a discounted rate to attend the 2023 National Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida September 24-26, 2023. This invitation was extended from Nelson Reyneri Jr., Chairman of the USHCC Board of Directors, Ramiro A. Cavazos, President and CEO, their Board of Directors, and the USHCC Team, to thank you us for our partnership and collaboration as they continue to advocate collectively for Hispanic businesses across the country as the nation’s largest Latino Business Advocacy organization. This is a wonderful networking opportunity for our member network says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, who has attended many previous USHCC events. For more information, and access to the discounted rates, valid until August 25, please contact [email protected]. Only BPP member organizations are eligible for the BPP member network discount.
August 9, 2023
BPP Executive Director invited to train Board members in the Paso del Norte region. This in-person workshop is part of the REALIZE experience by Fundación Paso del Norte and Paso del Norte Health Foundation for nonprofit Board leaders in Juarez, Mexico. The goal of this session is to strengthen board members skills and knowledge to improve their performance in nonprofit organizations by having more effective Board meetings and understanding the role and partnership with the Executive Director. The workshop will take place on August 24, 2023 at the Technology Hub in Ciudad Juarez and includes a box lunch breakfast. Andy Carey, Executive Director of the US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP), will guide participants through practical examples, valuable advice, and proven insights in the field of governance and leadership. Click here for more information.
Fiscal Sponsor program grows to 130 organizations – over US$11.5 million distributed to member organizations. At the most recent meeting of the BPP Board of Directors, 5 BPP member organizations were approved for fiscal sponsor services bringing the total to 130 since we launched the member service in 2013. Since that time more than US$11.5 million have been received and distributed to member organizations in support of their local missions. The financial generosity of Americans and Mexicans is contagious, says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, BPP Board Chair. Since 2013 we are helping organizations and individuals make a difference on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. Generous donors are supporting arts and culture, child services, education, environment, public health, and public policy advocacy initiatives. We are honored by the trust and confidence of our member network, adds Montaño Fimbres. For more information on this effort contact [email protected].
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce invites BPP network to National Conference in Orlando. The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a long-time partner and ally of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and is offering the BPP network a discounted rate to attend the 2023 National Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida September 24-26, 2023. This invitation was extended from Nelson Reyneri Jr., Chairman of the USHCC Board of Directors, Ramiro A. Cavazos, President and CEO, their Board of Directors, and the USHCC Team, to thank you us for our partnership and collaboration as they continue to advocate collectively for Hispanic businesses across the country as the nation’s largest Latino Business Advocacy organization. This is a wonderful networking opportunity for our member network says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, who has attended many previous USHCC events. For more information, and access to the discounted rates, valid untul August 25, please contact [email protected]. Only BPP member organizations are eligible for the BPP member network discount.
Jul 28, 2023
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce invites BPP network to National Conference in Orlando. The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a long-time partner and ally of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and is offering the BPP network a discounted rate to attend the 2023 National Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida September 24-26, 2023. This invitation was extended from Nelson Reyneri Jr., Chairman of the USHCC Board of Directors, Ramiro A. Cavazos, President and CEO, their Board of Directors, and the USHCC Team, to thank you us for our partnership and collaboration as they continue to advocate collectively for Hispanic businesses across the country as the nation’s largest Latino Business Advocacy organization. This is a wonderful networking opportunity for our member network says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, who has attended many previous USHCC events. For more information, and access to the discounted rates, please contact [email protected]. Only BPP member organizations are eligible for the BPP member network discount.
BPP webinar series show a need for increased capacity building efforts in fundraising. Last week, the BPP conducted another training in partnership with Candid to teach nonprofit organization leaders about proposal writing and budgeting to request grants from US-based foundations. Among other findings, 87% of participants reported having never used the Foundation Directory online. Sixty-six percent reported never having received a grant from a U.S. based foundation. Webinars to date have been well attended with three hundred participants each time. The BPP launched the webinar series as a tool to support fundraising efforts of local nonprofits with in-person access to the Foundation Directory Online in 5 locations along the US-Mexico border: San Diego, California; Mexicali, Baja California; Cd. Obregon, Sonora; Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua; and Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. BPP offers virtual access to our member network. For more information or request access and coaching, please contact us.
July 12, 2023
Join us for our free, upcoming webinar:
This free, on-line class will provide you with an overview of how to write a standard project proposal to a foundation. It will include:
This class will also provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to generate a standard project budget for a foundation proposal. We will discuss:
Outcomes: At the conclusion of this class, you will:
Presented by experts from Candid.
- The basic elements of a proposal.
- The "do's" and "don'ts" of writing and submitting a proposal.
- How to follow up whether the answer is yes or no.
This class will also provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to generate a standard project budget for a foundation proposal. We will discuss:
- The basic components of a project budget including income and expenses.
- How to estimate the realistic cost of a project.
- What other financial documents you may also need to submit with your proposal.
Outcomes: At the conclusion of this class, you will:
- Understand how to write a standard project proposal to a foundation.
- Know how and when to follow up with funders after submitting a proposal.
- Describe the basic elements of a project budget.
- Estimate a project's expenses and income.
- Follow up after the project is funded.
Presented by experts from Candid.
U.S.-Mexico border covid-19 testing program ends. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP), the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and Cross Border Xpress (CBX) announce the end of the U.S.-Mexico Border COVID-19 Testing Program at the San Diego-Tijuana CBX on June 29, 2023. Beginning on April 25, 2022, international travelers entering San Diego through the CBX terminal from the Tijuana Airport were able to take voluntary COVID-19 tests thanks to this dynamic public-private-philanthropic partnership among BPP, the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego’s Ventanilla de Salud Program, the CDPH, and CBX. A total of 16,857 individuals, aged 5 and up, participated in the program, and 564 positive COVID-19 cases were identified. “This program helped to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to our binational friends and families while traveling internationally, and we thank the Consulate of Mexico in San Diego, the State of California, and CBX for rising to the challenge of COVID-19 with this innovative program,” said Andy Carey, Executive Director of the BPP.“ Funded by the CDPH’s California Office of Binational Border Health, the program allowed the CDPH COVID-19 Testing Task Force to test for COVID-19 and to provide international travelers with information about prevention and treatment.
June 28, 2023
BPP partners with Candid to provide access to fundraising resources for nonprofit organizations at 5 locations along the border. Resources include in-person access to Foundation Directory Online, the most complete tool for grantseekers looking for funding from U.S.-based grantmakers. UDEM in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Centro de Formación Social in Cd. Obregón, Sonora, Fundación Paso del Norte in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership in San Diego, CA, and soon at UABC in Mexicali, Baja California, are the new locations of the Funding Information Network, where local nonprofit organizations have public free access to: GuideStar, a comprehensive nonprofit research tool where community members can easily find local nonprofits where they can donate, work, or volunteer; connect those in need to resources they rely on, such as food banks or shelters and access 2 million+ nonprofits; Foundation Directory helps nonprofits find funding faster, with more than 242,000 grantmakers; and find Grants to Individuals to search for grantmakers who fund scholarships, fellowships, and student aid. All BPP members at the Institutional level and above already have virtual access to these resources. Request access here. This program is funded in part by Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor.
EPA National Advisory Committee presents Advice Letter to Administrator Regan; Carey to share findings with Environmental Ministers in Canada, US, and Mexico. National Advisory Committee presented their advice letter to the EPA Administrator on climate adaptation challenges. The National Advisory Committee (NAC) to the U.S. Representative to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, will present advice resulting from their 59th meeting held on May 18, 2023, in El Paso, Texas, about ways to empower communities to address climate adaptation challenges. Advice includes best practices, strategies, and tools that could be developed to empower minority, low-income, tribal, and indigenous communities; engaging residents in identifying and implementing solutions that address their unique needs and vulnerabilities; empowering residents with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to identify and implement solutions to address the impacts of climate change; and building partnerships with organizations and agencies that specialize in climate adaptation. Today, these findings will be shared at the Tri-lateral meeting of the Environmental leaders of Canada, United States, and Mexico. The meeting is being held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director, is the current Chair of the National Advisory Committee (NAC) and will present the findings and recommendations to members of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) led by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). For more information, contact Andy Carey.
June 14, 2023
As the challenges continue to arise, grow, and intersect, business as usual will no longer suffice. Nonprofit organizations will need to be prepared and creative about how they sustain the good work in the coming years. Join us for an interactive 90 minute session with Dave Holmes, Lori Guidry and Erin Rusza from Candid to discover fundraising tips to help you navigate the philanthropy landscape during a crisis and learn key resources that will give your fundraising a competitive edge!
Upon completion of this training, you should:
Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish.
Upon completion of this training, you should:
- Identify free and fee-based tools for discovering potential funding opportunities that align with your mission.
- Summarize best practices in building relationships with funders and writing grant proposals during a crisis.
- Describe how the information from your Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar informs potential donors and funders and powers 200+ charitable sites.
Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish.
BPP supports Consulate General of Mexico in Boston for BIO 2023. BIO 2023 was held in Boston, MA this past week from June 5-8. The International Convention is held annually and brings together leaders and organizations in academia, business, government, and philanthropy from across the world to support science, technology, and innovation. Since 2022, Border Philanthropy Partnership has supported the participation of Mexico in this event acting as fiscal sponsor. The participation of the Mexican delegation in the BIO Boston 2023 International Biotechnology Convention was a successful continuation of the national pavilion at BIO San Diego 2022. This year, 22 Mexican entities including corporations and pharmaceutical laboratories, research institutions, technology transfer offices, national and local associations of biotech companies, as well as six Mexican start-ups, participated in the Mexico pavilion, which welcomed many of the approximately 18,000 Conference attendees. The pavilion itself, as well as the almost 50 people that made up the Mexican delegation, successfully represented the very diverse elements of the Mexican biotechnology sector value chain.
BPP to moderate panel on strategic partnerships. The San Diego based North County Philanthropy Council invited BPP Executive Director Andy Carey to moderate the June 27, 2023 panel on Strategic Partnerships: Successful Fundraising with collaborations, mergers, and corporate funders. The session will be held TERI Campus of Life, 555 Deer Springs Road, San Marcos, CA from 8:30am-10:30am. The panelists include Victoria Zepeda Sotelo, Promotora de las Bellas Artes; James Floros, Floros and Associates; Deborah Martin, ElderHelp of San Diego; Alex Goodman, Oceanside Theatre Company; and Andy Carey, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. Registration is required but member pricing is available for BPP network members.
BPP expresses condolences on passing of Mexican Diplomat, Ambassador Carlos Sada. Ambassador Sada enjoyed a distinguished career representing Mexico as Consul General in Los Angeles and as Mexican Ambassador to the USA. Our deepest sympathy to his family and friends. Ambassador Sada received his first diplomatic appointment as Consul General of Mexico in Toronto, Canada. Subsequently, he led the Consulate General in San Antonio, Texas until the year 2000. From 2000 to 2007 he was appointed Consul General in Chicago and from 2007 to 2011 he held the position of Minister of Congressional Affairs of the Embassy of Mexico in the United States. From 2011 to 2013, he was Consul General of Mexico in New York. In the last year he was named Consul General in Los Angeles, California. On April 5, 2016, he was proposed by President Enrique Peña Nieto as Ambassador of Mexico to the United States, replacing Miguel Basáñez Ebergenyi. He left the diplomatic representation in January 2017. Ambassador Sada passed away on June 8, 2023. May he rest in peace.
May 31, 2023
Register for our next FREE webinar: Fundraising During Uncertain Times (90 minutes)
June 21, 9:00 am PST.
June 21, 9:00 am PST.
As the challenges continue to arise, grow, and intersect, business as usual will no longer suffice. Nonprofit organizations will need to be prepared and creative about how they sustain the good work in the coming years. Join us for an interactive session with Candid to discover fundraising tips to help you navigate the philanthropy landscape during a crisis and learn key resources that will give your fundraising a competitive edge! Presented by Candid.
Upon completion of this training, you should:
This webinar is possible thanks to the support of Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor.
Upon completion of this training, you should:
- Identify free and fee-based tools for discovering potential funding opportunities that align with your mission.
- Summarize best practices in building relationships with funders and writing grant proposals during a crisis.
- Describe how the information from your Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar informs potential donors and funders and powers 200+ charitable sites.
This webinar is possible thanks to the support of Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor.
BPP Executive Director to address Environmental Ministers at Trilateral meeting in Canada. Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director was invited this week to participate in the Joint Public Advisory Committee meeting that will take place during the June 28, 2023 Council meeting of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). This meeting is an annual gathering of the leading environmental authorities between Canada, United States, and Mexico. This year’s meeting will address Indigenous Approaches to Climate Adaptation and will be held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The overall goal of the meeting is to provide recommendations on this critical topic to the CEC Council—North America's highest-level environmental authorities—the public forum will convene JPAC members and invited experts, along with members of the public, to discuss the role of ports, as well as to identify the building blocks that could support accelerated decarbonization of the industry and North American economy. Carey will provide a report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Advisory Committee where he serves as Chair.
May 10, 2023
Alma Migrante honors BPP and International Community Foundation at 5th Anniversary Celebration. Last week Alma Migrante, a Tijuana, Baja California based nonprofit that supports migrants in the Borderlands recognized the invaluable efforts of US based partners - the Border Philanthropy Partnership and the International Community Foundation. BPP is fiscal sponsor for Alma Migrante and International Community Foundation is a major donor. Together we have provided critical funding support to Alma Migrante to address the increasing numbers of migrants in the Northern Border says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. We are pleased to work with our friends and partners at International Community Foundation on this important work. As fiscal sponsor, BPP provides donation receipts and due diligence to ensure the funds transferred comply with government regulations in both the United States and Mexico. Alma Migrante is celebrating their 5th anniversary in the Borderlands and are providing life saving support to individuals from over 18 countries. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP congratulates Gaston Luken on Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies Jeffrey Davidow Award 2023. The Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the University of California San Diego hosted the 2023 U.S.-Mexico Forum this week with the participation of top diplomatic officials from both the U.S. and Mexico. The two-day event included a series of panels to highlight issues and challenges facing the U.S.-Mexico relationship. For the second year in a row, the event included the presentation of the Jeffrey Davidow Good Neighbor Award in honor of the Former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Jeffrey Davidow. This year the award was presented to Gaston Luken for his lifelong commitment to strengthening U.S.-Mexico relations, and particularly for his leadership on the environment. Congratulations Gaston Luken.
BPP Executive Director heads to El Paso for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Committee. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Committee meets in El Paso, TX on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at E.P.A. offices in El Paso. The meeting will develop recommendations to identify ways to empower communities to address climate adaptation challenges for consideration at the trilateral meeting of ministers in Canada in June 2023. BPP Executive Director has served on the committee since 2016, and was appointed by Administrator Michael Regan to serve as Chair. The National Advisory Committee will meet with top leaders from the Environmental Protection Agency, the North American Development Bank, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, and academic leaders from the Paso del Norte region.
April 26, 2023
BPP launches Foundation Directory online services to entire BPP member network, local communities across Borderlands. This week BPP launched the official access to the Foundation Directory online in collaboration with CANDID. BPP members have complete access to the professional level service in addition to the other multiple member programs and services. “This new service is so exciting,” says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, BPP Board Chair. Now our members have access to this important resource to assist in their fundraising activities.” In addition to providing virtual access to the BPP network, five onsite resource libraries are available for in-person, free access including the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership offices in San Diego, CA; Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in Mexicali, Baja California; Centro de Formación Social in Cd. Obregón, Sonora; Fundación Paso del Norte in Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua; and Universidad de Monterey in Monterey, Nuevo León. Additionally, 6 new CANDID capacity building webinars in both English and Spanish are being offered to the BPP member network. For more information contact Ma. Laura Muñoz.
COVID-19 testing at Cross Border Express terminal reaches more than 14,748 travelers. Since April 2022, the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, the Ventanilla de Salud San Diego, the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, Cross Border Express, and the California Department of Public Health have partnered to provide travelers entering the United States from Mexico via the Cross Border Express access to free COVID-19 tests. "As of this week, the number of volunteer participants has reached nearly 15,000 individuals," says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. "This program is so important as it provides peace of mind for families and communities so we can all remain healthy and free of COVID-19," adds Carey. The program is part of a three port of entry initiative spearheaded by the Department of Public Health. San Francisco International airport, Los Angeles International airport, and Cross Border Express are all participating. Individuals are provided confidential results and can complete the tests onsite or at home. The program continues until June 30, 2023.
April 12, 2023
Adam Lopez Falk, Arizona Community Foundation joins BPP Board of Directors
BPP Board Chair, Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres is pleased to announce that effective immediately, Adam Lopez Falk, Community Program Officer at Arizona Community Foundation is the newest leader of the BPP Board of Directors. Adam is a native Arizonan engaged heavily in Borderlands and Latino community advocacy issues. Lopez Falk has been a member of the Arizona Community Foundation team since 2021. We offer a warm welcome to our new friend and colleague, says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres. We are elated to continue to have the strong support of the Arizona Community Foundation. They are one of the founding members, and since 2002, have been a strong member, partner, supporter, and donor to BPP. Adam Lopez Falk is the sixth leader of Arizona Community Foundation to serve on the BPP Board of Directors.
BPP Board Chair, Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres is pleased to announce that effective immediately, Adam Lopez Falk, Community Program Officer at Arizona Community Foundation is the newest leader of the BPP Board of Directors. Adam is a native Arizonan engaged heavily in Borderlands and Latino community advocacy issues. Lopez Falk has been a member of the Arizona Community Foundation team since 2021. We offer a warm welcome to our new friend and colleague, says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres. We are elated to continue to have the strong support of the Arizona Community Foundation. They are one of the founding members, and since 2002, have been a strong member, partner, supporter, and donor to BPP. Adam Lopez Falk is the sixth leader of Arizona Community Foundation to serve on the BPP Board of Directors.
Denise Herrera was recognized as a prominent leader by UT Austin. Congratulations to Con Alma Health Foundation executive director and BPP Board member Denise Herrera, PhD, for being recognized as a prominent leader in Health Education by the University of Texas-Austin. The College of Education invited her to be the keynote speaker at the Alderson Lecture and Awards Ceremony as distinguished alumni. She spoke about the lessons she learned from her alma maters — University of New Mexico, University of Arizona and UT-Austin — and how that applies to her work today, including preparing her to lead during a global health pandemic because of the complex research she conducted as part of her doctoral program. “It was an honor to return to my alma mater. My message was about leadership. We all have the capacity to lead regardless of our title or... (read more)
March 27, 2023
BPP partners with Candid to bring the Funders Information Network (FIN) to the Border. Candid's network of libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit resource centers provides fundraising tools and training to local nonprofits. The program includes public, free access to the world-class research tool, Foundation Directory Online, product and training certification courses, support materials, and professional development opportunities to assist their local nonprofit community. The FIN program includes Centro de Formación Social in Cd. Obregón, Sonora; Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) in Nuevo León, Fundación Paso del Norte in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; and the US-Mexico Border Philanthropy in San Diego. An additional FIN will be located in Mexicali, Baja California. This project is funded by the Fundación Jesús M. Montemayor.
March 8, 2023
BPP celebrates International Women’s Day. On this day we join the voices across the Borderlands to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Here in the Borderlands we celebrate women leaders who daily advance issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We celebrate our women members, donors, partners, and allies across our region for their commitment for a more just world for all. Today, we especially thank our current and former Board leaders for their tireless service in support of our mission including Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Laura Speer, Denise Herrera, Lisa Urias, Elisa de la Vara, Dolores Roybal, Ana Maria de la Rosa, Cheryl Alethia Phelps, Elizabeth Sames, Maria Elena Giner, Ana Maria de la Garza, Sara Topelson, Maria Antonieta Beguerisse, Karen Yarza, and Carla Roberts. From our dedicated staff team we celebrate Margarita Celith Bañuelos, Maria Laura Muñoz, Christine Baker, Cecilia Guzman, and Berta Garcia. Muchas gracias a todas for your leadership and commitment to our community.
BPP congratulates Ambassador Marcela Celorio, Consul General of Mexico in Los Angeles for her 30-year commitment to diplomacy. Ambassador Marcela Celorio, Consul General of Mexico in Los Angeles, is departing the Mexico Foreign Ministry after a successful 30-year career in service to Mexico and the Mexican people. Ambassador Celorio has been a great friend to BPP, says Andy Carey. In 2016, she asked us to partner with her to lead the Ventanilla de Salud program at the Mexican Consulate in San Diego. Since that time the number of people served as grown exponentially, and most recently, BPP supported the national COVID-19 vaccination program for Ventanillas de Salud across the U.S.A. During her career, Ambassador Celorio served Mexico in Mexico City, Israel, Belgium, European Union, Washington, D.C., New York City, San Diego, and Los Angeles. Her diplomatic work has been characterized by her commitment to achieving dialogue between cultures. Congratulations Ambassador Celorio and best wishes to you in your next chapter. ¡Enhorabuena!
February 22, 2023
BPP talks politics, press, and the Border at Borderplex Alliance Global Border Summit. BPP leaders and members are in El Paso, TX this week attending the Borderplex Alliance Global Border Summit. The multi-day event explores economics, energy, health, politics and civil society, nearshoring, and immigration impacting the United States, Canada, and Mexico relationship. Former U.K. Prime Minister is the keynote speaker. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey is participating in the “Politics, Press, and Border” discussion. BPP is pleased to have leaders from Paso Del Norte Health Foundation, El Paso Community Foundation, University of Texas El Paso, UETA Duty Free Americas, City of El Paso, and former BPP Board members in attendance. Borderplex Alliance is an award-winning economic development and policy advocacy organization. Borderplex Alliance is independent, non-partisan, and private sector-led. Borderplex Alliance brings jobs, hope and opportunity to the Borderplex region.
BPP Emeritus leaders recognized for excellence in community leadership. Chairman Emeritus Russ Jones was recognized this week by the Yuma County Chamber of Commerce as Business Person of the Year 2022. Russ is Chairman of R.L. Jones Customhouse Brokerage and other related businesses in warehousing, freight forwarding, logistics, property management, and insurance services. Russ Jones and his family are active in efforts and organizations across the Borderlands in support of trade and commerce, community service, arts and culture, and philanthropy. Maria Elena Giner, Commissioner – U.S. Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, was named Señora Internacional by the Hon. Henry Cuellar, U.S. Congressman from Laredo, TX in recognition of her steadfast leadership responding to the ongoing water crisis facing the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands due to drought and climate change impacts on the Colorado River and the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo. The presentation was made at the 2023 Washington Birthday Celebration held at the International Bridge in the two Laredos.
BPP honors ProOncavi at their annual meeting celebrating more than 10 years of fighting Cancer in Mexico. This month, ProOncavi, A.C., the Tijuana, Baja California Nonprofit is celebrating 11 years of cancer patient care and advocacy in Northern Mexico. The organization was started by renowned oncologist Dr. Homero Fuentes and nonprofit executive Mtra. Edith Perez Velazquez. Together, they set out to reduce the mortality rate of individuals dealing with different forms of cancer. “ProOncavi is doing amazing work”, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, “since the beginning, they have supported over 55,514 patients across Baja California and other areas of Mexico including Mexico City, Sinaloa, Guanajuato, State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Nayarit, Guerrero, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Zacatecas, Sonora, and Chiapas. ProOncavi doesn’t just treat cancer. They are treating the whole of the patient including all the mental, physical, spiritual, and medical impacts of cancer.” Congratulations ProOncavi!
February 9, 2023
Border Philanthropy Partnership and Smart Border Coalition host Department of Homeland Security Officials. This past week U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and Smart Border Coalition officials were pleased to host a delegation of Department of Homeland Security officials from Washington, D.C. to discuss technological innovations for the U.S.-Mexico Border region. The meeting was organized by Nelson Balido, Chaiman of the Border Commerce and Security Council, and Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta of RL Jones Customhouse Brokers. Lalo is a board member of Border Philanthropy Partnership and Smart Border Coalition. Participants included leaders from area Chambers of Commerce, Baja California government officials, members of trade associations, and nonprofit leaders. “The gathering was important, says Lalo Acosta. This gives DHS officials a chance to hear from local stakeholders and to give community leaders and organizations a chance to raise important issues related to Border wait times, document and visa requirement review for visitors, and to share local reality with the individuals at the federal level who have the responsibility to manage the U.S.-Mexico Border region.”
Fiscal Sponsor program supports public health initiatives. The BPP Board of Directors has approved fiscal sponsor services for health initiatives in the Borderlands. Since 2013, BPP has provided fiscal sponsor services to member organizations. To date 119 organizations have received over US$11 million in financial support. Most recently, BPP is supporting health promotor programs in the Borderlands to bring much needed health and wellness services to vulnerable populations. Over 68% of the member network supports public health initiatives, says Director Andy Carey. We are pleased to be able to support our member organizations with the delivery of medical services along and across the region”. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Date published: January 24, 2023
Board of Directors conducts annual meeting; elects officers; approves 2023 initiatives. The Board of Directors met on Friday, January 13, 2023 for their annual meeting. The 2023 Board Officers are: Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Cadenas de Ayuda para México, A.C. – Chair; Laura Speer, Annie E. Casey Foundation – Vice Chair; Enrique Díaz Rivera R. Bours, Fundación Tichi Muñoz, A.C. – Immediate Past Chair; Louis R. Escareño, UETA Duty Free Americas – Treasurer; JC Thomas, City of San Diego – Secretary. Additionally, the Board approved several new initiatives including the partnership with CANDID to launch the Funding Information Network to the BPP members as well as in locations across the Northern Border of Mexico including, Mexicali, Cd. Obregon, Cd. Juarez, Monterey, and San Diego; publishing 6 Border Briefs on Borderlands, philanthropy, education, environment, immigration, and public health; a 10-part online capacity building training in resource development, governance, volunteerism, and more in collaboration with CANDID; and public policy forums across the region. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP Board member, Lisa Urias, to join Arizona Governor Cabinet – Director of Office of Tourism. Lisa Urias, long-time supporter, member, donor, and board member has announced she was named Director of the Arizona Office of Tourism. Lisa currently serves as Chief Program & Community Engagement Officer for the Arizona Community Foundation, one of the 18 founding members of the Border Philanthropy Partnership. Lisa has been an extraordinary leader for the Borderlands and BPP, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. Lisa will serve Arizona with great distinction and integrity. Lisa joined the BPP Board one year ago following the departure of Elisa de la Vara who served in the same position at Arizona Community Foundation, and as Chair of the BPP Board of Directors. The Arizona Community Foundation has been an important leader, member, donor, and partner for the growth and development of BPP. We are grateful for their continued support and engagement with us, says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, BPP Board Chair. We wish Lisa great success in her new role and look forward to our continued partnership with Arizona Community Foundation.
Joaquin Luken named Executive Director – Smart Border Coalition. Joaquin Luken was recently appointed by the San Diego-Tijuana Smart Border Coalition to serve as the new Executive Director. Luken was selected after a thorough search committee selection process led by binational business leaders Hank Morton, Steve Williams, José “Pepe” Larroque, Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta, Elias Laniado, Gustavo de la Fuente, and Andy Carey. “Joaquin has a deep understanding of the U.S.-Mexico Border region,” says Steve Williams, who co-chairs the Coalition. SBC co-chair, Pepe Larroque commented, “Joaquin is bilingual, bicultural, and binational. These are all critical to building the next generation of our binational region.” The mission of the SBC is making travel and trade easier and more efficient through the ports of entry between San Diego County and the Tijuana Metropolitan area. Smart Border Coalition is partners with U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and is located within the offices of BPP. BPP serves as fiscal sponsor.
Fiscal Sponsor program grows in the Borderlands. Since 2013, BPP has offered fiscal sponsor services to the BPP member network. Today more than 119 organizations participate in the program that supports projects in arts and culture, child services, education, environment, public health, and public policy advocacy. In the last two months, over US$700,000 has been secured for binational philanthropy. Generous donors are supporting important projects across the U.S. and Mexico in support of families and communities. If you are in need of fiscal sponsor services contact [email protected].

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Advisory Committee meets – proposes engagement with civil society to support the environment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Committee recently met to respond to charge questions outlined by the Agency. The Committee of 16 citizens from across civil society deliberated three charge questions related to engaging civil society sub-actors in developing climate adaptation initiatives in support of the work of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in Canada, United States, and Mexico. The National Advisory Committee meets two times per year, and provides advice to E.P.A. Adminstrator Michael Regan. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey is the Chair of the Committee, and has served as a member since 2017. Contact Andy Carey.
Date published: January 4, 2023
Ventanilla de Salud COVID-19 program reaches 750,599 individuals, Laredo, TX reaches largest population. Since July 1, 2021, BPP has supported the 51 Ventanilla de Salud programs across the United States in an ambitious program to vaccinate the undocumented, Latino, and Hispanic community against COVID-19. In collaboration with the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad, the Mexican Consulate General network across the country, the Mexican Embassy, and a network of nonprofit partner organizations, we have successfully reached 750,599. This is the first time this network has collaborated on such an ambitious project, says BPP Director Andy Carey. Together, we have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and protected our families and community from this pandemic. The health and wellness outreach included over 3,000 health fairs and vaccination clinics, financial support for healthcare workers, securing PPE, and more. Each Consulate and their Ventanilla de Salud program participated and did a terrific job. Laredo, TX reported the most individuals vaccinated at over 250,000. This program was possible thanks to the financial support of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, the Mexican Ministry of Public Health, the Mexican Foreign Ministry, the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad, all the agencies supporting the Ventanilla de Salud program across the United States, and the Border Philanthropy Partnership.
Date published: December 15, 2022
Border Philanthropy Partnership and Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego recognized by Bebe Cardio, A.C. An innovative medical nonprofit organization was launched during COVID-19 in Tijuana, Baja California to respond to the growing number of infants born with heart defects in Baja California. Tijuana based cardiologist, Dr. Adrian Sanchez, and nonprofit leader Cristal Jiménez joined forces to provide groundbreaking surgeries to newborn babies with a noninvasive procedure in the name of newly formed Bebé Cardio, A.C. According to Cristal Jiménez there are over 21,000 cases each year in Mexico. In Northern Mexico there is a need to address this important life saving procedure, but the costs for the families makes the surgery elusive. Dr. Adrian Sanchéz is working in collaboration with UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA and together they have saved 87 newborns. Financial support for the program comes from both sides of the Border. Thanks to their fiscal sponsor, Border Philanthropy Partnership, churches in Southern California, community groups, medical personnel, and individual donors are covering the costs of the life saving program. Additionally, private medical clinics in Tijuana are providing their medical facilities at no charge or significantly reduced rates. The Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego and the Consulate General of the United States in Tijuana are also assisting in crossing medical supplies and transmitting visas for crossing the Border for medical attention.
Congratulations Dr. Paul Ganster, Premio Ohtli presented for decades of work in the Borderlands. Dr. Paul Ganster, BPP member, donor, and partner was awarded the Premio Ohtli last week at a ceremony in San Diego. Dr. Paul Ganster is a renowned Borderlands scholar and author of numerous books and publications on U.S.-Mexico relations. In his remarks, Ambassador Carlos González Gutiérrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, expressed appreciation for his lifetime commitment to bridging the cultural divide between the U.S. and Mexico, and for being a trusted source of knowledge and information to guide the U.S.-Mexico relationship to continued prosperity, mutual understanding, and collaboration in support of a stronger Borderland. Congratulations Paul on this incredible recognition of your contribution to U.S.-Mexico studies.
Date published: November 30, 2022
BPP partners with Candid to bring Foundation Directory online to the Borderlands. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is excited to share its new partnership with Candid. The New York City based nonprofit organization is renowned for its support of the nonprofit sector across the globe, particularly in support of resource development. During the COVID-19 pandemic, BPP and Candid completed a test program to evaluate effective delivery of Foundation Directory Online (FDO) services to the BPP member network. The test was an overwhelming success, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey, and with the wonderful support of our donor partners, today we are pleased to launch this new and effective service to the member network. BPP is offering virtual access to the Foundation Directory Online as part of our membership services. Member organizations will be able to complete research on potential funder partners for their organization on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. Additionally, BPP is placing onsite access to the Foundation Directory Online in 5 locations as part of the Funding Information Network program. The locations include: BPP offices at the San Diego Foundation in San Diego, CA; Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico in Mexicali, Baja California; Centro de Formación Social in Hermosillo, Sonora; Fundación Paso del Norte para la Salud y el Bienestar in Juárez, Chihuahua; and Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) in Monterrey, Nuevo León. This new partnership also includes 10 new training programs to support nonprofit organizations capacity building initiatives. The trainings will be offered and delivered virtually to the BPP member network beginning in 2023. Initial funding for the program was provided by the Jesús M. Montemayor Foundation, based in Monterrey, Mexico. For more information, please contact Ma. Laura Muñoz.
BPP Executive Director to address Joint Public Advisory Committee in Halifax, Nova Scotia on environmental issues between Canada, United States, and Mexico. BPP Executive Director is addressing the Joint Public Advisory Committee at their Ministerial meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia on December 1. Andy Carey was appointed Chair of the National Advisory Committee by the Biden Administration after serving as a committee member during the Obama and Trump Administrations. The Joint Public Advisory Committee meets annually to discuss environmental issues facing the three North American nations. This is the third occasion for Carey to participate in the official U.S.A. delegation of the annual JPAC meeting. The first was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma with E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt, and the second in Mexico City with Administrator Andrew Wheeler. Carey will present on the role of civil society organizations working collaboratively to address environmental issues facing maritime and land ports of entry, as well as environmental justice issues facing the U.S.-Mexico relationship.
Date published: November 17, 2022
COVID testing at Cross Border Express to continue through June 2023. Border Philanthropy Partnership is excited to share that our COVID-19 testing program for in-bound travelers to Cross Border Express between the Tijuana airport and San Diego County will continue until June 2023. This is an exciting development as the number of positive cases continues to grow each day. Since April 28, 2022, BPP in collaboration with Ventanilla de Salud, Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, California Department of Public Health, and Cross Border Express, nearly 10,000 passengers have voluntarily taken a COVID-19 test upon entering the U.S.A. This dynamic program is allowing passengers peace of mind for themselves, their families, and their community, as individuals complete international travel, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. We so appreciate the collaboration amongst all the partners, and most of all, the passengers, who are telling us how important this is to enable them to stay healthy. The tests are available at no charge and are distributed by the Ventanilla de Salud program here in San Diego County.
Fiscal Sponsor program grows to 119 organizations in support of Borderlands. Since 2013, BPP has provided fiscal sponsorship services to the BPP member network. The program allows donors from both the U.S.A. and Mexico to support programs and projects on either side of the Border. The BPP Board of Directors reviews each of the applications, and the staff team provides oversite and due diligence support. In the past month, over US$600,000 has been secured for network members bringing the total to more than US$9.6 million in fiscal sponsor support. We are very proud to support our member network in achieving significant impact in our binational community, says Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, BPP Board Chair, and Executive Director of Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, A.C. The funding supports arts and culture, child services, education, environment, public health, and public policy advocacy initiatives. For more information, contact Andy Carey.
MacKenzie Scott selects Borderlands groups for major gifts. This week three organizations in the BPP member network were selected by philanthropist MacKenzie Scott for significant gifts. Alliance San Diego, Con Alma Health Foundation, and Paso Del Norte Health Foundation were all selected for major gifts to help them achieve their mission locally. Congratulations to the Boards of Directors, staff teams, volunteers, and donors and partners for your incredible efforts and impact that was noticed and recognized by her generosity.
BPP unveils new image and materials to grow and support member network. This week BPP is unveiling new membership and marketing materials to enhance the work of the organization and that of our network members and partners. The new design enhances the message of a prosperous Borderlands with boundless opportunities. The new material is available in both English and Spanish and will be distributed to new and renewing members. It includes member testimonials from both sides of the Border, and prominently features many network partners at work in the region. The project has been underway for the past several months and includes member interviews, photography, and impact. Additionally, the Border Buzz and Eco Fronterizo newsletters published twice a month in English and Spanish have received a makeover to enhance the reader experience. A new website should be operational in the coming weeks. For more information, contact [email protected].
Date published: October 28, 2022
BPP Executive Director to address Joint Public Advisory Committee on Environment in Canada. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has invited BPP Executive Director, Andy Carey, to address the annual Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) at their annual ministerial meeting to be held this year in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The JPAC meeting is a trilateral meeting between the environmental ministers of Canada, United States, and Mexico. This is the third opportunity for Carey to attend this meeting, and first as Chair, National Advisory Committee of the U.S. EPA. The meeting will address issues related to environmental justice, shared water resources, and climate change. The meeting will be held on December 1, 2022.
BPP supports Aguilas del Desierto in search and rescue efforts in Borderlands. Aguilas del Desierto is one of the newest members of the growing BPP member network. The Southern California nonprofit works to help rescue migrants lost in the desert to seek shelter and assistance, as well as provide a dignified return home of the remains for those who perish in the Borderlands. More than 30 volunteers participate, and on weekends, the members travel through California, Arizona, and tribal lands in search of individuals who are lost, and to help return the remains of the deceased to their families, says BPP Director Andy Carey. BPP has introduced this organization to the Consulates General of Mexico in Southern California and Arizona, to help facilitate the return of deceased migrants found in the desert. This is unfortunately a humanitarian cause that is needed in our region, but we are thankful for the volunteers for their compassion and commitment to support families in need, says Sister Maria Louise Edwards, a catholic nun who is a member of the organization.
Date published: October 13, 2022
BPP Board Member, Lisa Urias recognized by U.S. Hispanic Chamber at 2022 Annual meeting. The Board and staff of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership congratulate our friend and colleague, Lisa Urias, Chief Program & Community Engagement Officer at the Arizona Community Foundation, on her and her family’s recognition at the 2022 Annual meeting of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for their tireless efforts to support the Latino community across Arizona and the United States of America. “Lisa joined the BPP Board of Directors in January 2022 and has been a steadfast supporter of our work in the Borderlands for many years,” said BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. “Arizona Community Foundation is a founding member of BPP, and Lisa continues her amazing support of our work. We are so proud of Lisa and her family for their commitment to our communities. They truly represent the meaning of philanthropy, love of mankind.e to edit.
Russ and Janet Jones, inducted into the Arizona Western College Hall of Fame. Russ Jones is BPP Chairman Emeritus. Russ and Janet Jones, Arizona Community Foundation fund holders, have both spent their adult lives in Yuma giving back to their community in countless ways. The list of accolades and civic experience between the two is extensive and a tremendous example of their dedication and love for Yuma. Russ was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, representing Arizona’s 24th District from 2005 until 2013. During this time, he focused his talents on issues of agriculture, water, border security and natural resources. His professional experience includes working as leader in international warehousing and transfer business, and being an advocate for… (read more)
BPP facilitates cross border philanthropy to celebrate the music of Mariachi in Tecalitlan, Jalisco. The BPP served as the fiscal sponsor for the Municipal Government of Tecalitlan, Jalisco and De Tecalitlan los Sones, Festival Cultural del Mariachi to legally transfer a gift from a US donor in support of the 9 day festival that featured different Mariachi every night, including the world renowned Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan, founded 125 years ago in this small town located in south Jalisco. Martín Larios García, Mayor of Tecalitlan presented an award to the donor and thanked his support to carry out the festival, now in its fifth edition after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. The festival also included cultural and recreational activities such as master Mariachi workshops, seminars on this decades old tradition and Charro contests. We are honored to have served as the philanthropic vehicle in support of the festival and the donor’s wishes. Ajúa!

BPP Ventanilla de Salud program for COVID-19 passes 729,000 vaccinations across USA. Since last year, BPP has worked closely with the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad, the Mexican Consulate network, the Border Health Commission, and local nonprofit organizations to support COVID-19 vaccinations for the Mexican, Latino, and undocumented community across the United States. As of October 3, 2022, it is reported we have successfully vaccinated 729,000 individuals. Our goal is to reach 1 million individuals, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. The collaboration amongst all the partners has truly been amazing. Our community is the most adversely impacted by COVID and we have a duty to act. Together, with the generous support of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, we are closing in on our goal. We will continue to press the issue all the way to December. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Sister Cities International hosts U.S.-Mexico Mayors’ Summit, invites BPP to moderate youth panel. Sister Cities International is meeting this week in San Diego-Tijuana. There are nearly 20 Mayors in attendance from across the Borderlands from San Diego-Tijuana to Brownsville-Matamoros. The event has attracted more than 350 attendees from both countries to discuss binational relations, including trade, commerce, immigration, education, environment, and more. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey is moderating a youth panel to highlight the “vision of the future generations in the U.S.-Mexico relationship." Youth leaders are participating from California, Baja California, Texas, and Chihuahua. Click here for more information.
Date published: September 29, 2022
BPP receives over 5,000 COVID tests to help asylum seekers at U.S.-Mexico Border. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership received more than 5,000 COVID-19 testing kits to help ensure the asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico Border are free of COVID-19. The test kits were donated by the State of California Department of Public Health. BPP is presenting the test kits to the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego for delivery to migrant shelters in Mexico. As the Biden Administration works to lift the Title 42 restrictions, we want to ensure the asylum seekers are entering the U.S. free of COVID, says BPP Executive Director. We are honored to work with Ambassador Carlos González Gutiérrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, continues Carey. The Consul General and his team are leading the way in crossing the test kits and getting them to the people most in need. This effort is part of a larger program at BPP in promoting COVID-19 vaccination and testing across the U.S.A.
Date published: August 31, 2022
BPP leaders attend North American Development Bank XXVI Environmental Forum. BPP Board and staff leaders attended the XXVI annual environmental forum to discuss U.S. and Mexican strategies to address water and climate issues between our countries. The session was attended by more than 350 binational leaders including Mexican Ambassador to the U.S. Esteban Moctezuma and U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar. The discussions encouraged binational cooperation to address water issues along and across the U.S.-Mexico Border region, and particularly at the Rio Grande and Colorado rivers. These two rivers are a vital source of water supply for our region, and the impacts of drought, climate change, pollution, and more are threatening their existence, and that of our region. The two ambassadors called for cooperation, innovation, and investment to address the growing environmental challenges facing the region. Both countries pledged cooperation and recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to bring vital financial resources to the region. Thank you, North American Development Bank, for your leadership in our region.
BPP briefs Ambassador Moctezuma on the COVID-19 vaccination progress. BPP Treasurer Louis Escareño and Executive Director Andy Carey met with Mexican Ambassador to the U.S. Esteban Moctezuma while in San Antonio to attend the North American Development Bank XXVI Environmental forum. Ambassador Moctezuma thanked the Border Philanthropy Partnership for our collaboration with the Ventanilla de Salud program across the U.S.A. To date more than 712,189 individuals from the Hispanic, Latino, and undocumented community have been vaccinated at the 51 Ventanilla de Salud program locations.
BPP to serve as fiscal sponsor to Mariachi Festival in Tecalitlan, Jalisco, Mexico. The annual Mariachi Festival held in Tecalitlan, Jalisco brings thousands of community members out to celebrate the beauty and sound of Mariachi music. BPP is assisting US based donors in supporting the arts and cultural event to be held this October 1-9, 2022. This is the V annual festival and will commemorate the 37th anniversary of the passing of Don Silvestre Vargas. The festival is organized by the City of Tecalitlan, and they are one of the newest members of the Border Philanthropy Partnership. For more information contact us at: [email protected]
Join our team. BPP is looking for a new director to lead the San Diego-Tijuana Smart Border Coalition. The San Diego-Tijuana Smart Border Coalition is looking for a new Executive Director to lead the dynamic binational coalition. Please click here for the position description. The Border Philanthropy Partnership is the fiscal sponsor for the Smart Border Coalition, and the successful candidate will become an employee of the Border Philanthropy Partnership. For more information contact [email protected]. Cover letters and resumes must be submitted by September 19, 2022. The San Diego-Tijuana Smart Border Coalition’s mission is to make trade and travel easier and more efficient across the land ports of entry between San Diego County and the Tijuana Metropolitan area which includes the cities of Tijuana, Tecate and Rosarito. The organization’s vision is a border managed to bring the people of San Diego County and the Tijuana Metropolitan Area closer together in shared success and prosperity, setting a world standard for border innovation
Date published: August 17, 2022
Vaccination program across Ventanilla de Salud reaches 712,189 individuals. BPP is pleased to share that the COVID-19 vaccination program has officially reached 712,189 individuals in collaboration with the Ventanilla de Salud program at Consulates General of Mexico across the U.S.A. Since July 2021, BPP has collaborated with the Institute for Mexicans Living Aboard, the network of Consulates General of Mexico in the U.S.A., and the nonprofit community organizations that support health and wellness activities in the service area of the 51 Mexican consulates in the United States. Our goal is to reach 1 million individuals from the Hispanic, Latino, and undocumented community. This is an amazing sign of progress to achieve such a strong number, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. This is only possible due to the strong partnership with the Mexican government, as well as the care and concern the nonprofit community takes in serving the Spanish speaking community in our country, says Carey. Our work is not yet done. Our goal is to reach an additional 300,000 individuals before year’s end. This program is possible thanks to the grant support of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad, Mexico’s Ministry of Public Health, and numerous individual donors, corporate foundations, and grantmaking foundations across the United States. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP attends third regional convening of Ventanilla de Salud programs in Kansas City. This week BPP Executive Director is participating in the third regional convening of the Ventanilla de Salud program in Kansas City, MO. The event is to discuss the status of COVID-19 efforts in the program, as well as other innovations to increase the reach and impact of the health and wellness outreach of the Mexican government here in the United States. Each year more than 3.3 million individuals of Mexican descent access primary healthcare services through the Ventanilla de Salud program in the United States. This represents over 60% of the projected undocumented population residing in the United States. The Ventanilla de Salud program offers access to significant medical, dental, and mental healthcare services. For more information on this program contact us.
Latina who leads international agency grew up in Borderland. CBS4 On Your Side introduced an appointed U.S. Commissioner serving over 20 million residents across the U.S.-Mexico border in this week's Breaking the Bias segment. In August 2021, President Joe Biden named Dr. Maria-Elena Giner the United States Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico. “I was taught servant leadership very young, and I was taught that you make your mark on the world by making a difference in the world,” Giner said. That outlook, to make a difference in the world, has made Giner the second woman and first-ever Latina to hold this position. “My motivator with this organization is to ensure that we have sustainable water for the region, that we have adequate flood... (read more)
Date published: July 20, 2022
BPP Board meets - talks COVID-19, migration, fiscal sponsorship, and contract extension for Executive Director. The BPP Board of Directors met this past week for their third meeting of the 2022 administrative year. The Board reviewed the progress to date for the COVID-19 vaccination and is pleased to share 676,340 individuals have been vaccinated across the Ventanilla de Salud program in the U.S.A., and more than 6,000 tests have been carried out at the Cross Border Express Airport terminal between San Diego and Tijuana. Additionally, the Board discussed challenges facing the migrant community across the Northern Border of Mexico, and looks to highlight this issue with foundations and corporations to increase the financial response in support of immediate needs and longer-term solutions. The Board also approved new fiscal sponsor relationships that increases the total number of agencies to 106 that receive charitable gifts through Border Philanthropy Partnership. And finally, the Board completed a review and employment extension of Executive Director Andy Carey who has led BPP since September 2008. Congratulations Andy on your upcoming 14th anniversary.
BPP joins IME in Atlanta to support Ventanilla de Salud program in USA. The Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad is meeting this week in Atlanta, GA for the second regional meeting of Ventanilla de Salud initiatives at the Mexican Consular network across the U.S.A. The meeting is designed to support health and wellness outreach to Mexican Nationals residing in the U.S.A. The Ventanilla program serves as the primary healthcare delivery program for this community. Each year over 3 million individuals seek access to flu shots, vaccinations, wellness care, cancer screens, and more. BPP Executive Director is meeting with Ventanilla de Salud leaders to support COVID-19 programming and to share ideas on resource development.
Date published: July 6, 2022
BPP leads State Department delegation to Laredo, TX to review immigration challenges. The U.S. Department of State, the International Visitor Leadership Program, World Learning, San Antonio Council for International Visitors, and BPP are collaborating this week on a day-long tour of Laredo, TX to examine the issues and challenges facing migrants entering the United States. The delegation includes European leaders from Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, and Austria. The delegates are visiting multiple cities, and the final portion of their tour includes the U.S.-Mexico Border region. The day-long visit includes visits to the Department of Homeland Security Detention Center and Marine Operation at the Rio Grande, visits with the Consuls General of Mexico and the U.S.A. in Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, conversations with university officials at Texas A&M International University, a discussion with donors and leaders of the Laredo Area Community Foundation, and a visit to Catholic Charities in Laredo to visit their respite center. This is the seventh tour completed by Border Philanthropy Partnership and the fourth tour in collaboration with the Department of State, World Learning, and the San Antonio Council for International Visitors. For more information contact Andy Carey.
COVID-19 testing at Cross Border Express to be extended. The California Department of Public Health, Ventanilla de Salud – San Diego, and U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership have signed a new contract to extend the COVID-19 testing at the Cross Border Express terminal between the Tijuana International Airport and San Diego County. The goal is to extend testing program until June 30, 2023. The first extension in collaboration with Cross Border Express extends the program through the end of December 2022. At that time, the project will complete a final review and it is desired to continue the program for an additional six months. The program is voluntary and provides both onsite testing and take-home kits. Anyone over the age of 2 is invited to participate. The program is designed to help community members feel safe and secure following an international trip, as well as to detect new strains of COVID -19.
BPP Executive Director to address Commission for Environmental Cooperation Council session in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey serves as Chairman of the National Advisory Committee of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The 16-member citizen advisory committee provides advice to the U.S. E.P.A. Administrator on matters related to the environment between the U.S.A., Mexico, and Canada. On July 14-15, the three nation’s environmental leaders will gather for the annual CEC Council Session, to discuss issues and collaborative opportunities in support of climate change and environmental justice between the three nations. Carey will present the latest report submitted to E.P.A. Administrator Michael Regan including the importance of addressing water pollution in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.
Date published: June 23, 2022
COVID-19 testing at Cross Border Express surpasses 3,000. In a little more than one month, over 3,000 International passengers entering the U.S.A. from Mexico have participated in the COVID-19 testing at the Cross-Border Express terminal between San Diego and Tijuana. The program is spearheaded in collaboration with U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, Ventanilla de Salud – San Diego, Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, the California Department of Public Health, and Cross-Border Express. Testing is offered by a dedicated team of health promoters working on behalf of the BPP and Ventanilla de Salud. Passengers entering the U.S.A. are offered free testing at the site or are eligible to take a test kit home. This is an important community effort, says BPP Director Andy Carey. We are working to make our binational community safe, and the response has been overwhelming, continues Carey. The program is offered Monday through Saturday from 7am to 4:30pm.
BPP Executive Director to address Canada, U.S.A, and Mexico environmental leaders. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey will address the Joint Public Meeting of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation at the July 14-15, 2022, meeting to be held in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. The annual meeting of the Environmental ministries between the three North American Countries seeks ways to collaborate on the environment and more specifically environmental justice. Carey serves as Chair of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Committee (NAC). Andy was first appointed to the committee in 2016 and was named Chair in 2022. Andy is the representative for Border Philanthropy Partnership. The National Advisory Committee includes 16 citizens from across the U.S.A. and provides advice to E.P.A. Administrator on environmental issues impacting Canada, U.S.A, and Mexico. For a copy of the latest advice letter contact Andy Carey.
BPP leaders meet Ambassador Esteban Moctezuma in Borderlands. Mexico’s Ambassador to the U.S.A. recently visited the Borderlands as part of the 2022 Summit of the Americas and the BIO 2022 Conference. During his visit to Southern California, Ambassador Moctezuma was able to meet with BPP leaders including Board member Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta of RL Jones Customhouse Brokers and Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director. Ambassador Moctezuma expressed his appreciation to BPP for our steadfast support of the Ventanilla de Salud Program across the U.S.A. and for the COVID-19 testing and vaccination efforts underway in support of the Mexican community. To date over 615,000 individuals have been vaccinated for COVID-19 through our program.
BPP to lead International Visitors delegation to Laredo, TX in July. BPP will once again collaborate with San Antonio Council for International Visitors, World Learning, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of State to lead a delegation of Visitors from Western and Eastern Europe to the Borderlands. The visitors are part of a decades old program of the U.S. State Department to encourage dialogue, civil society engagement, and diplomacy in countries across the globe. BPP Executive Director will lead the delegation in their day-long tour including meetings with government officials and civil society leaders. This will be BPP’s 7th Border tour for this program. For more information contact Andy Carey.
June 8, 2022
Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies presents Jeffrey Davidow Awards at U.S.-Mexico Forum 2022. The Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the University of California San Diego held the U.S.-Mexico Forum 2022 last week in San Diego. The event included over 165 diplomats, academics, government officials, nonprofit leaders, and business leaders from across the U.S. and Mexico to discuss U.S.-Mexico relations. The first ever Jeffrey Davidow Good Neighbor awards were also presented in honor of the distinguished Ambassador Jeffrey Davidow who served as U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, Venezuela, and Mexico. The Good Neighbor Awards were presented to Tijuana Innovadora and the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego for their leadership in strengthening binational ties. The Consulate award is in recognition of the binational COVID-19 vaccination program along and across the U.S.-Mexico Border that has vaccinated 27,400 individuals in San Diego/Tijuana. Congratulations!
U.S. Department of State invites BPP to Summit of the Americas and resume Border tour. The U.S. Department of State has invited BPP Executive Director Andy Carey to attend and participate in civil society events tied to the Summit of the Americas underway this week in Los Angeles, CA. Former Consul General of the United States in Tijuana, Sue Saarnio is organizing our participation. Additionally, BPP is invited to collaborate with the San Antonio International Visitor program to lead international delegates in a Border tour in early July. This will be the 7th Border tour led by BPP in the Borderlands with the International Visitor program.
Congratulations to Hank and Elizabeth Sames on their induction to the 2022 Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame. Long-time supporters of our work in the Borderlands, Hank and Elizabeth are creating college opportunities for first generation students in the Sames Scholars program at TAMIU. Junior Achievement of Laredo recognized the outstanding contributions of business leaders of the city through the Laredo Business Hall of Fame. In honoring them, JA hopes to inspire others, especially young people, to pursue excellence for a better tomorrow. These Laureates played a major role in the history and growth of the city of Laredo and serve as role models for the city's youth. Elizabeth is a former Board Member of the BPP and current Emeritus Committee member. Thank you for all you do to support Laredo, South Texas, and the Borderlands!
May 18, 2022
COVID-19 Vaccine project with Ventanillas de Salud reaches 615,722 people across the U.S.A. For the past several months Border Philanthropy Partnership, the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME), 51 Ventanillas de Salud at each of the Mexican Consulates, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission – Mexico Section, and local allies and partners have collaborated to reach the Latino, Hispanic, and Mexican community residing across the U.S.A. to provide COVID-19 vaccines. Today IME reports we have reached 615,722 individuals through 2,782 health fairs carried out across the nation. Our goal is to reach 1 million individuals before the end of December 2022. This initiative is a collaborative effort. The Federal Government of Mexico provides financial support to the Ventanillas de Salud annually. BPP secured a donation from The David & Lucile Packard Foundation to support this program across the nation. The Ventanilla de Salud program is the leading provider of primary healthcare services to the undocumented community across the U.S.A. Last year alone, more than 3.1 million individuals sought healthcare services at the Ventanilla de Salud or Mobile Consulate near them including: health and wellness counseling, early detection of obesity, high blood pressure, abnormal glucose and cholesterol levels, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases, referrals for specific health services, and vaccinations. Other services include vision, dental, mammography, cardiac studies, and allergy assessments. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad invites BPP to participate in regional meetings across U.S.A. to support Ventanilla de Salud program. Under-Secretary Luis Gutierrez Reyes, Director of the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad invited BPP’s Executive Director, Andy Carey, to attend and participate in three regional meetings to support Ventanilla de Salud (VDS) programing and resource development opportunities. The first meeting was held this week in San Bernardino at the Consulate General of Mexico with VDS leaders from across the Pacific Northwest and Southwest regions of the U.S.A. Over 40 leaders participated from the Government of Mexico, Consulates General of Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission- Mexico Section, and leaders of Ventanillas de Salud in California, Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, and Washington State. Additional meetings are planned later this year in Kansas City, KS and Atlanta, GA
USD Nonprofit Management graduate students complete projects for BPP network members. Beginning this past February 2022, 6 graduate school teams have developed applied projects in support of BPP member agencies including Casa Familiar (San Ysidro, CA), Barrio Logan College Institute (San Diego, CA), Tijuana Sin Hambre (Tijuana, Baja California), U.S.-Mexico Foundation for Science – FUMEC (Mexico City, D.F. and Washington, D.C.), Centro para el Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad Civil (Cd. Chihuahua, Chih.), and Biblioteca Pública de San Miguel de Allende (San Miguel, Guanajuato). The projects included fundraising support, volunteer mobilization, and organizational assessment and evaluation strategies. “The graduate student teams once again knocked it out of the park, says Andy Carey, Adjunct Professor at USD and Director of BPP. The projects provide real value to organizations seeking increased investment, greater community impact, and stronger volunteer engagement. We are growing the leadership pipeline in the Borderlands, and these leaders are ready to engage the Binational region.” Since 2013 graduate students enrolled in the Nonprofit Leadership and Management and Leadership Studies programs have completed applied projects in support of the Border Philanthropy Partnership member network. Over 56 members of the BPP network have benefitted from this partnership across the Borderlands including organizations based in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato, and Mexico City. The applied projects have an in-kind value of US$5,000-US$20,000. The total in-kind value to date surpasses US$280,000. The course is part of the international experience requirement for graduation. The course is led by BPP Executive Director Andy Carey and supports growing the International Development experience for nonprofit leaders and organizations working in the binational U.S.-Mexico region. Over 120 graduate students have participated since 2013.
May 5, 2022
BPP inaugurates COVID-19 testing at CBX. BPP officially launched the COVID-19 testing program at the Cross-Border Express in the Otay Mesa region of San Diego yesterday. This program is possible due to the generous support of the California State Department of Public Health, the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, the Ventanilla de Salud -San Diego, and the Cross Border Express (CBX). The program is run by the Ventanilla de Salud where 8 health promotoras invite passengers traveling to the U.S. from Mexico to take a COVID test. Test results are available immediately and are confidential. There are also home test kits. In our first week, over 500 tests were administered. Our friends and partners at Champions for Health are joining in this effort and are providing vaccines for anyone 5 years old and older. They are providing over 150 shots per day. Both tests and vaccines are available for free in the public sections of the Cross-Border terminal. “COVID-19 is a global challenge and requires global response, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. We are elated to join this innovative program with our dedicated partners to take care of our binational community.”
BPP supports Mexico at the BIO 2022 conference. BPP was invited by the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego to support Mexico’s participation in the International BIO 2022 conference to be held in June at the San Diego Convention Center. BPP serves as fiscal sponsor to the event and is assisting sponsors to participate from both sides of the Border. “This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase innovation in Mexico, and we appreciate the support of Border Philanthropy Partnership” says Ambassador Carlos González Gutíerrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego.
BPP congratulates Sara Aviel as new President and C.E.O. of the Inter-American Foundation. The Washington, D.C. based Inter-American Foundation announced recently that Sara Aviel was named President and C.E.O. This is welcome news for the philanthropy world. Sara has more than two decades of experience in the international development field, having served with the U.S. government, NGOs, academic institutions, and the private sector. Prior to joining the IAF, Sara served as a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and Brookings Institution, focusing on international development policy. She additionally founded and served as President of Margalit Strategies LLC from 2019 to 2022, providing strategic advice to a range of private, multilateral, and nonprofit organizations. Congratulations and Best wishes Sara. The Inter-American Foundation is one of the founding donors of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership.
BPP supporter Deborah Szekely turns 100, writes book. Congratulations and best wishes to Deborah Szekely, founder of Rancho La Puerta on her 100th birthday this week. Deborah and her late husband founded the world-renowned spa and resort, Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Baja California in 1940. Deborah is known as the godmother of wellness, served as a U.S. diplomat, and led the Inter-American Foundation from 1984-1990. The Szekely Foundation was instrumental in assisting Border Philanthropy Partnership in achieving its challenge grant from the C.S. Mott Foundation. Best wishes to you Deborah on your 100th birthday.
BPP and CEMEFI join forces to support Ukraine. The Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) and the Border Philanthropy Partnership are joining forces to assist donors in Mexico to support Ukraine. There is great interest in Mexico to assist the on-going humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and we are eager to collaborate with BPP to help our donors engage, says Ricardo Bucio, President of CEMEFI. The BPP Board of Directors approved fiscal sponsor support to CEMEFI at the April board meeting.
April 20, 2022
BPP Board of Directors meets; welcomes new member, approves fiscal sponsorship growth. The BPP Board of Directors met for their second meeting of 2022. During the virtual encounter, the Board welcomed new member Alex Ríos Rippa, Litigation Director at Sempra Infrastructure Mexico. He was a lawyer in the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC, was formerly Adviser to Mexico's Attorney General. Alejandro is a lawyer with a master’s degree in International Affairs from Georgetown University in Washington DC and Masters of Law from the University of San Diego. Alejandro was a law professor at Escuela Libre de Derecho, UABC and guest lecturer at University of San Diego, California. Welcome Alex. Additionally, the Board approved three new fiscal sponsor relationships. This brings the total fiscal sponsor program participation to more than 60 active relationships. To date, BPP has sponsored over US$8.1 million in fiscal support between the U.S. and Mexico in support of arts and culture, child services, education, environment, migration, public health, and public policy advocacy.
BPP sponsored Ventanilla de Salud program brings COVID-19 testing to Cross-Border Express Terminal. Beginning April 25, 2022, the BPP, the Ventanilla de Salud San Diego, and the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego will be collaborating to provide COVID-19 testing to passengers traveling to the U.S.A. from the Tijuana International airport. The tests are free of charge and will include tests onsite as well as take home. The test results will be provided confidentially and directly from University of California Davis. All passengers ages 2 and older are welcome to participate. The program runs from April 25, 2022 and ends July 31, 2022. This program is possible due to the generous support of the Office of Public Health from the State of California. For more information contact Andy Carey.
April 6, 2022
BPP talks philanthropy, COVID-19 in Washington, D.C. This past week BPP leaders including Board Treasurer Louis Escareño, Board Member Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta, and Executive Director Andy Carey traveled to Washington, D.C. to as part of official delegations to the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce annual visits with legislators in the nation’s capital. The visits included engagements with congressional leaders and their staff to discuss important issues in the Borderlands including the environment, water, migration, trade and commerce, and COVID-19. The trip was a resounding success. We especially wish to thank Ramiro Cavazos, President, and C.E.O. of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for the invitation to accompany the chamber to Washington, D.C.
COVID-19 vaccinations for the Latino, Hispanic, and undocumented grow to more than 554,556. The Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME), the Consular Network of Mexico in the U.S.A., and the Border Philanthropy Partnership have collaborated to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to our community over the past several months. Our goal is to reach 1 million individuals through the Ventanilla de Salud program carried out at the Mexican Consulates General across the United States in collaboration with local nonprofit partners. This week the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad reports that we have successfully reached 554,556 individuals and are more than halfway to achieve our goal. This is an exciting and important project, says BPP Director Andy Carey. Together, we are able to help ensure the health and safety of our community and provide safe and effective access to vaccines. The program continues through the end of 2022. In Washington, D.C., BPP leaders were able to publicly thank Ambassador Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, for the steadfast support of the Mexican Foreign Ministry, and Under Secretary Luis Gutierrez Reyes, Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad. We deeply appreciate the generous support from The David and Lucile Packard Foundation for this program.
State of California approves grant to support COVID-19 testing at Cross Border Express. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is being awarded a grant in the amount of US$121,847 by the State of California Office of Public Health to provide COVID-19 testing at the Cross Border Express between the Tijuana Airport and San Diego, CA. Passengers entering the United States of America will be offered free testing between April and July. Border Philanthropy Partnership and the Ventanilla de Salud program at the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego are partnering to carry out the health initiative. For more information contact [email protected]
Alex Ríos Rippa, Sempra Energy joins BPP Board of Directors. The Border Philanthropy Partnership is excited to officially welcome Alex Ríos to the Board of Directors. Alex has served in multiple capacities at Sempra. Currently, he is Litigation Director at Sempra Infrastructure Mexico. Prior to joining Sempra, Alex served as Legal Counsel at the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, D.C., as well as served in the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico. Alex completed his master’s degree in International Affairs at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and his master’s degree in Law from University of San Diego. Previously, Alex was a law professor at Escuela Libre de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, and guest lecturer at the University of San Diego.
March 23, 2022
BPP talks philanthropy and environment with North Ameican Development Bank. BPP leaders and members visited with NADBank officials in San Antonio last week to discuss philanthropy and environment in the Borderlands. BPP Treasurer Louis Escareño, Director Andy Carey, and member and stakeholder Susan Guinn, President and CEO of the San Diego Regional Policy and Innovation Center met with Managing Director Calixto Mateos-Hanel and Public Affairs Director Jesse Hereford. The conversation focused on the water and pollution challenges between San Diego and Tijuana, and the park to be developed between Laredo and Nuevo Laredo. NAD Bank is a long-standing member of the Border Philanthropy Partnership and has partnered with BPP on many occasions in the Borderlands as well as San Antonio. The parties look forward to continued collaboration opportunities. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Leaders to attend U.S. Hispanic Chamber Legislative Session 2022 in Washington, D.C. BPP Board Treasurer Louis Escareño and Director Andy Carey travel to Washington, D.C. next week to participate in the 2022 U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Session. While in D.C. additional meetings with public officials will be held. The BPP wishes to thank Ramiro Cavazos, President and C.E.O. of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for the invitation. This is the second invitation to officially participate with the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. BPP is excited to share the work of binational philanthropy with the U.S. Hispanic Chamber leadership.
BPP Coaching and Technical Assistance support off to a great start in 2022.
As we end the first quarter of 2022, we are excited to share the coaching and technical assistance support offered to members is on track to beat 2021 results. One of the more popular member services for the BPP network is coaching and technical assistance. The one-on-one sessions give members a chance to share challenges they are facing in their organization, and to seek guidance on possible solutions. The session topics include governance, resource development, career development, strategic planning, volunteer mobilization strategies, social media support, legal and fiscal issues, ideas for networking, and more. Since January, BPP staff and volunteer leaders have participated in more than 25 sessions in support of 12 members. Last year we provided coaching and technical assistance services to 115 organizations. If you are in need of support, please contact us at: [email protected].
As we end the first quarter of 2022, we are excited to share the coaching and technical assistance support offered to members is on track to beat 2021 results. One of the more popular member services for the BPP network is coaching and technical assistance. The one-on-one sessions give members a chance to share challenges they are facing in their organization, and to seek guidance on possible solutions. The session topics include governance, resource development, career development, strategic planning, volunteer mobilization strategies, social media support, legal and fiscal issues, ideas for networking, and more. Since January, BPP staff and volunteer leaders have participated in more than 25 sessions in support of 12 members. Last year we provided coaching and technical assistance services to 115 organizations. If you are in need of support, please contact us at: [email protected].
March 10, 2022
BPP partners with University of San Diego – SOLES in support of nonprofits in the Borderlands. Since 2013 graduate students enrolled in the Nonprofit Leadership and Management and Leadership Studies programs have completed applied projects in support of the Border Philanthropy Partnership member network. This year is no different. Since early February six teams of masters and doctoral students are supporting exciting projects in support of Casa Familiar, Inc. (San Diego, CA), Barrio Logan College Institute (San Diego, CA), U.S.-Mexico Foundation for Science (Washington, D.C. and Mexico City, D.F.), Fundación Binacional Tijuana Sin Hambre (Tijuana, Baja California), Centro para el Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad Civil (Cd. Chihuahua, Chihuahua), and Biblioteca Pública de San Miguel de Allende, A.C. (San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato). The projects include resource development initiatives, volunteer mobilization strategies, governance support, and marketing and communications. To date more than 50 members of the BPP network have benefitted from this partnership across the Borderlands including organizations based in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato, and Mexico City. The applied projects have an in-kind value of US$5,000-US$20,000. The total in-kind value to date surpasses US$250,000. The course is part of the international experience requirement for graduation. The course is led by BPP Executive Director Andy Carey and supports growing the leadership pipeline for nonprofit organizations working in the binational U.S.-Mexico region. Over 100 graduate students have participated since 2013.
BPP honors leaders for International Day for Women. This week around the globe leaders and organizations are celebrating the impact of women in academia, business, government, philanthropy, nonprofits, military, science, medicine, raising families, and more. At BPP we want to honor all our female leaders who are members, partners, stakeholders, donors, volunteers, and more. Your impact in our community makes this work possible, and your commitment to humanity is making this world a kinder, gentler, and more engaging place where everyone has an opportunity to prosper. We thank you for being champions for diversity, equity, and equality, and appreciate your commitment to grow philanthropy to respond to the ever- growing needs for arts and culture, child services, education, environment, homelessness, immigration, public health, social services, youth development, and more. Today, we especially honor our board leaders including, Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres (Chair), Laura Speer (Vice Chair), Elisa de la Vara (Immediate Past Chair), Denise Herrera (Director), Lisa Urias (Director), our former board leaders and past chairs including, Karen Yarza, Cheryl Alethia Phelps, Maria Antonieta Beguerisse, Ana Maria de la Garza, Ana Maria de la Rosa, Elizabeth Sames, Sara Grinberg, Maria Elena Giner, Dolores Roybal, Carla Roberts, and our staff leaders including Christine Baker, Maria Laura Muñoz, Celith Bañuelos, Cecilia Guzmán, and Berta García. ¡Bravo!
BPP members meets Secretary of Economy of Baja California to discuss environmental issues in the Borderlands. This week BPP members and leaders visited with Hon. Kurt Honold, Secretary of the Economy for Baja California to discuss the environmental issues that exist between the U.S. and Mexico. Attending the meeting was BPP Board Member and Treasurer, Louis Escareño, Susan Guinn, President and C.E.O. of the San Diego Regional Policy and Innovation Center, Jason Wells, President of the San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce, and Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director. During the meeting, we discussed opportunities for collaboration to help craft solutions for many of the environmental challenges facing our shared region. Thank you, Secretary Honold, for your hospitality.
February 24, 2022
BPP supports COVID-19 vaccinations for Hispanic, Latino, and undocumented community across USA. The Border Philanthropy Partnership in collaboration with the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, the Consulates General of Mexico across the U.S.A. and with funding support from the David & Lucile Packard Foundation are supporting efforts to get members of the Hispanic, Latino and undocumented community vaccinated. BPP has distributed financial support to 41 community agencies across the United States. The organizations were all identified by the Consulates General of Mexico as their community agency to support health and wellness activities. To date, 482,735 people have been vaccinated in more than 2,749 health fairs. Our goal is to reach 1 million individuals by December 31, 2022. The photo below is a presentation of resources to the Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey presents Ambassador Carlos González Gutiérrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego with funds to support COVID-19 across San Diego County.
BPP fiscal sponsor supports passes US$8.1 million in the Borderlands. At the Board meeting held in January 2013 in Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua, at the Border Environmental Cooperation Commission offices, the board of directors approved fiscal sponsor services as a new program in support of the BPP member network. Chairman Emeritus Russ Jones made the motion, and the board unanimously approved the motion. This decision elevated BPP’s standing in the region and assists donors on both sides of the border to engage their philanthropy in more meaningful ways. To date, over 57 member organizations participate in fiscal sponsorship services, and as of this month, the total transferred now exceeds US$8.1 million. The funds support child services, education, environment, migrant shelters, public health, faith-based efforts, and public policy advocacy initiatives. Many donors want to support projects on both sides of the border but need assistance verifying organizations and projects. BPP shares the story of our member network and complies with the government regulations required on both sides of the border to see the donations get to the organizations as directed by the donor. The photo attached demonstrates the amazing work of Tijuana Sin Hambre in Tijuana, Baja California. As a member of BPP, their donors send contributions to BPP, and BPP forwards the support to them. To date, Tijuana Sin Hambre serves on average 1,750 plates of food each week in their 5 locations across Tijuana. In the past three months alone, they have helped 23,100 people living in the streets or in extreme poverty. For more information contact Andy Carey.
February 9, 2022
La Jolla Institute of Immunology hosts BPP and Consular Officials to discuss COVID-19 research. Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire, President and C.E.O. of the San Diego, CA based La Jolla Institute for Immunology recently hosted Ambassador Carlos González Gutíerrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, Ana Rosa Ochoa, Consul for Community Activities, and BPP Executive Director Andy Carey to discuss the status of COVID-19 research with their top global scientists, and to tour their facilities. In addition to meeting Dr. Saphire, the visit included meetings and presentations with Dr. Zbigniew Mikulski, Director, Microscopy and Instructor; Cheryl Kim, Sr. Director, Flow Cytometry Core Facility; Susy Alarcon, Manager, Sequencing; and Dr. Rubén Díaz-Ávalos.
“The La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) scientists have formed the LJI Coronavirus Task Force to remain at the forefront of research into COVID-19 vaccines, therapies, and the disease’s long-term effects”, says Dr. Saphire. With grant funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation we were also able to launch the Coronavirus Immunotherapeutic Consortium (CoVIC)." “Hundreds of antibodies contributed by over 50 different organizations around the world were classified and mapped” continued Saphire. According to LJI, in September 2021, CoVIC published a study in Science highlighting key details of where SARS-CoV-2 is vulnerable and which antibody “all stars” could be combined in life-saving therapies.
Our delegation was honored to meet Dr. Saphire and her colleagues, especially, Dr. Rubén Díaz-Ávalos who is originally from Mexico City and studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM).
“The La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) scientists have formed the LJI Coronavirus Task Force to remain at the forefront of research into COVID-19 vaccines, therapies, and the disease’s long-term effects”, says Dr. Saphire. With grant funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation we were also able to launch the Coronavirus Immunotherapeutic Consortium (CoVIC)." “Hundreds of antibodies contributed by over 50 different organizations around the world were classified and mapped” continued Saphire. According to LJI, in September 2021, CoVIC published a study in Science highlighting key details of where SARS-CoV-2 is vulnerable and which antibody “all stars” could be combined in life-saving therapies.
Our delegation was honored to meet Dr. Saphire and her colleagues, especially, Dr. Rubén Díaz-Ávalos who is originally from Mexico City and studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM).
January 27, 2022
BPP Board of Directors holds annual meeting - elects new leaders, approves new member services. On Friday, January 14, 2022, the BPP Board of Directors held the 2022 annual meeting and elected new officers and directors for 2022. The new officers include: Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres – Chair (Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, A.C.), Laura Speer – Vice Chair (Annie E. Casey Foundation), Enrique Díaz Rivera R. Bours – Immediate Past Chair (Fundación Tichi Muñoz), JC Thomas – Secretary (City of San Diego), Louis R. Escareño – Treasurer (UETA Duty Free Americas). Additionally, Eduardo “Lalo” Acosta was reelected for a second three-year term -Director (RL Jones Customhouse Brokers). Juan Guadalupe Marcos Giacomán (Fundación Jesús M. Montemayor), and Guillermo Garza Martínez (Arca Continental) remain on the Board as Directors. New board members elected include: Denise Herrera – Director (Con Alma Health Foundation) and Lisa Urias – Director (Arizona Community Foundation).
The Board also approved a dynamic new relationship with Candid, formerly known as Foundation Center, to enhance membership services for increased resource development opportunities for the member network. The 2022 Action plan also includes goals for increased membership, completion of Border tours, publication of new marketing materials, and the publication of 6 Border Briefs related to Borderlands issues including general border information, education, environment, immigration, philanthropy, and public health. And finally, the Board also approved 7 new relationships bringing the total to 58 organizations approved for fiscal sponsorship.
The Board also approved a dynamic new relationship with Candid, formerly known as Foundation Center, to enhance membership services for increased resource development opportunities for the member network. The 2022 Action plan also includes goals for increased membership, completion of Border tours, publication of new marketing materials, and the publication of 6 Border Briefs related to Borderlands issues including general border information, education, environment, immigration, philanthropy, and public health. And finally, the Board also approved 7 new relationships bringing the total to 58 organizations approved for fiscal sponsorship.
Elisa de la Vara completes board service after 6 years – named Emeritus Director. Elisa de la Vara, Chief Community Officer at the Arizona Community Foundation for the prior 6 years has officially retired her post at ACF and officially completes her board service to BPP. The Board voted unanimously to elevate Elisa de la Vara to Emeritus status. Elisa has proven to be a dynamic and committed Board Chair, says Rosa del Carmen Montano Fimbres. Elisa led our board during the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrated to all the power of leadership in this difficult time. During Elisa’s leadership, she helped steward multiple large gifts to BPP, represented our organization in official meetings with government leaders in Washington, D.C. and Mexico City, as well as along and across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Thank you, Elisa, for your leadership and service to our community. ¡Hasta pronto estimada amiga!
BPP COVID-19 program aims to vaccinate 1 million undocumented, Hispanic, and Latino community members. BPP continues to work closely with the Mexican Federal Government at the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME) the area of the Foreign Ministry responsible for carrying out programs in support of health and wellness at the Mexican Consulates across the U.S.A. This program is supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. To date, 405,830 individuals have been vaccinated as part of the Ventanilla de Salud program across the country. BPP is supporting COVID-19 outreach programs and vaccinations across the U.S.A. For more information contact Andy Carey.
January 13, 2022
Border Philanthropy Partnership mourns the passing of Board Member Luis Alberto Healy Loera. The BPP Board of Directors and staff team mourn the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Lic. Luis Alberto Healy Loera. Luis Alberto passed just days before the Christmas holiday while at his home in Bahia del Kino, Sonora. Luis Alberto just completed his first three-year term on the Board of Directors and was to be re-elected at the 2022 annual meeting to be held this week. During his time on the Board, Luis Alberto was actively engaged in our public policy advocacy initiatives for philanthropy in the Borderlands. Healy joined our Washington, D.C. delegation to support more humane repatriation policies, medical lanes at all ports of entry, protection of the charitable tax deduction, and the Census 2020 project. Additionally, Luis Alberto supported BPP’s work with the Foreign Ministry of Mexico in support of health and wellness activities, and he was always supportive to discuss our work in Grupo Healy’s newspapers in Northwest Mexico. Most of all, Luis Alberto was our friend and colleague, with whom we enjoyed many happy times together in both the U.S.A. and Mexico to talk about strengthening the community ties between our two countries. Our deepest sympathy to his family, especially his mother, Doña Sylvia Loera de Healy, and his siblings Rosa Silvia, María Dolores,Teresita, Patricia, José Santiago, Juan Fernando y Daniel Healy Loera. Rest in peace dear friend.
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership’s Board of Directors is holding their annual meeting tomorrow, Friday, January 14, 2022. During the meeting, the Board will elect new board officers and directors, approve the 2022 annual plan and budget, consider new member services and key partnerships, as well as consider new fiscal sponsorship relationships. The Board and staff team wish our entire member network an exciting and prosperous 2022. For more information contact Andy Carey.
December 15, 2021
New Leaders to join Board of Directors in January 2022. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is pleased to announce the addition of two new leaders to the Board of Directors beginning January 14, 2022.
Lisa Urias is the Chief Program & Community Engagement Officer of the Arizona Community Foundation. In this capacity, Lisa is responsible for leading the Foundation’s engagements and relationships with diverse communities across Arizona and is responsible for an aggregate annual grantmaking budget of over $30 million. Additionally, Lisa leads programs and special program initiatives, including the New Arizona Prize and Philanthropy for All; program spending and related grantmaking; affiliate networks and rural philanthropy; community initiatives and impact; the Community Impact Loan Fund; affordable housing; and immigration and border-related philanthropy. Prior to joining the executive leadership team of the Arizona Community Foundation, Lisa was Founder and Managing Partner of Arizona based Urias Communications since 2006. Lisa also served on the Board of Trustees of the Arizona Community Foundation for 8 years. Urias’ civic leadership includes service on the boards of National Bank of Arizona, Greater Phoenix Leadership, the ASU Morrison Institute, Arizona Supreme Court Judicial Council Public Member, Teach for America, and Charter 100. She was recently named “Most Influential Businesswomen” by InBusiness Magazine, “One to Watch” by the Arizona Republic, and one of the “Most Admired CEOs” by the Phoenix Business Journal. She received a bachelor’s degree from ASU and completed the Stanford Latino Entrepreneur Institute program. Lisa is a long-time supporter of Border Philanthropy Partnership, where as a member she joined our first-ever public policy advocacy tour to Washington, D.C. in October 2018.
Denise Herrera is Executive Director of the New Mexico based Con Alma Health Foundation. Denise has devoted much of her academic and philanthropic career to leveling the playing field for underserved populations to receive quality health services and education. Her proudest accomplishment was establishing the “Herrera Internship Endowment” in 2016 – which provides internship and scholarship opportunities for Latina students throughout New Mexico. The fund, managed by the National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation, honors Denise’s parents and grandparents who didn’t have the opportunity to pursue higher education. Prior to joining the Con Alma Health Foundation, Denise was a Senior Capacity Building Officer with St. David’s Foundation, where she ensured philanthropy take into consideration the organizational health of nonprofits to achieve their mission. She managed a large research and evaluation portfolio with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest philanthropy focused solely on health. She has provided programmatic and evaluation expertise on national advisory committees and issues related to leadership development, community health, and civic engagement efforts in rural and urban areas in the U.S. and abroad. Denise completed her BS in Health Education from the University of New Mexico, MS in Family Studies and Human Development from the University of Arizona, and PhD in Health Education from the University of Texas-Austin.
Lisa Urias is the Chief Program & Community Engagement Officer of the Arizona Community Foundation. In this capacity, Lisa is responsible for leading the Foundation’s engagements and relationships with diverse communities across Arizona and is responsible for an aggregate annual grantmaking budget of over $30 million. Additionally, Lisa leads programs and special program initiatives, including the New Arizona Prize and Philanthropy for All; program spending and related grantmaking; affiliate networks and rural philanthropy; community initiatives and impact; the Community Impact Loan Fund; affordable housing; and immigration and border-related philanthropy. Prior to joining the executive leadership team of the Arizona Community Foundation, Lisa was Founder and Managing Partner of Arizona based Urias Communications since 2006. Lisa also served on the Board of Trustees of the Arizona Community Foundation for 8 years. Urias’ civic leadership includes service on the boards of National Bank of Arizona, Greater Phoenix Leadership, the ASU Morrison Institute, Arizona Supreme Court Judicial Council Public Member, Teach for America, and Charter 100. She was recently named “Most Influential Businesswomen” by InBusiness Magazine, “One to Watch” by the Arizona Republic, and one of the “Most Admired CEOs” by the Phoenix Business Journal. She received a bachelor’s degree from ASU and completed the Stanford Latino Entrepreneur Institute program. Lisa is a long-time supporter of Border Philanthropy Partnership, where as a member she joined our first-ever public policy advocacy tour to Washington, D.C. in October 2018.
Denise Herrera is Executive Director of the New Mexico based Con Alma Health Foundation. Denise has devoted much of her academic and philanthropic career to leveling the playing field for underserved populations to receive quality health services and education. Her proudest accomplishment was establishing the “Herrera Internship Endowment” in 2016 – which provides internship and scholarship opportunities for Latina students throughout New Mexico. The fund, managed by the National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation, honors Denise’s parents and grandparents who didn’t have the opportunity to pursue higher education. Prior to joining the Con Alma Health Foundation, Denise was a Senior Capacity Building Officer with St. David’s Foundation, where she ensured philanthropy take into consideration the organizational health of nonprofits to achieve their mission. She managed a large research and evaluation portfolio with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest philanthropy focused solely on health. She has provided programmatic and evaluation expertise on national advisory committees and issues related to leadership development, community health, and civic engagement efforts in rural and urban areas in the U.S. and abroad. Denise completed her BS in Health Education from the University of New Mexico, MS in Family Studies and Human Development from the University of Arizona, and PhD in Health Education from the University of Texas-Austin.
BPP and Threshold Foundation collaborate to support human rights in the Borderlands. The New York based Threshold Foundation and the Border Philanthropy Partnership are collaborating on an initiative to support human rights in the Borderlands. The effort supports re-granting to human rights organizations in Mexico, a Border tour, and a small fund to support grassroots organizations. For more than four decades, the Threshold Foundation has been a catalyst for social and environmental change by seeding hundreds of nascent organizations, and by supporting the inception of multiple donor networks and socially responsible businesses throughout the world. This is the second grant initiative from Threshold Foundation to support BPP and its growing member network. This project increases the total BPP fiscal sponsorship impact program to more than US$8 million.
Decembr 8, 2021
San Diego Regional Chamber honors BPP partners for leadership in Borderlands. The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce presented the 2021 International Tribute Awards recognizing outstanding individuals and businesses who have made a substantial contribution to the binational initiatives bridging the U.S. and Mexican economies. The International Business Award was presented to Taylor Guitars. Taylor Guitars worked diligently during the pandemic to keep their binational operations afloat and launched an employee ownership program for all employees on both sides of the Border to participate in the 100% ownership program. The International Leader of the Year award was presented to Melissa Floca, Senior Advisor for Cross-Border Initiatives at the University of San Diego’s Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice. The Cross-Border Collaboration Award was presented to San Diego County Supervisor Nora Vargas, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, and Luis Lutteroth, President of the Consejo Desarrollo de Tijuana for their efforts to provide COVID-19 vaccines in the San Diego-Tijuana mega-region. BPP provides fiscal sponsorship support to all three of these initiatives.
November 23, 2021
COVID-19 vaccinations in Borderlands bring 450 kids to San Diego. The Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, the County of San Diego, the Ventanilla de Salud at the Mexican Consulate, Red ASER, Boys and Girls Club of Tijuana, Hospital Infantil de las Californias, Tijuana Innovadora, and BPP have partnered to bring nearly 500 children aged 12-15 to the Consulate General of Mexico for COVID-19 vaccinations. The program is possible through the generous support of the County of San Diego and the State of California in cooperation with the State of Baja California and the City of Tijuana. The program supports adolescents that have a U.S. visa or passport, but who were unable to come to the United States before now to get the vaccine because they didn’t have an adult able to cross the border with them. Innovative binational vaccination programs are popping up in communities across the Borderlands. Thousands of maquila workers have been vaccinated through binational collaboration. This is the first effort in support of children. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Fiscal Sponsorship program supports migrant shelters in Mexico. Generous donors in the United States are stepping up in significant ways to support migrant communities in the Northern Border of Mexico. Over US$142,000 has been distributed to migrant shelters in Baja California and Nuevo Leon to support the growing needs of migrants who have traveled to the Northern Border in search of improved quality of life. The resources will support day to day operations and expansion of services. The Border Philanthropy Partnership continues to encourage donors to support the migrant shelters on the Mexican side of the Border as few financial resources are available to support them. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP leads first meeting of the EPA National Advisory Committee. Earlier this month, BPP Executive Director Andy Carey led the first meeting of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Committee (NAC) as Chair. Carey represents the philanthropic sector in his position. The NAC is a federal advisory committee whose citizen members are appointed by the Executive Branch of the government. The mission of the NAC is to provide advice to the EPA Administrator on issues related to the Environmental Cooperation Agreement, which is part of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA). During this first meeting, the 16-member committee met with federal officials responsible for supporting federal advisory committees, learned about roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the committee, and had an opportunity to meet the new and returning members of the National Advisory Committee.
November 3, 2021
BPP Governance Committee nominates officers for 2022 administrative year. At the October 2021 meeting, the BPP Governance Committee officially presented nominations for board officers and directors for the 2022 administrative year. The nominations include: Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres (Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, A.C.) – Chair; Laura Speer (Annie E. Casey Foundation) – Vice Chair; Enrique Díaz Rivera R. Bours (Fundación Tichi Muñoz) – Imm. Past Chair; Louis R. Escareño (UETA Duty Free Americas) – Treasurer; JC Thomas (City of San Diego) – Secretary. Three new board members were also approved and will be announced separately. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP fiscal sponsor program grows to support giving in the Borderlands. At the October 2021 meeting of the BPP Board of Directors, 5 new fiscal sponsor relationships were approved to support increased charitable giving between the U.S. and Mexico. The new relationships support giving efforts in both countries and include education, environment, public health, and migrant serving organizations. BPP now supports 51 fiscal sponsor relationships that has generated nearly US$8 million in support of organizations working along and across the Borderlands. For more information on how BPP can support your fiscal sponsor needs contact Andy Carey.
October 20, 2021
BPP announces grant support opportunity for the Ventanilla de Salud program across the USA. BPP Board Chair Elisa de la Vara and Director Andy Carey attended the XXI Annual Binational Border Health Week inauguration in Phoenix, AZ to announce financial support for each community agency leading the Ventanilla de Salud program in the 51 Mexican Consulates across the USA. Each community agency will receive the Request for Proposal and they have until November 15, 2021, to submit their plans to significantly increase COVID-19 vaccination programs in their community. “We are looking to vaccinate 1 million people across the Hispanic and undocumented community,” says de la Vara. This is a unique opportunity to support our community and their families. BPP received a US$2.5 million grant from The David & Lucile Packard Foundation to support this effort. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Andy Carey visits Miami University of Ohio to talk U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Miami University based in Oxford, OH invited BPP Director Andy Carey to participate in the 2021 Institute for Learning Midday Lecture Series. The 75-minute session was designed to inform community members, faculty, staff, and students on the issues and concerns facing the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Carey’s remarks included facts and figures on migration, COVID-19, trade and commerce, Border closure, security, environment, education, and public health. The session was organized by Dr. Charles Ganelin, Professor Emeritus, Miami University. Professor Ganelin was one of the Spanish language professors of Andy Carey while at Purdue University.
HEAL Fund (Healthy Entry for Asylee Lives) plans virtual convening October 27, 2021. Please join us for an important convening addressing asylees seeking support in New Mexico. Over the past several months a cohort of foundations, nonprofit organizations, and other stakeholder partners have been collaborating to launch the HEAL Fund in support of asylees coming to New Mexico. The HEAL Fund is held at the New Mexico Foundation and is supported by Con Alma Health Foundation, Groundworks New Mexico, Hispanics in Philanthropy, New Mexico First, New Mexico Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, Thornburg Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The virtual convening will be held from 10am-12pm MST. There is no cost to attend. Please register through host partner Groundworks New Mexico.
October 6, 2021
Binational health: Mexican consulates to provide public medical services all month long. Mexican consulates throughout the U.S. are partnering with federal, state and local agencies, community-based organizations and volunteers to conduct health and education activities to launch the 21st edition of Binational Health Week. At the Mexican Consulate in San Diego, services include workshops, insurance referrals, vaccination campaigns and medical screenings. Some services will be offered online. “Regardless of migratory status or if they don’t have insurance, we help them navigate the system so they can find a medical home,” said Carlos González Gutiérrez, Mexico’s consul general in San Diego. “We do it throughout the... (read more)
Save the Date – HEAL Fund (Healthy Entry for Asylee Lives) plans virtual convening October 27, 2021. Please join us for an important convening addressing asylees seeking support in New Mexico. Over the past several months a cohort of foundations, nonprofit organizations, and other stakeholder partners have been collaborating to launch the HEAL Fund in support of asylees coming to New Mexico. The HEAL Fund is held at the New Mexico Foundation and is supported by Con Alma Health Foundation, Groundworks New Mexico, Hispanics in Philanthropy, New Mexico First, New Mexico Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, Thornburg Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The virtual convening will be held from 10am-12pm MST. There is no cost to attend. Please register through host partner Groundworks New Mexico.
September 30, 2021
BPP mourns the passing of Dr. Diana Natalicio, President Emerita, University of Texas El Paso. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership wishes to extend its condolences to the family of Dr. Diana Natalicio who passed away last Friday. Dr. Natalicio was an avid supporter, member, participant, and advocate for the work of BPP in our region. BPP Executive Director first met President Natalicio in 2010, and she quickly agreed to become involved with our efforts. The Fronteras Desk was just getting started and she wanted to be sure UTEP, and El Paso was engaged. From that point on, UTEP and BPP were partners. BPP was always included in key campus activities including the annual nonprofit summits, and even VIP meetings with Texas officials including First Lady Cecilia Abbott. “President Natalicio was a force for UTEP, El Paso, the State of Texas, and the Borderlands. Her tireless advocacy for both excellence in and access to higher education was truly inspiring”, says BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. Dr. Natalicio was the longest-serving president of UTEP, where she led the university for 31 years. She was appointed as the first female president in 1988 and retired in 2019. In her memory, UTEP’s Mining Minds sculpture will be illuminated in blue and orange for 31 days. UTEP has started a fund in her memory. To donate or submit a memory in her honor, click here.
BPP Executive Director joins Joan B. Kroc School for Peace and Justice Advisory Board. The University of San Diego and the Border Philanthropy Partnership continue to strengthen their partnership in the Borderlands. Dean Patricia Marquez recently invited BPP Executive Director Andy Carey to join the Kroc School Advisory Board. The Advisory Board exists to provide input to the Dean on programs and activities at the School. The Kroc School is a long-time member of the BPP, and BPP is fiscal sponsor for the Border Fellows program. “This is an exciting time to support the University of San Diego and their continued engagement in the Borderlands. We look forward to working with Dean Marquez and her extraordinary team as they extend their reach for Peace and Justice across our region”, says Andy Carey.
Save the Date – HEAL Fund (Healthy Entry for Asylee Lives) plans virtual convening October 27, 2021. Please join us for an important convening addressing asylees seeking support in New Mexico. Over the past several months a cohort of foundations, nonprofit organizations, and other stakeholder partners have been collaborating to launch the HEAL Fund in support of asylees coming to New Mexico. The HEAL Fund is held at the New Mexico Foundation and is supported by Con Alma Health Foundation, Groundworks New Mexico, Hispanics in Philanthropy, New Mexico First, New Mexico Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, Thornburg Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The virtual convening will be held from 10am-12pm MST. There is no cost to attend. Please register through host partner Groundworks New Mexico.
September 15, 2021
Border Philanthropy Partnership to re-open offices, move to new space in San Diego Foundation Building. Since March 2020 the Border Philanthropy Partnership has operated in a remote setting with our staff team dispersed across the Borderlands in California, Arizona, Baja California, and Chihuahua. At the end of this month, BPP will begin operating again in their offices at The San Diego Foundation building in San Diego, CA. BPP is in the process of relocating to the main floor of the building and will occupy the space previously held by BPP member I Love A Clean San Diego. We extend our appreciation to The San Diego Foundation for their continued support of the BPP and for facilitating this move to the new location. We also wish to thank El Paso Community Foundation for sponsoring the art exhibit, Frontera Vibrante, that will adorn the walls of our new location and Fundación John Langdon Down for other artwork at our offices. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP and NM foundations form partnership to support organizations in Mexico. The Angelica Foundation and the Threshold Foundation are collaborating with the Border Philanthropy Partnership to support nonprofit organizations based in Mexico as well as to organize a donor tour to highlight the needs and opportunities for engagement in the region. BPP will serve as fiscal sponsor for the efforts. The Angelica Foundation and the Threshold Foundation recently collaborated with BPP to support organizations in Tijuana, Baja California. For more information contact Andy Carey at [email protected].
BPP leaders to join Mexican Federal Government Officials to launch Binational Border Health Week in October. The Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME - Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior), has invited BPP leaders to join the official inauguration of Binational Border Health Week to be held in Phoenix, AZ October 12-14. Dr. Jorge Carlos Alcocer Varela, Minister of Health of Mexico and Ing. Luis Gutierrez Reyes, Director of the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad will lead the Mexico delegation to Arizona. The meeting this year will also include the community leadership of the 51 Ventanilla de Salud agencies supporting health and wellness activities for the undocumented community across the USA. The Ministry of Health, IME, and BPP are collaborating to provide COVID-19 vaccinations with support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
September 1, 2021
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency appoints BPP Executive Director as Chair, National Advisory Committee. EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan has invited BPP Executive Director Andy Carey to serve as Chair of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Advisory Committee for a term beginning immediately and ending October 27, 2023. As a representative member, Carey represents the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The EPA established the National Advisory Committee in 1994 to provide advice to the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environment-related strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory and economic issues to be addressed in implementation and elaboration of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, now superseded by the Environmental Cooperation Agreement. Committee members serve as representatives of academia, business and nongovernmental organizations. Carey was first appointed as a committee member in October 2016 and has represented the committee at trilateral government meetings between Canada, United States, and Mexico in Oklahoma City and Mexico City.
1st Virtual Conference: Vaccine Equity in Action. New Mexico Public Health Association is building the New Mexico Vaccine Equity and Rebuild Network for everyone working in the COVID-19 vaccine equity space. COVID-19 continues to devastate our communities. So many people are working hard to address vaccine distribution and other community needs at this difficult time. NMPHA is bringing together practitioners, students, organizational leaders and funders for our first convening event of NM Vaccine Equity and Rebuild Network (Con Alma Health Foundation, NM Alliance of Health Councils, the Health Equity Partnership, NM-WEAVE and the UNM TREE Center, the US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and others). Please consider joining us and sharing this info with those you know who are involved in this critical work. Click here for more information and to register for the first virtual gathering.
Border town ‘fed up’ as ban on nonessential travel extended yet again. Nogales Mayor Arturo Garino said he is “fed up” with the federal government’s COVID-19 ban on nonessential border crossings, which has been extended for another month, further crippling local businesses that rely on cross-border customers. The ban, which was set to expire Saturday, has been extended through at least Sept. 21, which will mark just under 18 months of travel restrictions at land ports of entry at the Canadian and Mexican borders. “You know, this needs to end,” said Andy Carey, executive director of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. “It’s been going on for almost a year and a half.” But Carey said nobody believes the border will open by next month. In the meantime, businesses around Nogales are closing down, losing... (read more)
August 11, 2021
President appoints first Latina to lead U.S. section of the International Boundary and Water Commission. President Joe Biden has appointed Maria-Elena Giner to serve as the United States Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico. Dr. Giner, the second woman and first Latina to hold the post, previously served as General Manager of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), an institution that developed environmental infrastructure along the U.S.-Mexico border in association with the North American Development Bank. During her tenure at the BECC, she focused on policies that addressed U.S.-Mexico cooperation on water, energy, and climate change. Dr. Giner is well regarded among state agencies and local communities in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and the six Mexican border states. With the support of the BECC staff, she led the development and financing of $9 billion in environmental infrastructure, benefitting about 100 communities and over 10 million residents. In addition, she has published extensively on... (read more)
BPP Officials meet in Mexico City with Federal Officials on COVID-19 Vaccination program for Mexican Nationals in USA. BPP Board Chair Elisa de la Vara, Treasurer Louis Escareño, Executive Director Andy Carey, and Representative for Mexico Maria Laura Muñoz met last Friday in Mexico City with officials from the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Health to discuss BPP’s efforts to support COVID-19 vaccination for Mexican Nationals residing in the USA. Officials from the Mexican Government included Under Secretary Luis Gutierrez Reyes, Director of IME, Martha Caballero Abraham, Chief of International Relations for the Ministry of Health, Carlos Cruz Cuevas, Assistant Director for Migrant Health and Erick Hernández Rodríguez, Director of Health and Sports. Mr. William Ostick, former US Consul General in Tijuana and current Director of Public Relations, US Embassy was also in attendance. The Border Philanthropy Partnership, Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad, and the Ministry of Health will collaborate on supporting COVID-19 vaccination programs at the Ventanillas de Salud across the Mexican Consular network in the USA with the generous support of The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Young professional makes a difference in the Borderlands. In late June, BPP was contacted by a young professional living in San Diego. Miranda Potmesil was looking to help families in need during the COVID-19 health crisis and moved to action. Miranda came into possession of protective masks and wanted to make sure they were given to families in need. She started an online search for International giving in the Border and came across the Border Philanthropy Partnership. A few weeks later, BPP Executive Director met her at her home to pick up 1,000 masks for women and girls, and BPP was able to hand deliver the masks to new BPP member Tijuana Sin Hambre. This week, Tijuana Sin Hambre held a large event in Tijuana to present uniforms, meals, haircuts, and facemasks to over 500 children and their families. Thank you Miranda and Tijuana Sin Hambre for your efforts.
BPP guides US foundations supporting migrants in the Borderlands. The BPP is pleased to share that US based Foundations are supporting migrant serving organizations in the Borderlands. The California based Long Ridge Foundation recently agreed to provide grant support to Tijuana Sin Hambre, Casa Migrante Tijuana, and YMCA Baja California. Additionally, the New Mexico based Threshold Foundation has agreed to support Alma Migrante, Espacio Migrante, and Madre Asunta. The Foundations approached BPP to identify organizations supporting migrants in the binational region. A comprehensive list of eligible organizations was provided to the funders, and the organizations mentioned were selected by their respective Board of Directors. Congratulations to these 6 deserving organizations. For more information on fiscal agency opportunities contact Andy Carey.
July 29, 2021
BPP Board of Directors meets – approves budget adjustments, fiscal agency services, and RFP for COVID-19 programming. The US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership Board of Directors held their third meeting of the 2021 year via ZOOM on July 16, 2021. During the meeting the Board approved a US$2.5 million increase to the annual budget based upon the recently approved David & Lucile Packard Foundation approved grant for COVID-19 programming across the United States. Additionally, the Board approved the creation of an RFP for the 51 community agencies supporting the Ventanilla de Salud program. BPP leaders will soon meet with Mexican Government officials to finalize the program. The Board also approved three new fiscal agency relationships to support charitable giving in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. The next meeting of the BPP Board is scheduled for October 15, 2021.
BPP Vice Chair to participate in Philanthropy Panel in Mexico. Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Vice Chair of the BPP Board of Directors will participate in a round table discussion organized by Fortalessa on September 2. Rosa del Carmen is also the Executive Director of Cadenas de Ayuda para México, A.C. Fortalessa is a dynamic nonprofit organization based in Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua that supports strengthening nonprofit organizations in Mexico. The panelists will share insights on projected giving trends in Mexico. Save the date!
July 14, 2021
Horowitz Foundation Awards Grants to 25 Scholars for Social Policy Research. The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy has selected Maria-Elena Giner, U.S.- Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership Emeritus Board Member and PhD Candidate at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, as one of twenty-five scholars to receive grants for research in the social sciences for the 2020 award year. “The 678 applications we received in 2020 represented a wide range of policy areas and approaches,” said Chairman Mary Curtis Horowitz. “Given the events of the last year, the need for evidence-based policy is clearer than ever. Our Trustees were glad to be able to support this group of twenty-five young scholars pursuing innovative and urgent policy research.” Infrastructure is typically implemented to address a social need yet is not regularly evaluated to assess its performance against its original objectives. Giner's work assesses the impact of water and waste water infrastructure along the Texas-Mexico border, where in the last 25 years, local, state and federal agencies invested... (read more)

Funders’ efforts to improve health of immigrants. Citing American Community Survey results, a 2020 Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) fact sheet says that “22 million noncitizens” (including “lawfully present and undocumented immigrants”) lived in the US in 2018. Certain lawfully present immigrants can enroll in Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces, but the undocumented cannot, the fact sheet says. Medicaid covers limited emergency services for the undocumented. Also, some states (such as California) and localities provide other coverage or help for some undocumented people. Public charge policies govern how the likely future use of “public benefits may affect individuals’ ability to enter the U.S. or adjust to legal permanent resident” status (that is, get a green card), a 2019 KFF... (read more)
June 30,2021
David and Lucile Packard Foundation awards US$2.5 million grant to BPP for COVID-19 initiative in USA. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Board of Trustees recently approved a US$2.5 million grant to the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership to support COVID-19 initiatives in the United States. The program will support outreach to the undocumented community and encourage participation in the health and wellness programs offered at Mexican Consulates across the United States, in an innovative collaboration with the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, IME) and Ministry of Public Health (Secretaría de Salud), among other partners. There are 5.5 million undocumented Mexican Nationals residing in the USA, and the Ventanilla de Salud program (health and wellness outreach) provides medical, dental, and mental healthcare services to this population. In 2020, more than 3,069,946 individuals were provided health services at the Ventanilla de Salud in Mexican Consulates. BPP will work closely with the Mexican Consulates and the community agencies managing the Ventanilla de Salud program to significantly increase COVID-19 vaccinations in the undocumented community. For more information contact Andy Carey. awards US$2.5 million grant to BPP for COVID-19 initiative in USA. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Board of Trustees recently approved a US$2.5 million grant to the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership to support COVID-19 initiatives in the United States. The program will support outreach to the undocumented community and encourage participation in the health and wellness programs offered at Mexican Consulates across the United States, in an innovative collaboration with the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, IME) and Ministry of Public Health (Secretaría de Salud), among other partners. There are 5.5 million undocumented Mexican Nationals residing in the USA, and the Ventanilla de Salud program (health and wellness outreach) provides medical, dental, and mental healthcare services to this population. In 2020, more than 3,069,946 individuals were provided health services at the Ventanilla de Salud in Mexican Consulates. BPP will work closely with the Mexican Consulates and the community agencies managing the Ventanilla de Salud program to significantly increase COVID-19 vaccinations in the undocumented community. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Bi-partisan and bi-national: Supporting humanitarian efforts along the border. By Hannah Fontaine, Harvard University. The Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) emphasizes the importance of cooperation. Whether that’s across borders, across the political aisle, or between corporations, community foundations, and NGOs, the nearly 13-year-old organization has an excellent track record of facilitating partnerships between disparate groups, sometimes with opposing viewpoints, to improve life for those living in the border region. BPP operates with the support of generous corporate donors and membership dues from government organizations, community groups, universities, and nonprofits. In return, they “build bridges” between these groups to improve communication and collaboration along the border. The groups they work with are called “member partners,” and they’re able to... (read more)
June 16, 2021
BPP, Bebe Cardio partner with Consulates to save child; secure medical equipment for pediatric surgeries. The Border Philanthropy Partnership and Bebe Cardio based in Tijuana, Baja California joined forces to support a new born child in Tijuana born to parents from each side of the Border. Medical personnel from San Diego based +Rady’s Children Hospital agreed to perform life saving procedures if the child could be transported to the other side of the Border. BPP worked closely with the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego and the Consulate General of the U.S. in Tijuana to secure the proper documentation. The child is thriving and is expected to make a full recovery. This week both organizations worked with medical professionals in Los Angeles to donate surgical equipment to support pediatric surgeries in Tijuana.
BPP partners with Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice to support Border Fellows Program. BPP and the University of San Diego’s Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support the inaugural class of Border Fellows. Over 500 individuals from both sides of the Border applied to participate in the Fellowship. The Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice selected 4 Border Fellows, 3 Young Fellows, and 10 Border Allies. The Border Fellows are Rebeca Cazares, Marla Lino, Luis Guillermo Gomez Rosales, and Florisse Vazquez. The 3 Young Fellows are Miguel Garcia, Alina Bretón, Acacitli Espinoza. The 10 Border Allies are Francisco Orozco Diaz, Yara Amparo Lopez, Sahoori Rivera, Karolyna Pollorena, Gustavo Valdez, Andrea Peña, Ana Ochoa, Alejandra Melisa Viruete, Carlos Martinez, and Nicole Ramos. Congratulations to all the participants.
June 3, 2021
BPP Board Member Dolores Roybal retires. Congratulations to our dear friend and colleague Dolores Roybal on her retirement from Con Alma Health Foundation after serving 15 years as Executive Director. In addition to her leadership on equity, equality, and social justice, Dolores is a tireless champion of the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, says BPP Board Chair Elisa de la Vara. We so appreciate Dolores and her commitment to this work, and more importantly to her service to BPP. During Dolores’ tenure on the BPP Board, she helped expand our organization’s presence in New Mexico, and worked to solidify our governance structure says BPP Executive Director, Andy Carey, and we are delighted that Dolores Roybal will continue to serve as a member of the Emeritus Committee. Best wishes to you Dolores on this exciting new chapter.
Foundations provide leadership and grant support to respond to COVID-19 and Humanitarian Crisis across the Borderlands. Foundations from California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and other parts of the U.S.A. continue to provide important grant support and community leadership in response to the continued COVID-19 pandemic and the migrant humanitarian crisis in the U.S.-Mexico Border region. Foundation leaders meet regularly with local stakeholders and partners to strategize needs, provide financial support, and raise awareness with elected officials at the local, state, regional, and national levels. Over US$200 million has been distributed alone from community foundations for COVID-19 relief from San Diego to San Antonio. Foundations continue to collaborate to also secure financial support to respond to the migrant crisis. Humanitarian resources are being provided to support immediate needs including food, shelter, clothing, personal hygiene, legal assistance, transportation, interpretation services, and nonprofit reimbursement for federal government grant requirements. For more information on foundations responding in your area visit the website of the foundations responding: The San Diego Foundation, International Community Foundation, Jewish Community Foundation San Diego, Alliance Healthcare Foundation, Arizona Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, Con Alma Health Foundation, New Mexico Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, El Paso Community Foundation, Paso del Norte Health Foundation, Paso del Norte Community Foundation, San Antonio Area Foundation, Laredo Area Community Foundation, Hispanics in Philanthropy, and U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. For more information contact Andy Carey.
May 19, 2021
BPP meets with Mexican government officials to talk health and wellness.
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey met this week with Ing. Luis Gutiérrez Reyes, Director of the Institúto para los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME) to discuss the Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego. The Ventanilla de Salud program is a cornerstone health and wellness outreach initiative of the Mexican government to provide critical preventative healthcare services to the diaspora community residing in the United States of America. Since 2003, the program has served more than 14 million Mexican nationals, and in 2020, 3,060,946 people received health and wellness services. The services include health and wellness counseling, early detection of obesity, high blood pressure, abnormal glucose and cholesterol levels, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases, referrals for specific health services, and vaccinations. Other services include vision, dental, mammography, cardiac studies, and allergy assessments. In the past year, the Ventanilla de Salud has played a critical role in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing expert medical advice, COVID-19 testing, and most recently, COVID-19 vaccinations. According to the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME), over 70,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered at the Ventanilla de Salud program to date. BPP has partnered with the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego since January 2016. Last year alone, more than 30,000 men, women, and children received health and wellness services in San Diego.
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey met this week with Ing. Luis Gutiérrez Reyes, Director of the Institúto para los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME) to discuss the Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego. The Ventanilla de Salud program is a cornerstone health and wellness outreach initiative of the Mexican government to provide critical preventative healthcare services to the diaspora community residing in the United States of America. Since 2003, the program has served more than 14 million Mexican nationals, and in 2020, 3,060,946 people received health and wellness services. The services include health and wellness counseling, early detection of obesity, high blood pressure, abnormal glucose and cholesterol levels, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases, referrals for specific health services, and vaccinations. Other services include vision, dental, mammography, cardiac studies, and allergy assessments. In the past year, the Ventanilla de Salud has played a critical role in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing expert medical advice, COVID-19 testing, and most recently, COVID-19 vaccinations. According to the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME), over 70,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered at the Ventanilla de Salud program to date. BPP has partnered with the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego since January 2016. Last year alone, more than 30,000 men, women, and children received health and wellness services in San Diego.
BPP guides borderlands researchers in resource development for childhood obesity initiatives. Borderlands Researchers assembled this week to discuss funding needs and opportunities in support of childhood obesity Initiatives in the Borderlands. The conference was organized in partnership with the Autonomous University of Baja California, UC San Diego, the U.S.- Mexico Border Health Commission, el Colegio de la Frontera Norte, the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative, the County of San Diego, Health & Human Services Agency, the Border Health Consortium of the Californias, and the Jurisdiction of Health Services of Tijuana, Tecate and Rosarito. BPP was invited to provide the keynote address on the importance of binational collaboration in the region, as well as to help identify possible funders interested in supporting Childhood Obesity Initiatives. The participants also pitched their research ideas to the funding agencies for feedback and review. The agencies included: National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, and the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. For more information contact [email protected].
BPP encourages college students to lead in nonprofit sector. The Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON) hosted its first ever colloquium for the College on Economics and Finance in Cd. Obregón, Sonora, Mexico. More than 150 college students attended to learn about career opportunties in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector. The event was organized by college professor Dr. Imelda Lorena Vazquez Jimenez with support and collaboration from sponsors Grameen de la Frontera, Fundación Tichi Muñoz, Centro de Formación Social, Cajeme Cómo Vamos. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey was invited to deliver the keynote address.
May 6, 2021
Foundations provide leadership and grant support to respond to COVID-19 and Humanitarian Crisis across the Borderlands. Foundations from California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and other parts of the U.S.A. continue to provide important grant support and community leadership in response to the continued COVID-19 pandemic and the migrant humanitarian crisis in the U.S.-Mexico Border region. Foundation leaders meet regularly with local stakeholders and partners to strategize needs, provide financial support, and raise awareness with elected officials at the local, state, regional, and national levels. Over US$200 million has been distributed alone from community foundations for COVID-19 relief from San Diego to San Antonio. Foundations continue to collaborate to also secure financial support to respond to the migrant crisis. Humanitarian resources are being provided to support immediate needs including food, shelter, clothing, personal hygiene, legal assistance, transportation, interpretation services, and nonprofit reimbursement for federal government grant requirements. For more information on foundations responding in your area visit the website of the foundations responding. San Diego Foundation, International Community Foundation, Jewish Community Foundation San Diego, Alliance Healthcare Foundation, Arizona Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, Con Alma Health Foundation, New Mexico Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, El Paso Community Foundation, Paso del Norte Health Foundation, Paso del Norte Community Foundation, San Antonio Area Foundation, Laredo Area Community Foundation, Hispanics in Philanthropy, and U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP to present at Binational Childhood Obesity Research Convening. BPP Executive Director will provide the keynote address at the upcoming Childhood Obesity Research Convening organized in partnership with the Autonomous University of Baja California, University of California, San Diego, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative, County of San Diego, Health & Human Services Agency, Border Health Consortium of the Californias, and the Jurisdiction of Health Services of Tijuana, Tecate and Rosarito. The two-day event is planned for May 18-19, 2021, from 9am-12pm PST each day. The objective of the event is to inform researchers along and across the 2,000-mile border on issues related to childhood obesity prevention. If you are interested in attending the session please register here by Thursday, May 7, 2021.
University of San Diego Graduate students in Nonprofit Management complete Applied Projects for BPP members. Each Spring semester graduate students enrolled in LEAD 519: Understanding Bi-national Nonprofits in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands complete applied projects in support of BPP members whose programs are of interest to the studies of the student delegates. This semester 5 student groups supported the development of innovative projects and programs for Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Baja California – Mexicali, Baja California; Regional Center for Border Health Inc. – Somerton, AZ; Border Youth Tennis Exchange, Nogales, AZ; Formando Emprendedores, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon; and Escuela Bernardo A. Grousset – Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon. The projects supported resource development, public policy advocacy, health awareness, and program evaluation. Over 70 BPP member organizations have benefitted from this innovative collaboration in California, Arizona, Texas, Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, and Nuevo Leon. The projects have an in-kind value of US$5,000-US$15,000 each. For more information contact Andy Carey.
April 21, 2021
BPP works with funders to address Humanitarian Crisis in the Borderlands. BPP Board and staff leaders are participating in multiple working groups of funders to provide leadership and financial support in response to the growing number of migrants and unaccompanied minors at the U.S.-Mexico Border. Funder groups are active in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, as well as Nationally in the U.S.A. BPP is providing insight to local issues, background information to funders to better understand how foundations may best invest on both sides of the Border, direction to the general public to provide charitable gifts to funds at local foundations, and regularly meeting with officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). BPP will soon publish 6 new Border Briefs to better inform funders, policy makers, and the general public about the realities of the Borderlands. The briefs will focus on general interest, immigration, public health, environment, education, and philanthropy. For more information please contact Andy Carey.
Free webinar: 10 Tips to Captivate Donors. Join a conversation with Andy Carey on Wednesday, April 28 at 2:00 pm (PST). Follow the free broadcast – in Spanish – here.
April 7, 2021

BPP invited to present at Miami University, Oxford, OH. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey is invited to Miami University, Oxford, OH to participate in the Midday Lecture Series sponsored by the Institute for Learning on Monday, October 18, 2021. The Lecture Series features world topics, and the University wants to highlight the U.S.-Mexico Border region. The talks are organized by Dr. Charles Ganelin, Professor Emeritus, Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Miami University. Carey will share the work of the Border Philanthropy Partnership and its growing member-network, as well as discuss the impacts of COVID-19 and the humanitarian crisis facing the Borderlands. For more information contact Andy Carey.

Ventanilla de Salud strengthens COVID-19 outreach. Since February 2016, BPP has served as community partner for the Ventanilla de Salud program based at the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego. The Ventanilla de Salud provides health and wellness outreach to the Mexican National community based across San Diego County. Over the past five years the program has served over 100,000 people with cancer screens, blood pressure checks, mental health programs, flu shots, support for victims of domestic violence, and other services. Each of the 50 Consulates General of Mexico based in the U.S.A. offer these health and wellness services in collaboration with a community partner. Since September the Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego has provided nearly 6,000 COVID-19 tests, and in the last two weeks has provided over 300 COVID-19 vaccines. San Diego and Sacramento are to date the only Mexican Consulates providing the vaccines directly at the Consulate. This program is possible due to the generous support and leadership of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, and BPP. For more information contact Cecilia Guzman.
March 25, 2021

BPP Newsletter Border Buzz and Eco Fronterizo look to enhance reader experience. In this week’s edition of the Border Buzz and Eco Fronterizo we are excited to share a new look and feel to the bimonthly newsletter. We’ve made some important changes to improve the reader experience including a new layout to enable you to read the news from the Borderlands with ease from your mobile phone, tablet, or personal computer. Additionally, we’ve changed the font and font size to improve readability. We will also continue to share important stories from our PBS: Public Broadcasting Services partners at Fronteras Desk, as well as highlight calendar activities for important upcoming events for our region. We are committed to continue to provide timely and relevant information to help inform our readers and member stakeholders. We are also committed to spotlight the amazing efforts of our ever-growing member network of organizations from academia, business and corporate partners, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and grant making foundations. BPP member organizations are also encouraged to invite additional staff leaders and board members to receive the bimonthly newsletter. Click here to sign up for the newsletter. If you wish to submit a story for inclusion in a future edition, please contact us.

Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, San Diego County Government, and BPP collaborate to provide COVID-19 vaccine. This week the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, and the Border Philanthropy Partnership announced that COVID-19 vaccines will now be available to the Ventanilla de Salud program at the Consulate of Mexico in San Diego. This is an exciting development to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to the Latino community in San Diego County regardless of migration status. The vaccines will be provided by San Diego County healthcare professionals at the Consulate on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week from 9:30am-3:30pm. Appointments may be made online according to the guidelines established by the San Diego County Health and Human Services department. We wish to express our deep appreciation to County Supervisors Nathan Fletcher and Nora Vargas for their incredible support of this initiative, and to Ambassador Carlos González Gutiérrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego for his unwavering support of the Ventanilla de Salud Program. The Border Philanthropy Partnership is the community partner for the Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego since 2016. During the past 5 years, more than 100,000 Mexican Nationals have received health and wellness information and health services from this program including but not limited to flu shots, cancer screens, blood pressure checks, as well as information related to nutrition, mental healthcare, and domestic violence support.

BPP Executive Director joins FUMEC Board of Directors, FUMEC joins BPP member network. The United States-Mexico Foundation for Science (FUMEC) is a nonprofit NGO created along with NAFTA in 1992 with support from organizations in the United States and Mexico. Its mission is to design, promote and articulate high-impact programs that promote the development of value ecosystems for regions and sectors of mutual interest through collaboration in science and technology for economic and social development based on innovation. These programs are implemented through the participation of companies, entrepreneurs, academic institutions and government entities. FUMEC acts as an expert agency anticipating technological, innovation and market trends, which allows FUMEC to promote the development of cutting-edge educational programs, build value chain integration strategies in highly specialized sectors and collaborate in the development and improvement of quality of life in rural and highly marginalized communities. The Foundation also acts as a fiduciary agent in sustainable development projects related to health, epidemiological and environmental problems. FUMEC is based in Washington, D.C. and Mexico City with a 12-member Board of Governors from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey was recently appointed to the Board for a four-year term.

Grant readiness webinar for Mexican nonprofit organizations. Each day, more nonprofits in Mexico are turning to U.S.foundations for funding. However, U.S. foundations’ requirements and processes are very different to those in Mexico, and many are not "grant ready." Grant readiness is an organization’s capacity to find, apply to, win, and manage grant applications successfully. In this 90-minute webinar, Andy Carey, BPP’s Executive Director, will guide nonprofit leaders through a 24-step grant-readiness assessment in the following 6 areas: organization / legal, financial, programs / services, grant research and planning, grant writing, and grant management. Register here or share with grantees and partner organizations in Mexico.
Published: March 4, 2021

BPP to join the March 10 & 11, The Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! Organized by the Paso del Norte Community Foundation. This inaugural Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! Is designed to support nonprofit organizations leading during COVID.The Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! is designed for nonprofit executive leadership, staff, and board members to come together to think, develop, and grow. The virtual Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! will feature three plenary speakers, three lightening talks, and three break-out sessions/panels. Panelists and speakers include locally and nationally respected authors, thinkers, philanthropists, and corporate leaders. Early bird pricing through February 25th. BPP will participate in Session 2: Funding your mission. Participants include: U.S. Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, Celeste Flores of Giving Tuesday, and Andy Carey of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership.

BPP members from Northern Mexico participated in a conversation about philanthropy in Mexico on February 18 at the University of San Diego. Alma Cota de Yañez of Fundación del Empresariado Sonorense (FESAC) - Nogales, Blanca Peña of Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor, and Lucila Murguia, of the Junta de Asistencia Social Privada del Estado Chihuahua, shared their perspectives on the state of philanthropy in Mexico and the needs of the most vulnerable populations. The panelists all shared strategies on how best to engage volunteers, match donors to causes, and share stories to encourage support. "COVID-19 has certainly challenged the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, but the innovation, resilience, and commitment of organizations to support the most vulnerable amongst us motivates everyone to move forward," said Blanca Peña. Alma Cota shared, "the pandemic has taught all of us to be flexible, and Stanford University is now offering remote internships in support of the nonprofit sector in Sonora." Lucila noted that the state government supports the local nonprofit community through initiatives such as research, funding, and public policy advocacy. The panel discussion is part of the LEAD 519, Understanding Binational Nonprofits in the US-Mexico Borderlands taught by BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. If you would like a copy of the recording, please contact us.
Published: February 17, 2021
BPP to join the March 10 & 11, The Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! Organized by the Paso del Norte Community Foundation. This inaugural Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! Is designed to support nonprofit organizations leading during COVID.The Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! is designed for nonprofit executive leadership, staff, and board members to come together to think, develop, and grow. The virtual Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine! will feature three plenary speakers, three lightening talks, and three break-out sessions/panels. Panelists and speakers include locally and nationally respected authors, thinkers, philanthropists, and corporate leaders. Early bird pricing through February 25th. BPP will participate in Session 2: Funding your mission. Participants include: U.S. Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, Celeste Flores of Giving Tuesday, and Andy Carey of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership.
Published: February 3, 2021

University of San Diego Graduate Students to support BPP network members. Over the next three months five teams of University of San Diego graduate students in the Nonprofit Leadership and Management program will be supporting innovative projects in support of five BPP member organizations. The organizations were selected by the graduate student cohort, and the projects to be completed include resource development support, communications and social media, and governance. The organizations participating in the 2021 program include: Fundacion UABC (Mexicali, Baja California), Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. (Somerton, AZ), Border Youth Tennis Exchange - BYTE (Nogales, Sonora and Nogales, AZ), Escuela Bernardo A. Grousset (Santa Catarina, Nuevo León), and Formando Emprendedores (San Pedro Garza, Nuevo León). The course is LEAD 519: Understanding Binational Nonprofits in the U.S.-Mexico Border region, and is taught by BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. This is Andy's 9th year to teach this course. BPP organizations are selected each year by the students. Over 67 BPP member organizations have participated, and nearly all projects have been placed in the USD Nonprofit Leadership and Management best practices library.

BPP offers dynamic program in 2021. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) Board recently met virtually for the 2021 annual meeting to discuss the results and activities of the 2020 administrative year as well as review and approve a dynamic program for 2021 for both sides of the border. Be on the look out for virtual convenings related to binational philanthropy and public policy advocacy; capacity building webinars; a new member directory; a new publication Border Briefs; new tools for the Spanish language portal; coaching and technical assistance opportunities; translation services; fiscal agency support; and more. For more information contact [email protected]
Published: January 13, 2021
BPP holds 2021 Annual meeting of Board of Directors: Approve action plan, board officers, and new members. On Friday, January 15, 2021 the BPP Board of Directors held their 2021 annual meeting. The Board reviewed the progress on the strategic plan and were happy to see a 3% increase in membership from the prior year, and welcoming 11 new member organizations to the network. The Board also approved the 2021 annual plan to continue to support programs and services to foster a healthy and thriving member network, lead and advocate on trans-border issues at advance mutually beneficial initiatives in the region, and the strengthen the philanthropic capacity of our member partners and stakeholders. More specifically, be on the lookout in 2021 for the first-ever member directory, more member networking opportunities, virtual education and training programs, organizational coaching opportunities, virtual conferences in support of binational issues, new Spanish language tools for; and the soon to be created Border Region Briefs to highlight issues facing our binational region. We will keep you informed through the newsletters Border Buzz and Eco Fronterizo. Please let us know if others in your organization need to be added to the mailing list.

Also at this annual meeting we elected the following officers for the 2021 administrative year: Elisa de la Vara, Chief Community Officer of the Arizona Community Foundation - Chair; Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Executive Director, Cadenas de Ayuda para México, A.C. - Vice Chair; Enrique Díaz Rivera Robinson Bours, Treasurer, Patronato San José del Cabo Fire Department - Immediate Past Chair; Louis R. Escareño, General Counsel, UETA Duty Free Americas - Treasurer; and Laura Speer, Director of Strategy, Annie E. Casey Foundation - Secretary. Two new members officially joined the Board at this annual meeting including Lic. Juan Guadalupe Marcos Giacomman, Chair, Fundación Jesús M. Montemayor; and Lic. Guillermo Garza, Chief of Public Affairs and Communications, Arca Continental.
BPP names Dolores Roybal, Con Alma Health Foundation Director Emeritus. During the 2021 Annual meeting Board Officer Dolores Roybal, Executive Director of the Con Alma Health Foundation based in Santa Fe, NM, was named Director Emeritus in recognition of her tireless efforts as a BPP Board member over the prior 6 years. Dolores was the first representative on the BPP Board from the State of New Mexico, and has worked with BPP to expand our program and services to the nonprofit and philanthropic sector in New Mexico. We are deeply indebted to Dolores and the Con Alma Health Foundation, said Elisa de la Vara. During the past 6 years, Dolores has served as a board member and officer with distinction, and her efforts to strengthen our organization's programs and services is to be commended. Dolores Roybal retires from her position as Executive Director of the Con Alma Health Foundation on May 1, 2021. Her last board meeting will be the April meeting but we wanted to be sure to recognize Dolores during the annual meeting. Dolores joins the Emeritus Committee of former Board members including: Russ Jones, Cheryl Alethia Phelps, Elizabeth Sames, Maria Elena Giner, Francisco Solis, and Robert Ashcraft.
Published: December 16, 2020
If you missed our conversation "Philanthropy's Changing Landscape: What does the future hold?" featuring a dynamic conversation with top philanthropic leaders from the Borderlands including Steve Seleznow - Arizona Community Foundation,
Mark Stuart - San Diego Foundation, Patricia Mejia - San Antonio Area Foundation, and Laura Speer - Annie E. Casey Foundation, watch the recording here. The discussion included topics such as COVID-19; public-private-philanthropic partnership; emerging needs of the nonprofit sector; and future trends in philanthropy. The session was moderated by Lisa Urias, President and CEO of Urias Communications based in Phoenix, AZ. Click below see the recording.
Mark Stuart - San Diego Foundation, Patricia Mejia - San Antonio Area Foundation, and Laura Speer - Annie E. Casey Foundation, watch the recording here. The discussion included topics such as COVID-19; public-private-philanthropic partnership; emerging needs of the nonprofit sector; and future trends in philanthropy. The session was moderated by Lisa Urias, President and CEO of Urias Communications based in Phoenix, AZ. Click below see the recording.
The Changing Landscape of Philanthropy in Mexico: What Does the Future Hold? Watch the recording of BPP's panel presentation in Spanish featuring leading foundations and corporations in a discussion about the current landscape of philanthropy in our neighboring country. Panelists included: Blanca Peña, Philanthropy and Strategic Projects Manager, Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor; Guillermo Garza, Executive Director of Public Affairs and Communications, Arca Continental; Anne McEnany, President and CEO, International Community Foundation; and Karen Yarza, Executive Director, Fundación Paso del Norte para la Salud y Bienestar. The panel was moderated by Lucila Murguía, Director, Junta de Asistencia Social Privada del Estado de Chihuahua.
Published: November 5, 2020

BPP Executive Director joins United States-Mexico Foundation for Science (FUMEC) Board of Directors. The United States-Mexico Foundation for Science (FUMEC) has invited the BPP Executive Director Andy Carey to join their Board of Directors. FUMEC is a non-governmental organization created along with NAFTA in 1992 with support from organizations in the United States and Mexico. It is a unique organization with branches in both countries. Its mission is to design, promote and articulate high-impact programs that promote the development of value ecosystems for regions and sectors of mutual interest through collaboration for economic and social development innovation. The board is led by six US and six Mexican members from industry, government, and academia.
Published: October 21, 2020
COVID-19 relief funds across Borderlands grow to over US$120,700,000. Generosity knows no borders and that is certainly true in the U.S.-Mexico Border region. Community, public, and private foundations from San Diego to San Antonio on the U.S. side of the Border, and from Tijuana to Matamoros on the Mexico side of the Border have responded to the health pandemic with incredible speed and generosity. As of today, more than US$120 million has been secured to help families and communities in need. This is due to the incredible generosity of thousands of donors that believe in their community and want to help those in need. Funds have been disbursed to: help nonprofits deliver food to the hungry; provide economic relief to the unemployed; medical equipment to first responders; daycare for essential workers; grants to small businesses in jeopardy of closure; and many other needs identified by organizations along and across the region. Click here to see how foundations, corporations, community development programs, and local governments are collaborating in your community. You may also wish to consider a donation to the foundation nearest you.

BPP Board of Directors welcomes new leaders. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is pleased to officially welcome Lic. Juan Guadalupe Marcos Giacomán and Lic. Guillermo Garza Martínez to the Board of Directors. Both leaders join the Board from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Marcos Giacomán has a long and distinguished history serving as a board member in the philanthropic sector in Mexico. He currently serves as Chair of the Fundación Jesús M. Montemayor, A.C., and serves as a board member with COMCE, the Catholic Archdiocese of Monterrey, and the Rotary Club of Monterrey. Juan Guadalupe completed his University and Post Graduate degrees at the University of Monterrey. Guillermo Garza is the Chief Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability Officer for Arca Continental, one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world. Garza is active in the community participating in many business chambers and community welfare efforts including International Council of Beverages Association for LatAm, Public Affairs Board of North America and Latin America Beverages Association, Global Compact Mexican Chapter, and the Monterrey Metropolitan Water fund. Garza graduated from the Technological Institute of Monterrey with a Communications and Science, and completed post graduate studies at Boston College, Harvard University, and IPADE.

Arizona Community Foundation - Yuma recognizes BPP Chair Emeritus Russ Jones. The 2020 Heart of Yuma awards were presented this week to recognize the generosity of local Yumans for Giving Where the Live. BPP Chair Emeritus Russ Jones was recognized with the 2020 Benefactor Award in recognition of Russ' deep commitment to community and service to others. The Heart of Yuma Awards is an annual event of the Arizona Community Foundation - Yuma to recognize organizations and individuals who dedicate time, talent, and treasure to enhance the quality of life in the Yuma, AZ community. Congratulations to Russ Jones and his family for their extraordinary contribution to the Borderlands. For more information visit

Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce recognized BPP leaders and members. The Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce announced this week the presentation of two awards for community excellence. The first award is being presented to the International Community Foundation in recognition of their extraordinary efforts as a foundation to respond to COVID-19 relief efforts in Tijuana. The second award is being presented to RL Jones Customhouse Brokers for Excellence in Corporate and Community Citizenship. RL Jones was nominated by BPP in recognition of their strong support for shipping relief supplies to Baja California. Russ Jones is Chairman Emeritus of the BPP and Eduardo Acosta serves on the BPP Board of Directors. Register here.
Published: October 8, 2020

BPP briefs FEMA on COVID-19 relief in the Borderlands. This week BPP Executive Director provided a briefing to US Government officials at FEMA to encourage stronger public, private, philanthropic partnerships. In his presentation, Carey shared the generous contributions of donors across the United States of America securing over US$1 billion in aid for families and communities. In the Borderlands, that total exceeds US$120 million and grows higher each day. BPP highlighted the efforts of BPP members engaged in COVID-19 relief efforts along and across the 2,000-mile Border. FEMA officials are interested in partnering with Border region community foundations in delivering disaster response services. We were pleased to have Eric Pearson, President of the El Paso Community Foundation on the call, and for his shout out to the invaluable efforts of the BPP member network. For a copy of the presentation materials, please contact BPP.

BPP presents Myths and Realities of Philanthropy in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands with Texas A&M University - The Bush School. The Center for Nonprofits & Philanthropy at the Bush School at Texas A&M University has invited BPP Executive Director to talk about the myths and realities of philanthropy in the Borderlands. The webinar will be shared live via zoom October 8, 2020 at 10:00am PST. Dr. Will Brown, Director of the Center, will moderate the session. For more information contact Mary Hilderbrand.

Border Philanthropy Partnership inducted into Paseo de la Fama, Tijuana Innovadora 2020. BPP was inducted into the 10th anniversary celebration of Tijuana Innovadora's Paseo de la Fama. BPP was selected for this prestigious award for our efforts to support the humanitarian relief crisis in Mexico. During the last eight months, BPP has coordinated donations of 5,540 blankets, 7,302 bath towels, 3,386 portable cots, and 9,600 personal hygiene kits with the American Red Cross of Northern Nevada and San Diego worth nearly US$360,000. The items were donated to Cruz Roja of Baja California, DIF Tijuana, and Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico. BPP especially appreciates the great support of RL Jones Customhouse Brokers for facilitating the shipment, and Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego.

Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce recognized BPP leaders and members. The Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce announced this week the presentation of two awards for community excellence. The first award is being presented to the International Community Foundation in recognition of their extraordinary efforts as a foundation to respond to COVID-19 relief efforts in Tijuana. The second award is being presented to RL Jones Customhouse Brokers for Excellence in Corporate and Community Citizenship. RL Jones was nominated by BPP in recognition of their strong support for shipping relief supplies to Baja California. Russ Jones is Chairman Emeritus of the BPP and Eduardo Acosta serves on the BPP Board of Directors. Register here.
Published: September 23, 2020

Ventanilla de Salud partners with SD County, Catholic Charities, and Chicano Federation. The Ventanilla de Salud program in San Diego provides health and wellness services to Mexican Nationals across San Diego County, and this past week the Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, Ambassador Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez and County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher announced free COVID 19 testing will be offered at the Mexican Consulate located at 1549 India Street, San Diego, CA. Additional locations will be identified by Catholic Charities and Chicano Federation. The Ventanilla de Salud program is operated by the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. For more information contact [email protected]. Read more.

It's Time to Be Counted, Borderlands! - CENSUS 2020. The 2020 Census is crucial to all of the Borderlands and we need everyone from the Borderlands across California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas participating. There is so much at stake in the 2020 Census including federal funds to support resources, programs and services critical to our region, congressional seats for all four states, and securing accurate minority representation. Everyone must be counted. A 1% under-count could cost our region hundreds of millions of dollars per year in federal funding. Take the census at
Published: Septmber 10, 2020
COVID-19 relief funds across Borderlands grow to over US$120,700,000. Generosity knows no borders and that is certainly true in the U.S.-Mexico Border region. Community, public, and private foundations from San Diego to San Antonio on the U.S. side of the Border, and from Tijuana to Matamoros on the Mexico side of the Border have responded to the health pandemic with incredible speed and generosity. As of today, more than US$120 million has been secured to help families and communities in need. This is due to the incredible generosity of thousands of donors that believe in their community and want to help those in need. Funds have been disbursed to: help nonprofits deliver food to the hungry; provide economic relief to the unemployed; medical equipment to first responders; daycare for essential workers; grants to small businesses in jeopardy of closure; and many other needs identified by organizations along and across the region. Click here to see how foundations, corporations, community development programs, and local governments are collaborating in your community. You may also wish to consider a donation to the foundation nearest you.

It's Time to Be Counted, Borderlands! - CENSUS 2020. The 2020 Census is crucial to all of the Borderlands and we need everyone from the Borderlands across California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas participating. There is so much at stake in the 2020 Census including federal funds to support resources, programs and services critical to our region, congressional seats for all four states, and securing accurate minority representation. Everyone must be counted. A 1% under-count could cost our region hundreds of millions of dollars per year in federal funding. Take the census at

BPP to brief US Government leaders on COVID response in the Borderlands. U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) Executive Director Andy Carey is invited to brief leaders of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on October 6, 2020. The briefing will be for federal officials, nonprofit agencies, corporations, and foundations looking to engage public-private-philanthropic partnerships in our communities. BPP will share the link to the briefing to allow BPP members, stakeholders, and partners to attend. The briefing will include the efforts of BPP member agencies leading locally, as well as BPP activities to support COVID relief efforts.
Published: August 27, 2020
Borderlands Foundations secure over US$89,920,000 in COVID-19 relief for families and communities. Foundations across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands have established COVID-19 response funds to help families and communities in need. From San Diego to San Antonio philanthropic organizations have nearly US$90 million to support relief programs where they are most needed. Click here to see how foundations, corporations, community development programs, and local governments are collaborating in your community. You may also wish to consider a donation to the foundation nearest you.

It's Time to Be Counted, Borderlands! - CENSUS 2020. The 2020 Census is crucial to all of the Borderlands and we need everyone from the Borderlands across California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas participating. There is so much at stake in the 2020 Census including federal funds to support resources, programs and services critical to our region, congressional seats for all four states, and securing accurate minority representation. Everyone must be counted. A 1% under-count could cost our region hundreds of millions of dollars per year in federal funding. Take the census at
Published: August 13, 2020
Borderlands Foundations secure over US$60,300,000 in COVID-19 relief for families and communities. Foundations across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands have established COVID-19 response funds to help families and communities in need. From San Diego to San Antonio philanthropic organizations have raised over US$60 million to support relief programs where they are most needed. Click here to see how foundations, corporations, community development programs, and local governments are collaborating in your community. You may also wish to consider a donation to the foundation nearest you.

BPP sends humanitarian relief to Mexico - Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, A.C. to distribute. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership has once again received a generous in-kind donation of relief supplies to be distributed in Mexico. The American Red Cross and another anonymous donor have donated 339 blankets, 1,536 towels, 672 portable cots, and 5,280 personal hygiene kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, body lotion, razor and shave gel, liquid soap, shampoo, facial tissues, and comb). The bulk of the items will be presented to Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, A.C., and they will be distributed to shelters, clinics, and other initiatives determined by Cadenas de Ayuda. DIF Tijuana will also benefit and will receive portable beds for shelters in Tijuana. We wish to thank American Red Cross for this generous support, as well as RL Customhouse Brokers for facilitating transportation and customs logistics, and the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego for their invaluable support with federal and local officials to support the entry of the relief supplies into Mexico. This is the third relief shipment into Mexico since mid-March 2020. The total in-kind value is US$325,000. We also wish to thank Matthew Fehse of the American Red Cross and Michael and John Carey, sons of BPP Executive Director Andy Carey for their efforts to load the merchandise into the trucks for shipping to Mexico.

DIF Tijuana will also benefit and will receive portable beds for shelters in Tijuana. We wish to thank American Red Cross for this generous support, as well as RL Customhouse Brokers for facilitating transportation and customs logistics, and the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego for their invaluable support with federal and local officials to support the entry of the relief supplies into Mexico. This is the third relief shipment into Mexico since mid-March 2020. The total in-kind value is US$325,000. We also wish to thank Matthew Fehse of the American Red Cross and Michael and John Carey, sons of BPP Executive Director Andy Carey for their efforts to load the merchandise into the trucks for shipping to Mexico.
It's Time to Be Counted, Borderlands! - CENSUS 2020.
The 2020 Census is crucial to all of the Borderlands and we need everyone from the Borderlands across California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas participating. There is so much at stake in the 2020 Census including federal funds to support resources, programs and services critical to our region, congressional seats for all four states, and securing accurate minority representation. Everyone must be counted. A 1% under-count could cost our region hundreds of millions of dollars per year in federal funding. Take the census at
Published: July 23, 2020
Foundations across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands have established COVID-19 response funds to help families and communities in need. From San Diego to San Antonio philanthropic organizations have donated over US$58 million to support relief programs where they are most needed. Click here to see how foundations, corporations, community development programs, and local governments are collaborating in your community. You may also wish to consider a donation to the foundation nearest you.
Published: July 9, 2020
Borderland Community Foundations secure over US$58 million
to support families and communities impacted by COVID 19.
to support families and communities impacted by COVID 19.
Since our last newsletter, community foundations from San Diego to San Antonio have secured an additional US$11 million dollars to support COVID 19 relief programs.
The generous spirit of Individual donors, small businesses, large corporations, donor advised funds, as well as local, regional, and state governments has responded forcefully to this pandemic. As of today, US$58 million dollars has been donated to support families, communities, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and more. Click on the links below to see how these BPP member agencies are responding locally to help those most in need. Want to make a contribution? Select the organization nearest you and support their efforts. Need help for your nonprofit organization? Contact the foundation in your area to see how you may qualify for a grant or nonprofit loan.
In California, The San Diego Foundation, San Diego Gas & Electric, Alliance Healthcare Foundation, and United Way of San Diego County joined forces to support families in need and the local nonprofit sector with donations from local partners and donors to create the San Diego COVID-19 Community Response Fund. The International Community Foundation has established a new fund to support outreach activities in Mexico. San Diego Grantmakers is working with the City of San Diego to design and implement the City's Small Business Relief and Support Grant Program with a unique equity lens. The US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is able to assist you with fiscal agency support and can receive and distribute charitable donations on your behalf, as well as support in-kind gifts to the other side of the border.
In Arizona, the Arizona Community Foundation and their affiliate network established an emergency fund to support nonprofits responding to the Coronavirus and are raising and disbursing funds across the State. They also launched a new fund to support Latino-owned businesses. The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona crafted a community resource guide that is updated daily and has opened a new fund to provide grants and loans to support nonprofit organizations serving the local community.
In New Mexico, the Santa Fe Community Foundation launched the COVID-19 Response Fund to address critical gaps in food security and income during this unprecedented time. The Con Alma Health Foundation continues to be engaged and is providing key information resources as well as health related grants to agencies across the State. The Community Foundation for Southern New Mexico has opened an emergency fund to support nonprofits.
In Texas, the El Paso Community Foundation created the Coronavirus Fund to help people, and nonprofits in the local community deal with the financial pressures brought on by the pandemic. El Paso Community Foundation, FECHAC, and Desarrollo Económico also recently partnered on the UNIDOS Fund to secure additional PPE for hospital workers in Cd. Juarez. The Paso del Norte Health Foundation created the El Paso COVID-19 information hub, and the Paso del Norte Community Foundation is partnering with United Way of El Paso to support the El Paso COVID -19 Response Fund to support nonprofit organizations serving the most vulnerable in the community including the homeless and elderly. The San Antonio Area Foundation, United Way of San Antonio and Bexar Counties, and multiple partners have unveiled the COVID-19 Response Fund to support local nonprofits serving the economically vulnerable.
Please consider supporting one of these local funds established to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your gift joins thousands of others working to build a safe and resilient community in the Borderlands.
The generous spirit of Individual donors, small businesses, large corporations, donor advised funds, as well as local, regional, and state governments has responded forcefully to this pandemic. As of today, US$58 million dollars has been donated to support families, communities, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and more. Click on the links below to see how these BPP member agencies are responding locally to help those most in need. Want to make a contribution? Select the organization nearest you and support their efforts. Need help for your nonprofit organization? Contact the foundation in your area to see how you may qualify for a grant or nonprofit loan.
In California, The San Diego Foundation, San Diego Gas & Electric, Alliance Healthcare Foundation, and United Way of San Diego County joined forces to support families in need and the local nonprofit sector with donations from local partners and donors to create the San Diego COVID-19 Community Response Fund. The International Community Foundation has established a new fund to support outreach activities in Mexico. San Diego Grantmakers is working with the City of San Diego to design and implement the City's Small Business Relief and Support Grant Program with a unique equity lens. The US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is able to assist you with fiscal agency support and can receive and distribute charitable donations on your behalf, as well as support in-kind gifts to the other side of the border.
In Arizona, the Arizona Community Foundation and their affiliate network established an emergency fund to support nonprofits responding to the Coronavirus and are raising and disbursing funds across the State. They also launched a new fund to support Latino-owned businesses. The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona crafted a community resource guide that is updated daily and has opened a new fund to provide grants and loans to support nonprofit organizations serving the local community.
In New Mexico, the Santa Fe Community Foundation launched the COVID-19 Response Fund to address critical gaps in food security and income during this unprecedented time. The Con Alma Health Foundation continues to be engaged and is providing key information resources as well as health related grants to agencies across the State. The Community Foundation for Southern New Mexico has opened an emergency fund to support nonprofits.
In Texas, the El Paso Community Foundation created the Coronavirus Fund to help people, and nonprofits in the local community deal with the financial pressures brought on by the pandemic. El Paso Community Foundation, FECHAC, and Desarrollo Económico also recently partnered on the UNIDOS Fund to secure additional PPE for hospital workers in Cd. Juarez. The Paso del Norte Health Foundation created the El Paso COVID-19 information hub, and the Paso del Norte Community Foundation is partnering with United Way of El Paso to support the El Paso COVID -19 Response Fund to support nonprofit organizations serving the most vulnerable in the community including the homeless and elderly. The San Antonio Area Foundation, United Way of San Antonio and Bexar Counties, and multiple partners have unveiled the COVID-19 Response Fund to support local nonprofits serving the economically vulnerable.
Please consider supporting one of these local funds established to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your gift joins thousands of others working to build a safe and resilient community in the Borderlands.
Published: June 25, 2020
It's Time to Be Counted, Borderlands! - CENSUS 2020.

The 2020 Census is crucial to all of the Borderlands and we need everyone from the Borderlands across California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas participating. There is so much at stake in the 2020 Census including federal funds to support resources, programs and services critical to our region, congressional seats for all four states, and securing accurate minority representation. Everyone must be counted. A 1% under-count could cost our region hundreds of millions of dollars per year in federal funding. Take the census at
Published: June 11, 2020
Momentum Fund now accepting applications.
Applications due Thursday, June 18. The recently launched #MomentumFund will support 501(c)(3) organizations managing active COVID-19 relief and recovery funds that are helping communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fund will award $8.5 million in grants of up to $100,000 to 501(c)(3) organizations managing COVID-19 funds that are providing grants to other 501(c)(3) organizations meeting the needs of communities and populations whose health and/or financial situations have been most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and who have been historically marginalized in our country. The Momentum Fund is managed by United Philanthropy Forum and has been made possible by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Published: May 27, 2020
COVID-19 CaliBaja region: We are all in this together!
Join us on Thursday, May 28, 3pm-4pm PST for this important webinar. BPP is a co-host along with our friends at San Diego Grantmakers, International Community Foundation, Fronteras Unidas Pro Salud, A.C., Consulado General de México en San Diego, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and Espacio Migrante. We are together as part of a thriving community of funders with a strong giving spirit. This call draws on that strength to connect us all and answer questions, and prepare us for a robust response now and in the months to come. California and Baja California have some of the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases of any state in their respective countries. The primary strategy to save lives during this pandemic has been isolation. At the border, this has meant restricting movement among our two countries, affecting both states negatively socially and economically. How can grantmakers support the CaliBaja region and its people move through this health and economic crisis? Speakers include Amb. Carlos González Gutiérrez, Mexican Consular General, San Diego; Paola Avila, Vice President, International Business Affairs, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce; Marcela Merino, Executive Director & Dr. Esther Oviedo, Program Coordinator at Fronteras Unidas Pro Salud; Paulina Olvera Cáñez, Espacio Migrante; and Eliza Brennan, International Community Foundation.
Published: April 30, 2020
Border Philanthropy Partnership Mourns Passing of Board Member Oswaldo Wendlandt.

Oswaldo Wendlandt Hurtado passed away in San Antonio, TX on April 27, 2020. Oswaldo was a binational community leader and philanthropist residing in both San Antonio, TX and Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Oswaldo was a member, donor, and board member of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. He first joined BPP in 2016 and joined the BPP Board of Directors in 2018. Oswaldo was instrumental in BPP forming new partnerships in Nuevo Leon and helped BPP organize several philanthropy convenings in Monterrey and served ably on the Membership Committee. In addition to his service to BPP, Oswaldo was a founding member of the Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor based in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. The Montemayor Foundation is one of the largest private foundations supporting families and communities in Northern Mexico. Oswaldo was a tireless advocate for immigrant and human rights in both the U.S. and Mexico. Oswaldo received his degree in Economics from ITESM and studied English at Rice University, and business management at IPADE. He has been an active board member of corporations and institutions in Monterrey such as COPARMEX, the International Bank, the Consejo Cívico, and the State Commission for Human Rights. Oswaldo is survived by his wife Martha and their four children. Rest in Peace dear friend. Q.E.P.D.
Exemplary Baja California journalists recognized in awards ceremony.

This inaugural contest, organized by The San Diego Union-Tribune and the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, served to highlight the coverage of issues on the U.S.-Mexico border in 2019 and provide a platform for the talented and dedicated journalists in our region. During the awards ceremony for Baja California journalists via Zoom, Sandra Dibble, Lynne Walker and Gabriela Warkentin announced the winners in the categories of best human interest writing, best investigative writing, and best photo portfolio, and Jorge Ramos and UC San Diego's Chancellor Pradeep Khosla shared special messages with the journalists. The awards were scheduled to be announced at Border Summit 2020, organized in collaboration with Tijuana Innovadora and the Smart Border Coalition. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the event has been postponed. It was deeply inspiring to hear from each of the winning journalists about their work. A full video of the ceremony is available here and you can find additional information here (in Spanish) The panel of independent judges from the United States and Mexico included: Homero Campa (Proceso), Alma Ceseña (The San Diego Union-Tribune), John Gibbins (The San Diego Union-Tribune), Carol Guzy, Daniel Hallin (UC San Diego), Alejandro Maciel (Los Angeles Times en Español), Lilia O'Hara (The San Diego Union-Tribune en Español), Pedro Valtierra (Cuartoscuro), Lynne Walker (InquireFirst) and Gabriela Warkentin (W Radio). The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership also supported the event. Click here for the winners.
It's Time to Be Counted, Borderlands! - CENSUS 2020.

The 2020 Census is crucial to all of the Borderlands and we need everyone from the Borderlands across California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas participating. There is so much at stake in the 2020 Census including federal funds to support resources, programs and services critical to our region, congressional seats for all four states, and securing accurate minority representation. Everyone must be counted. A 1% under-count could cost our region hundreds of millions of dollars per year in federal funding. Take the census at my2020census.go
Ventanilla de Salud reaches millions across the U.S.A.

Nonprofit community agencies across the U.S.A. are collaborating with the Consulates General of Mexico all across the United States to provide health and wellness services to Mexican Nationals residing in the U.S.A. This program is a collaborative effort between nonprofit organizations, local Mexican Consulates, the Ministries of Public Health and Foreign Relations, as well as the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad. The Health and Wellness outreach program was first started in San Diego, CA and provides access to medical information and services to individuals while seeking consular services, and on many Saturdays across the country at mobile consulates. Services include early detection for cancer, diabetes, heart problems, vaccinations, information sessions, and help navigating health systems. The program serves over 5 million Mexican nationals annually. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Publishded: April 16. 2020.
The BPP secures generous in-kind donation for the Tijuana Red Cross.

The donation will provide the Tijuana Red Cross with essential supplies to care for the vulnerable population of the border. The US - Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) secured the donation of 5,040 blankets, 5,430 bath towels, 1,100 portable cots and 3,360 personal hygiene kits (toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, body lotion, razor and shaving gel, liquid soap, shampoo, hand towel, facial tissues and comb) with the American Red Cross of Northern Nevada. The supplies were transported in 4 trailers from Reno, Nevada, to San Diego, California for storage and safekeeping. This generous donation will help the Tijuana Red Cross care of the population affected by the humanitarian and health crisis in the region. Specifically, part of the supplies will go to the Tijuana Red Cross sanitary filter set up in the Zona Rio to rule out possible cases of coronavirus. We appreciate the support of the following organizations and corporations who made this donation possible: Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, DIF Municipal, Tijuana Red Cross, Cocinas Institucionales, Tijuana Customs, RL Jones Customhouse Brokers, and Sinco Logística.
BPP Board pushes public policy advocacy issues during pandemic.
The BPP recommitted to its public policy advocacy agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board agreed to continue to advocate for four central issues including: a more humane repatriation process for migrants and is calling for no more deportations of migrants suffering from the Coronavirus to Mexico and Central America; encouraging robust participation in the 2020 Census and requested staff to launch public service announcements with our partners at Univision for the Borderlands so that everyone be counted; opening of medical lanes at all ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico Border to expedite patient crossings; and to encourage protections of the charitable tax deduction in support of philanthropy for families and communities in the region.
Published; March 26, 2020
BPP partner network comes together in support of humanitarian crisis in the Borderlands.
This past January BPP was contacted by Alliance San Diego and the American Red Cross to take possession of materials to support individuals impacted by the humanitarian crisis in the Borderlands. The materials included 3,360 personal hygiene kits, 5,430 bath towels, and 5,040 blankets. The desire was for this material to be shipped to San Diego. BPP immediately accepted the in- kind gift and moved into action. There is great need for these items in Tijuana, so BPP began working with local stakeholders for this to become a reality. We greatly appreciate the corporate support of RL Jones Customhouse Brokers for agreeing to receive, store, and process the items, and to assist us in getting the items cleared through Mexico Customs. Additionally, we are grateful to the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego for assisting us in navigating the rules and regulations to enable the shipment to be processed into Mexico. We are pleased to share that Cruz Roja Tijuana has agreed to receive the items, and we appreciate their leadership and commitment to serve the most vulnerable amongst in Tijuana.
BPP Statement on COVID - 19

The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership continues to monitor the outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus that was first detected in China in December 2019, and is now present in countries and communities across the globe. We are in communication with public health officials in both countries, and will share updates and information with our member and stakeholder network as information continues to evolve. Our Board of Directors and staff team are committed to provide our member network with high quality programs and services, and will continue to utilize all tools and resources at our disposal to meet the needs of the membership. We will continue to monitor this situation and share relevant updates with you. Click here for more information on the coronavirus (COVID-19).
BPP Executive Director leads University of San Diego delegation to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
March, 2020 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
This past week BPP Executive Director Andy Carey led a delegation of 11 graduate and doctoral students to Buenos Aires, Argentina to meet with civil society leaders across the capital city. The delegation met with the U.S. Embassy in Argentina Cultural Affairs team at the Ambassadors Official Residence, Universidad Católica de Argentina Nonprofit program students and faculty, UNICEF, United Nations Development Program, Fundación LEER, MALBA, AMIA, and CARITAS. The visits included an exploration of the role and responsibility of civil society organizations, and their impact to address issues facing vulnerable and marginalized communities.
BPP and USD School on Leadership and Education Sciences partner in support of binational nonprofits.
March, 2020 | Tijuana, Baja California & San Diego, California
For the 7th year, the Border Philanthropy Partnership and the University of San Diego SOLES have joined forces in support of the binational nonprofit community. Graduate students in LEAD 519: Understanding Binational Nonprofits in the U.S.-Mexico Border region. To date nearly 100 graduate students have toured and completed applied projects in support of over 45 nonprofit organizations along and across the 2,000 mile region. Recently, the student delegates traveled to Tijuana to meet with Fundación CODET, Proyecto Fronterizo Educacional Ambiental, Casa del Migrante, CECUT, and Cruz Roja. This year the University of San Diego graduate students are completing applied projects in support of migration, health, and the environment. Later this week the tour continues with visits in San Diego including Border Philanthropy Partnership, International Community Foundation, Casa Familiar, and the Justice in Mexico Program at the University of San Diego, and a visit to the Ventanilla de Salud at the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego.
"Our future is created by what we do today."
Tijuana Innovadora is so proud to present this video showcasing the San Diego-Tijuana partnership that is so unique to our CaliBaja megaregion. A remarkable system of binational cooperation that strengthens our communities.
#TI2020 #2Countries1Region #BinaTIonalCommunity
Tijuana Innovadora is so proud to present this video showcasing the San Diego-Tijuana partnership that is so unique to our CaliBaja megaregion. A remarkable system of binational cooperation that strengthens our communities.
#TI2020 #2Countries1Region #BinaTIonalCommunity
BPP Board elects new officers at 2020 Annual Meeting.
January 17 | San Diego, California
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership Board of Directors held its annual meeting January 17, 2020. The agenda included election o f new officers. Elisa de Vara, Chief Community Officer at Arizona Community Foundation was elected Board Chair; Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Executive Director of Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, A.C. was elected Vice Chair, Louis R. Escareño, General Counsel, UETA Duty Free Americas was elected Treasurer; Dolores Roybal, Executive Director of Con Alma Health Foundation was elected Secretary; and Enrique Diaz Rivera R. Bours, Treasurer, Fundación Tichi Muñoz was elected Immediate Past President. During the meeting, BPP also bid farewell to two distinguished Board members, Dr. Robert Ashcraft and Ing. Héctor Jurado.
Robert Ashcraft, ASU Lodestar Center on Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation departs Board after 10 years.
January 17, 2020 | San Diego, California
Dr. Robert Ashcraft completed his final Board of Directors meeting on Friday, January 17, 2020. Robert served with distinction for more than 10 years. His first board meeting was in 2010 in El Paso, TX at a time when U.S.-Mexico relations were strained due to violence and drug trafficking. Robert was elected to Vice Chair, a post he held for four years. He served with Past Chairs Cheryl Alethia Phelps and Francisco Solis. In 2015 Robert was elected to serve as Board Chair where he would serve for an additional three years. One of Robert's most significant contributions was the development and implementation of a new strategic plan that continues to guide the work of BPP today. Robert was a transformational leader for BPP says Executive Director Andy Carey. Robert's leadership helped solidify equitable participation from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border, as well as significantly increase BPP's membership, and strengthen our footing promoting philanthropy in the Borderlands. Thank you Robert for your service.
ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation students present capstone projects.
December, 2019 | Arizona, CA
Congratulations to the soon-to-graduate students of ASU's Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Management program, who presented their capstone projects on Saturday in Phoenix. Students delved into a variety of topics with their projects this semester, from employee satisfaction to volunteer management. ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation also honored new members of the Nu Lambda Mu Nonprofit Honor Society. The society was established in 2012 by the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council to recognize students dedicated to the study of nonprofit management, philanthropy, and social entrepreneurship and enterprise. The Master of Nonprofit Leadership & Management (MNLM) degree, within the ASU School of Community Resources and Development, offers students leadership skills and knowledge in topics such as the management of human resources (both paid and volunteer), fundraising, program evaluation, fiscal management, and governance in nonprofit organizations. We look forward to following your careers in the sector!
BPP updates 2019 Border Mayors Summit on Humanitarian Crisis.
October, 2019 | San Diego, CA
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey attended the 2019 U.S.-Mexico Border Mayors Summit in San Diego, CA to share philanthropy's role in responding to the humanitarian crisis in the Borderlands. Carey shared how national, regional, state, and local funders from both the U.S. and Mexico have answered the call to support migrants seeking entry, asylum as well as those being repatriated to their country of origin. The Border Philanthropy Partnership network has raised over US$1 million in support of organizations providing direct relief including shelter, food, clothing, legal aid, and transportation support to help migrants safely return to their home communities. Additionally, BPP recently traveled to the U.S. Capitol to seek support from the House of Representatives to demand the Department of Homeland Security work with nonprofit organizations to ensure a more humane and dignified repatriation process; establish medical lanes to expedite medical patients crossing into the U.S. from Mexico; to protect the charitable tax deduction; and to have an accurate 2020 Census Count. Additionally, the BPP requested Congress work to continue to provide foreign aid to the Northern Triangle countries to support the very issues that are forcing migration northward including climate change, extreme violence, extreme poverty, and chronic malnutrition. Carey encouraged the Border Mayors to continue to support innovative solutions to the humanitarian crisis, and thanked the efforts of Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) for securing reimbursement opportunities for local municipalities and nonprofit organizations providing key support to the humanitarian crisis. For more information contact [email protected]
BPP takes humanitarian message to Congress.
October 17, 2019 | Washington, DC

The BPP Board of Directors, staff, and member stakeholders totaling 35 leaders travelled to Washington, D.C. October 17-18 for two days of meetings including a visit to the U.S. Capitol. The bipartisan congressional visit included a panel discussion with Anne McEnany (International Community Foundation), Sarah Lyman (Alliance Healthcare Foundation), Eric Pearson (El Paso Community Foundation), Andy Carey (BPP), and moderated by Elisa de la Vara (Arizona Community Foundation), and meetings with Congressmen Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Juan Vargas (CA-51), Joaquin Castro (TX-20), and staff members from the offices of Congressmen Ruben Gallego (AZ-20), Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), Filemon Vega (TX-34), and Veronica Escobar (TX-16). BPP Executive Director Andy Carey presented four concerns including: That the Department of Homeland Security improve the repatriation process in coordination with the nonprofit sector to ensure the dignified and humane treatment of all migrants; that medical lanes similar to those that operate in San Diego/Tijuana be operational at all ports of entry along and across the 2,000 mile U.S.-Mexico Border; Protection of the charitable tax deduction to encourage increased giving in the Borderlands; and that the 2020 U.S. Census should count everyone.
The Power of Philanthropy in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands in Washington, D.C.
October 17, 2019 | Washington, DC
As part of our 10th Anniversary celebration the BPP convened a public forum at the Mexican Cultural Institute in Washington,D.C. The panel include a robust conversation about the realities of life in the Borderlands from the actual leaders and organizations that live and work in our region. The panelists included Alma Cota de Yáñez (Fundación Del Empresariado Sonorense), William Smith (Santa Fe Community Foundation), Eric Pearson (El Paso Community Foundation), Lisa Urias (Arizona Community Foundation), Enrique Díaz Rivera R. Bours (BPP/Fundación Tichi Muñoz), and moderator Robert Ashcraft (ASU Lodestar Center on Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation). The leaders spoke of our obligation to support the humanitarian crisis and the plight of migrants desiring entry into the United States, the importance of collaboration in our region and across sectors to advance issues for families and communities, and the importance to tell the real story of interconnected community, generosity, and safety of our binational region.
BPP assembles philanthropy leaders to talk humanitarian crisis in the Borderlands.
October 18, 2019 | Washington, DC
BPP Board and staff leaders held a funders breakfast in Washington, D.C. to highlight the role of philanthropy in our region and to invite additional investment to support organizations engaged in the humanitarian response efforts. The meeting was hosted by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in their D.C. offices. Attendees included representatives from National funders, BPP network members and leaders, Council on Foundations, United Philanthropy Forum, and Univision. The leaders committed to work together to change the narrative in the region, to work to identify funding opportunities, and to continue public policy advocacy in support of families and communities in the US-Mexico Border.
BPP honors Congressman Henry Cuellar.
October 17, 2019 | Washington, DC
During our visit to the U.S. Capitol the BPP Board of Directors presented the Hon. Henry Cuellar with the Distinguished Service Award in appreciation of his leadership in support of families and communities in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Thank you Congressman Cuellar for your efforts.
BPP trains more than 160 nonprofit leaders in Mexicali and Monterrey, Mexico.
August 15-16, 2019 | Monterrey, Nuevo León
August 21, 2019 | Mexicali, Baja California
August 21, 2019 | Mexicali, Baja California
Andy Carey, BPP's Executive Director and Ma. Laura Muñoz, BPP Mexico Representative delivered two training sess ions for Mexican nonprofit leaders on the process to seek funding from US foundations at events in the states of Nue vo León and Baja California. On August 15 and 16, the Monterrey chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (A FP) held its 4th National Fundraising Conference. This two-day event gathered hundreds of fundraisers and executives of leading nonprofits from all over the country as well as a variety of specialized speakers from the US a nd Mexico. On August 21, Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, convened the Mexicali and San Luis Rio Colorad o, Sonora nonprofit community to attend the seminar. A total of 118 nonprofit leaders attended the Mexicali seminar.
The BPP Board of Directors and staff offer their deepest sympathy to the families of the twenty-two Borderlands community members whose lives were taken in the senseless act of violence and hatred in El Paso, TX earlier this week.
August 3, 2019 | El Paso, Texas
This despicable act of violence against innocent lives has no place in our binational community. We also pray for the speedy recovery of the remaining 26 people who were wounded in the incident. As our community begins the long and difficult healing process, we also wish to express our deepest appreciation to the first responders for their incredible efforts to save the thousands of people in the shopping center, and to the Walmart employees who worked courageously to lead their store customers to safety. Many community leaders and partners have contacted us to offer support and to inquire how they may assist the victims and their families during this difficult time. We encourage everyone who wishes to support this effort, to give generously to the El Paso Community Foundation Victims' Fund ( or to the El Paso Victims Relief Fund at the Paso del Norte Community Foundation ( Blood banks are also requesting blood donations ( This tragedy is personal for many of us as our families, friends, and community partners all know someone impacted by this tragedy. You remain in our prayers. We remain #ElPasoStrong.
BPP partners with Community Foundation for Southern Arizona to support San Miguel de Allende nonprofit sector.
July 30-31, 2019 | San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
BPP returned to San Miguel de Allende last week for a two-day education and training conference in support of the local nonprofit sector. This was the fifth training session in as many years to help nonprofit organizations achieve their missions locally. The two-day session was led by Leticia Becerril Palacios and focused on resource development. 120 nonprofit leaders from San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico City, Saltillo, Hermosillo, San Diego, and Tucson attended. Additionally 10 organizations received coaching support on issues related to their own organizations. The session was possible due to the generous support of the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and the legacy of the Shaaron Kent Endowment Fund. Clint Mabie, President and CEO of the Foundation shared, "Our commitment to San Miguel is a permanent one and we look forward to a long term partnership in support of the local nonprofit community."
Foundation leaders meet in Chihuahua to talk leadership, collaboration, and philanthropy.
July 11, 2019 | Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Leaders from across Northern Mexico met in Cd. Chihuahua as part of an ongoing conversation of philanthropy in the Borderlands. The panelists included Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres - Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, Héctor Jurado - Fundación del Empresariado Chihuahuense, Karen Yarza Sieber - Fundación Paso del Norte para la Salud y Bienestar, Claudia Sepúlveda - Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor, and the moderator was Ana Maria de la Rosa y Carpizo, BPP Board Member Emeritus. The dynamic discussion included the history of each organization and their impact on local issues, efforts to address education, environment, health and well-being, the humanitarian crisis impacting the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, as well as strategies to combat mistrust in our sector in Mexico. The conversation is part of a year-long celebration of the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The event was sponsored by FECHAC at their State Headquarters in Cd. Chihuahua. During the event, the Border Philanthropy Partnership extended membership invitations to the attendees, and presented welcome recognition certificates to Fundacion INDEX, Fundacion Grupo Bafar, Fundacion Cima Chihuahua, Centro Humano de Liderazgo, and Lucila Murguia de Arronte.
Funders and support organizations meet in Chicago to talk trans-national philanthropy.
June, 2019 | Chicago, Illinois
The C.S. Mott Foundation,Inter-American Foundation, the Chicago Community Trust and CF Leads are hosting community foundation leaders from across the U.S. and Puerto Rico, Mexico, El Salvador, Colombia, Brazil, and Haiti. BPP members including FESAC, International Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, El Paso Community Foundation, Fundacion Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte, and the Latino Community Foundation are being featured for their mapping research projects to build bridges of philanthropy and collaboration between community foundations. The mapping projects are designed to create awareness and opportunities to increase giving in local communities, as well as communities of origin. BPP is supporting the mapping initiatives. Contact [email protected] for more information.
USAID, Universidad ORT, Tijuana Innovadora, and BPP partner to support nonprofit organizations.
June 10, 11, 2019 | Tijuana, Baja California
Over 200 civil society leaders from across the U.S.A. and Mexico recently gathered in Tijuana, Baja California for a two-day conference to support nonprofit organizations. The organizations received education and training on best practices for resource development, board relations, and volunteer mobilization with the intent to reduce violence in local communities. The International Community Foundation and Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico also participated to share their expertise in resource development, grantmaking, and in community development initiatives in Mexico. The conference was funded by USAIDand organized by Universidad ORT, Tijuana Innovadora, and BPP.
BPP to attend tri-lateral environment meeting in Mexico City.

BPP Executive Director Andy Carey will attend the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America to be held June 24-25 in Mexico City. The meeting includes high ranking government officials representing environmental agencies and ministries from Canada, United States, and Mexico. During the two-day event, participants will discuss building disaster resilient communities in North America. Carey will attend the meeting on behalf of philanthropy in the Borderlands, and as a North American Advisory Committee member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
BPP participates in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Advisory Committee.
May, 2019 | Washington, D.C.
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey was re-appointed to serve on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Advisory Committee. Carey joins a committee of 15 civil society leaders from across the U.S.A. and each serve a two-year term. During the committee meeting, the members discussed environmental issues shared by Canada, United States, and Mexico. Each committee member also prepared a brief presentation of issues related to their work. BPP shared the issue of litter polluting the San Diego-Tijuana region, and the importance of binational collaboration to recommend innovative solutions to resolve the issue.
BPP leads International Visitor delegation on tour of Laredo, TX.
May, 2019 | Laredo, Texas
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey led a delegation of 15 International visitors from Western and Eastern Europe on a day-long tour of the humanitarian crisis issues facing the Borderlands. The tour included visits to Customs and Border Protection officials, Texas A & M International University, the Consulate General of Mexico in Laredo, Catholic Diocese of Laredo, Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, Laredo Area Community Foundation, and the Sames Scholarship program for first generation college students. The delegates are participating in a month-long visit to the U.S. as guests of the U.S. State Department. The San Antonio Council for International Visitors and BPP collaborated on the site visits to civil society organizations working on migration issues in Laredo, TX. The discussions highlighted the challenges facing migrants seeking asylum status, educational opportunities in the binational region, consular support for Mexican nationals and Central American migrants, the role of the Catholic church in support of humanitarian relief, and philanthropy's efforts to respond to growing community needs in the Borderlands.
More than 200 nonprofit and philanthropic leaders gather in Monterrey, Mexico to discuss philanthropy in the border region.
April 25, 2019 | Monterrey, Nuevo León
On April 25, the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) and allies convened the nonprofit community in partnership with Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor to host Monterrey nonprofit and philant hropic community for an evening conversation about philanthropic trends and challenges in this dynamic border region. Participants traveled from 8 border states to attend the event. Invited panelists included: Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Executive Director, Cadenas de Ayuda para México; Enrique Díaz Rivera R. Bours, Board Member, Fundación Tichi Muñoz; Héctor Jurado Sánchez, Board Chair, FECHAC; Denisse Rodríguez, Executive Director, Cd. Obregón Chapter, FESAC, and Agustín Landa García Téllez, vice chancellor of development, University of Monterrey (UDEM). Elisa de la Vara, Chief Community Officer, Arizona Community Foundation, served as the panel moderator. The Hon. William H. Duncan, Consul General of the USA in Monterrey, Juan Guadalupe Marcos Giacoman, Board Chair of the Fundación de Beneficencia Jesús M. Montemayor and BPP Board Member Luis Alberto Healy, delivered the welcome remarks
Business leaders honored for positive impact to Latino communities.
May 4, 2019 | Phoenix, Arizona
Two Arizonans who have had a major impact on immigration, trade, and border relations and security are winners of the 2019 Man and the Woman of the Year business awards from the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. They and other business leaders were honored for their long service and contributions to Arizona and the Latino community at the chamber's 61st Black & White Ball and Business Awards Noche de Flamenco May 4. The Man of the Year is Marco Lopez, president and CEO of Intermestic Partners, that invests in, develops, and manages companies across borders. The Woman of the Year is Elisa de la Vara, chief community officer of the Arizona Community Foundation, who oversees the foundation's impact loan program, border philanthropy and other initiatives. About 1,200 Arizona business and community leaders attend the annual event. The awards ceremony recognizes entrepreneurs who have contributed to the "state's social progress and economic prosperity." "We are proud to host this year's 61st anniversary to honor... (read more)
BPP talks philanthropy with new Director of Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior.
Last week during an official visit to the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, BPP Executive Director Andy Carey met with Maestro Roberto Valdovinos Alba, the newly appointed director of the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME). The meeting was a chance for BPP to share the important role civil society holds in community development initiatives in both the U.S.A. And Mexico. During the conversation, BPP shared that over 1.2 million people work in the nonprofit sector in Mexico, and in support of millions of marginalized families and communities. Carey also encouraged the Federal government of Mexico to reconsider their intention to shut off financial support to the nonprofit sector, and encouraged the new government to work in partnership with civil society to respond to the growing needs of vulnerable communities and populations. Additionally, the leaders discussed future engagements of the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME) in support of education, health and well-being, as well as cultural opportunities in the U.S.A. The Mexican Government historically has provided significant financial investment in support of programs of Mexican Nationals residing in the United States.
Business leaders honored for positive impact to Latino communities.
Arizonans who have had a major impact on immigration, trade, and border relations and security are winners of the 2019 Man and the Woman of the Year business awards from the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. They and other business leaders were honored for their long service and contributions to Arizona and the Latino community at the chamber's 61st Black & White Ball and Business Awards Noche de Flamenco May 4. The Man of the Year is Marco Lopez, president and CEO of Intermestic Partners, that invests in, develops, and manages companies across borders. The Woman of the Year is Elisa de la Vara, chief community officer of the Arizona Community Foundation, who oversees the foundation's impact loan program, border philanthropy and other initiatives. About 1,200 Arizona business and community leaders attend the annual event. The awards ceremony recognizes entrepreneurs who have contributed to the "state's social progress and economic prosperity." "We are proud to host this year's 61st anniversary to honor... (read more)
Louis Escareno presented with the San Antonio Chabad Center's 2019 community service award.
March, 2019
Congratulations to Louis Escareno, Secretary-Treasurer, US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP), on being presented with the San Antonio Chabad Center's 2019 community service award in recognition of your efforts to grow U.S.-Israel relations. Louis Escareno is a Mexican American/Chicano and a native of West Side San Antonio. His efforts to support and to further the Jewish - Latino relationship stems from personal relationships at the University of Pennsylvania and more recently his experience with the faithful, passionate Israel supporters, the Falic Family. As such, he has come to value, respect, and appreciate the Jewish people in the United States, Israel, and around the world.
BPP Executive Director re-appointed to EPA National Advisory Committee.
March, 2019

US. Environmental Protection Agency Adminstrator, Andrew R. Wheeler has re-appointed Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director, to the National Advisory Committee for an additional two years beginning February 2019. The National Advisory Committee was established in 1994 to provide advice to the Adminstrator on a broad range of environment-related strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory and economic issues to be addressed in implementation and elaboration of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. Committee members serve as representatives of academia, business, and nongovernmental organizations. Andy will serve on behalf of philanthropy in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.
BPP conducts Board governance workshop for nonprofit leaders in Ciudad Juarez.
February 26, 2019 | Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua
On Wednesday, February 26, more than 20 staff leaders and board members of local nonprofit organizations participated in the first workshop of the REALIZE program for Boards with the Fundación Paso del Norte para la Salud y Bienestar in Cd. Juárez. Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director conducted the workshop "How to build high performance Boards" as part of the REALIZE initiative, which includes workshops and trainings for nonprofit leaders in this city. The goal of this first workshop was to help participants understand Board governance basics, such as structure, policies and practices, and roles and responsibilities, among others. Launching the REALIZE initiative in Ciudad Juárez was possible thanks to Paso del Norte Health Foundation. The Paso del Norte Health Foundation and its partner foundations are members of the Border Philanthropy Partnership.
BPP and University of San Diego Nonprofit Leadership and Management program tour Tijuana.
February 21, 2019 | Tijuana, Baja California
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey led a delegation of University of San Diego Nonprofit graduate students on a day-long tour of Tijuana, Baja California nonprofit organizations and institutions. The visits included Fundacion CODETand the CODET Institute, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission - Mexico Section, Centro Oncologico Internacional, ProONCAVI, Centro Cultural de Tijuana, and Hospital Infantil de las Californias. The tour also included visits to Borderfield State Park in Playas de Tijuana, and the culinary and business districts. The tour was part of the graduate course Lead 519, "Understanding Binational Nonprofits in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands". A similar tour will be conducted in San Diego March 14.
BPP supports Ventanilla de Salud Health and Wellness programs across the U.S.A.
Februray, 2019

Mexico's Ministry of Public Health, Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission (Mexico Section), and the Border Philanthropy Partnership are collaborating to support Mexico's Consular network across the United States for health and wellness issues affecting nearly 5 million Mexican nationals residing in the U.S.A. The Mexico Section of the Border Health Commission, the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, and BPP signed a Memorandum of Understanding back in September 2018 to provide technical assistance support for the Ventanilla de Salud Health and Wellness programs. The final deliverable is the delivery of Apple IPads to improve reporting and data collection on health and wellness services provided including blood pressure screens, cancer screens, flu and Hepatitis A vaccines amongst others. The Ventanilla de Salud program is a program of the Mexican Government and is a collaborative effort between the Department of Public Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ventanilla de Salud program was developed in 2001 to improve the physical and mental health of Mexicans living in the United States and to increase access to primary and preventive health insurance coverage and ensure sensitive services in order to reduce the use of emergency services. BPP is the fiscal sponsor of the program in San Diego, CA.
Building Broader Communities in the Americas Mapping Initiatives comes to the Borderlands.
February, 2019 | San Diego, California
The C.S. Mott Foundation, the Inter-American Foundation, and CF LEADS are partnering with community foundation leaders across the U.S. and Mexico to investigate and discover avenues to engage more philanthropists in organized giving mechanisms provided by community foundations. Starting last year, BPP network partners and members started innovative mapping initiatives in El Paso, TX and Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua to engage binational philanthropy at new levels. The El Paso Community Foundation and the Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte joined forces in the first-ever borderlands mapping initiative. This year community foundations in Arizona, Sonora, California, and Baja California are joining forces to strengthen philanthropy across borders. The Arizona Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, Fundación del Empresariado Sonorense, A.C. (FESAC), International Community Foundation, Fundación Internacional de la Comunidad, and the Border Philanthropy Partnership are all working to bridge the philanthropic divide between the two countries. The partners have assembled a dynamic partnership with key players including Arizona State University's Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, Chicanos Por la Causa, and Fundación Tichi Muñoz. Over the next several months the partners will be surveying stakeholder organizations, members of the general public, as well as interviewing philanthropists on their willingness to support charitable giving on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border. For more information contact Andy Carey.
BPP talks Humanitarian Crisis in the Borderlands.
Februrary, 2019 | San Diego, California
This past week network partners and leaders met with Brian Gallagher, President of United Way Worldwide during a site visit to San Diego and Tijuana. Mr. Gallagher came to the Borderlands to witness firsthand the plight of asylum seekers from Central American trying to enter the U.S.A. Local community organizations participating included Jewish Family Services, California Endowment, International Community Foundation, United Way of San Diego, Fondo Unido de Mexico, San Diego-Tijuana Smart Border Coalition, the Border Philanthropy Partnership, the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, and the Consulate General of the United States in Tijuana. The leaders all shared information on initiatives supporting migrant serving organizations, shared possible solutions to the humanitarian crisis, and invited United Way Worldwide to help share the real story of the situation in the Borderlands with partners, stakeholders, and policymakers across the United States.
BPP hosts "A Conversation with Funders: Philanthropy in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands."
January 17, 2019 | San Diego, California
On Thursday, January 17 BPP hosted over 200 members, partners, donors, and stakeholders for a conversation with funders including Laura Speer from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Linetta Gilbert on behalf of the Ford Foundation, Nick Deychakiwsky from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and Robert Ashcraft from Arizona State University's Lodestar Center on Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation. The event was part of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Border Philanthropy Partnership. Leaders attended from 8 of the 10 Border States and as far away as Washington,D.C. and Mexico City, D.F... The panelists congratulated BPP on its impact over the past 10 years provided education and training to over 15,000 board and staff leaders, coaching and technical assistance to over 200 organizations, supporting fiscal agency needs of member stakeholders to over US$4 million, and for growing and sustaining the member network to over 300 organizations during the 10 year period. Conversations also tackled the need for civil society to grow and influence the narrative in our region that reframes the non-crisis created by Washington, D.C.from the shackles of an imposed humanitarian crisis to that of our reality of a prosperous region where community, family, business, and binational engagement is the norm of the day. The event was possible due to the generous support of Sempra Energy, RL Jones Customhouse Brokers, and Southwest Airlines.
BPP Board hosts foundation leaders for conversation to strengthen philanthropy in the Borderlands.
January 18, 2019 | San Diego, California
On Friday, January 18 the BPP Board of Directors hosted a funders only conversation with 40 foundation leaders to discuss challenges and opportunities facing philanthropy in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Ford Foundation, and C.S. Mott Foundation all attended as well as community foundation leaders from 8 of the 10 Border States. The foundation leaders strategized on ways to strengthen the narrative about the reality of life in the Borderlands, and the need to engage media partners from across both countries to challenge the national narratives about the non-crisis in the Borderlands. Additionally, the leaders discussed the importance of preparedness for future humanitarian crisis that will likely challenge local governments and communities. Several recommendations were also encouraged including: the need for specificity when approaching funders so complete clarity is understood as to why investments are being requested; keep talking about the real issues impacting our region to elevate the dialogue to the national level; and to increase access to compelling and relevant data to support causes and increase philanthropic investment. During the entire session, BPP was celebrated for its commitment to grow philanthropy in the Borderlands, and for its approach to always share and collaborate with members, partners, and stakeholders for the greater good of our community and to respond to the challenges facing our region.
University of San Diego Nonprofit Institute and BPP Executive Director lead delegation to Guatemala.
January 19-27, 2019 | Guatemala
University of San Diego graduate students in Nonprofit Management, Leadership Development, Education, and Social Justice completed an 8 day excursion to Guatemala to study the Role and Responsibility of Civil Society Organizations in the Developing World. The Lead 518 course was led by BPP Executive Director Andy Carey. The 10 graduate student delegation visited academic institutions, corporate foundations, and nonprofit organizations in six communities including Guatemala City, Quetzaltenango, Panajachel, Santiago, Iximche, and Antigua. The prevalent issues included malnutrition that impacts 1 in 2 children under the age of 5; extreme poverty that impacts over 40% of the national population; and the migration crisis impacting Central America, specifically Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. During the 8 day trip, meetings were held with the University Rafael Landivar Medical School leadership, the Representative of UNICEF and the nutrition team, the leadership of USAID, American Friends Service Committee, Casa Migrante in Guatemala City, and Priorato San Jose amongst others. For more information contact Andy Carey.
Beyond Borders: an article by Matthew Harvey about the BPP in the Philanthropy Journal News.
The issue of immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border is controversial, complicated and fraught with partisan trip wires, as the recent government shutdown demonstrates. The reality of children dying in federal custody and the political optics of family separation and detention camps makes this undeniable. While the gravity of pessimism is understandably strong, given the circumstances, optimism can be found in a few universally agreed upon facts - diversity is a strength, a safe and secure border is essential to any sovereign nation, law enforcement matters, and immigration is a positive tenet integral to the founding of our nation. Optimism can also be found within the Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP), a bi-national non-profit that embodies these facts to build prosperity through leadership, collaboration and philanthropy on both sides of the border. The Border Philanthropy Partnership was founded in 2008. With membership spanning across both the United States and Mexico, BPP is uniquely positioned to build that prosperity across the Borderlands. Read more.
BPP leaders invited to present at CEMEFI's Annual Conference.
November 13-14, 2018 | Mexico City, Mexico
Mexican Center for Philanthropy's Annual Conference 2018 "Civil society, actions that transform" took place in mid-November in Mexico City when CEMEFI also celebrated its 30th anniversary. BPP Board Members Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Executive Director of Cadenas de Ayuda para México and Héctor Jurado, Board Chair of FECHAC, were invited as panelists at a round table on strategic philanthropy, in which four philanthropy leaders spoke with the participants about the current changes and trends in philanthropy in Mexico and what each organization is doing to strengthen philanthropy in Mexico. Also Ma. Laura Muñoz, BPP representative in Mexico presented a workshop for nonprofit boards. Ma. Laura is a certified board consultant by BoardSource.
BPP leaders, members, and partners to talk International grantmaking at Philanthropy Southwest Annual Conference.
November 1-3, 2018 | Galveston, Texas
The BPP was invited to moderate a discussion about International grantmaking at the 2018 Annual meeting of Philanthropy Southwest to be held in Galveston, TX November 1-3. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey will moderate a conversation with foundation leaders who are specialists in grantmaking in Mexico. The confirmed panelists include: J. Clint Mabie, President and C.E.O. of the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, Eric Pearson, President and C.E.O. of the El Paso Community Foundation, Gabriela Boyer, Representative for Mexico and Nicaragua at the Inter-American Foundation, and Marisa Quiroz, Vice President of Programs at the International Community Foundation. The panelists will share their organizational experience providing grants in Mexico, compliance with Patriot Act and Ley de Anti Lavado requirements, and initiatives supporting collaboration amongst community foundations in the U.S. and Mexico.
BPP and Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico join forces in Tijuana.
October 18, 2018 | Tijuana, Baja California
Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico and Border Philanthropy Partnership joined forces to provide board governance training in Tijuana. Nearly 100 nonprofit board and staff leaders from 65 local organizations attended the half-day session on the "Roles and Responsibilities of Board of Directors". Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, Executive Director of Cadenas de Ayuda, and BPP Board Member hosted the event. Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director presented the training session. Carey shared best practices for board meetings, team building, and strategic planning. For more information, contact [email protected].
BPP to moderate discussion:
Trump and AMLO: The Future of U.S.-Mexico Relations.
October 12, 2018 | Los Angeles, California
BPP Executive Director will moderate a discussion on the state of relations between the U.S. and Mexico at PolicyWest 2018 Annual meeting to be held October 12, 2018 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, CA. The discussion panel is titled: Trump and AMLO: The Future of U.S.-Mexico Relations and the featured speakers are: Luis Madrazo, Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit, COMEXI; Dr. Antonio Ortiz-Mena, Senior Vice President, Albright Stonebridge Group, Dr. Jennifer Piscopo, Assistant Professor of Politics, Occidental College. Discussion moderator is Andy Carey, Executive Director, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. PolicyWest is an annual forum on global affairs. The conference brings together people from a variety of sectors - business, civic, government and academic leaders - to exchange ideas and collaborate on pressing international issues. The event boasts a diverse, sophisticated, civil, and proudly bipartisan audience. This year, speakers will explore a wide range of topics including cooperation and competition in space, free trade, nuclear proliferation, Russia, China, and more. Click here for a live streaming of keynote with Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong and the lunch debate on #populism.
BPP leaders meet with Border Mayors - talk philanthropy.
September 20-22, 2018 | San Antonio, Texas
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership Board of Directors and staff team attended the 2018 Border Mayors' Summit held in San Antonio, TX September 20-22. The event was the seventh annual convening of the binational elected officials, and was organized by the Center on U.S.-Mexico Studies at the University of California San Diego. During the summit, the 25 Mayors explored collaborative partnerships on trade, commerce, border security, border infrastructure, and philanthropy. Board Member Laura Speer of the Annie E. Casey Foundation shared the latest information on Border Kids' Count and Infancia Cuenta, and Executive Director Andy Carey encouraged the Mayors to partner with civil society organizations to solve challenges facing local communities. During the event, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and First Lady Erika Prosper Nirenberg presented BPP with a proclamation in recognition of our 10th Anniversary celebration. Texas State Senator José Menéndez also attended the BPP Board Meeting to present Board Chair Enrique Diaz Rivera R. Bours with a proclamation in support of the anniversary celebration.
BPP's Executive Director presented Ohtli Award at Independence Day Celebration.
September 18, 2018 | San Diego, California
The Government of Mexico recognized BPP's Executive Director Andy Carey with the Ohtli Award. The Ohtli award is administered by the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs. It is given once annually by individual consulates and consists of a medallion, silver rosette and a diploma. The name of the award comes from the Nahuatl word which means "road" or "path." The medal depicts an Aztec god cutting grass with a machete. The symbolism of the name alludes to the idea of opening a path for others. The first award was given out in 1996. The award is one of the highest honors given to citizens living outside of Mexico. The Ohtli Award recognizes individuals who have aided, empowered or positively affected the lives of Mexican nationals in the United States and other countries. In announcing the award, Ambassador Marcela Celorio, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego shared, "Andy reflects not only a remarkable social leadership through more than 20 years of philanthropy, but it also shows the true love and devotion of someone who has dedicated his life to promote a better understanding of Mexico and the United States of America, its people and its culture."
BPP leaders, members, and partners to talk International grantmaking at Philanthropy Southwest Annual Conference.
November 1-3, 2018 | Galveston, Texas
The BPP was invited to moderate a discussion about International grantmaking at the 2018 Annual meeting of Philanthropy Southwest to be held in Galveston, TX November 1-3. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey will moderate a conversation with foundation leaders who are specialists in grantmaking in Mexico. The confirmed panelists include: J. Clint Mabie, President and C.E.O. of the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, Eric Pearson, President and C.E.O. of the El Paso Community Foundation, Gabriela Boyer, Representative for Mexico and Nicaragua at the Inter-American Foundation, and Marisa Quiroz, Vice President of Programs at the International Community Foundation. The panelists will share their organizational experience providing grants in Mexico, compliance with Patriot Act and Ley de Anti Lavado requirements, and initiatives supporting collaboration amongst community foundations in the U.S. and Mexico.
The Consulate of Mexico in San Diego opens a public lactation room.
Lactating mothers who visit or work at the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diegowill now have a space to breastfeed their babies. The lactation room at the Consulate has the necessary equipment for nursing mothers to extract and store milk in a comfortable and private environment. "It is a legitimate right of mothers, of women, to breastfeed their children and also of the children to be breastfed," said Marcela Celorio, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, highlighting the opening of a quiet and hygienic space for the benefit of consulate employees and visitors. The lactation room, an initiative of the Ventanilla de Salud or Health Window program, will be in operation during office hours. The first lactation room was established at the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco, and Ministry of Health intends to set up lactation rooms in the other 50 consulates in the United States. For its opening in San Diego... (read more in Spanish)
Dr. Dolores Roybal, recognized with New Mexico Change Maker Award.

Dr. Dolores Roybal, BPP Vice-Chair and Executive Director of Con Alma Health Foundation received the Change Maker Award on Friday, August 17th in Espanola, her home town, as part of a community event/concert for the kickoff of the "A New Normal" public multi-media education campaign. Other women recognized as "living treasures, the crusaders, the pioneers, the lionesses that have fought tirelessly for the people of the Espanola Valley and Northern New Mexico" included: Lauren Reichelt, Director RA Health & Services, Lupe Salazar, Director Barrios Unidos, Brenda Romero, Administrator Presbyterian Espanola Hospital. Marian Naranjo, Santa Clara Pueblo, Kathy Sanchez, Tewa Women United, Dorothy Montoya, Community Activist and Dr. Gina Perez-Baron, Alchemy Integrated Medicine. Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham introduced the awardees.
BPP invited to USAID Civil Society Activity Partners Encounter.
August 9, 2018 | Tijuana, Baja California
On Thursday, August 9, as part of USAID Civil Society Activity (CSA), representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) working along the border in human rights, crime prevention and justice reform, gathered in Tijuana for peer-to-peer learning and reflect on opportunities of collaboration and strategic alliances as a valuable tool to multiply their impact. This perspective will be particularly useful for CSOs that are just beginning to implement their grants. Participants were also prompted to think about the sustainability of results and on how they will continue their work after the term of USAID's grant ends. Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director talked about partnership opportunities in the border region, including cross-border philanthropy and the ways in which alliances can spark change beyond funding. BPP founding members such as FECHAC also attended the event.
Philanthropy gathers in San Diego - Tijuana to assess Family Humanitarian Crisis.
Fifty five foundation and nonprofit leaders from across the U.S.A. And Mexico are meeting this week to address the Family Separation crisis in the Borderlands. Hispanics in Philanthropy convened leaders and organizations to learn about the needs and realities facing women and children in this crisis. The two day event includes site visits in both San Diego and Tijuana with legal experts assisting the families, detention centers and migrant shelters, and meetings with government officials determining legal status and repatriation services. BPP network members and partners including the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, the International Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, and the El Paso Community Foundation participated. We especially appreciate the continued support of the C.S. Mott Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and the Weingart Foundation for their participation in the tour.
The BPP advances philanthropy, collaboration and leadership in Monterrey, Mexico.
July 19, 2018 | Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
Last week, BPP staff and Board member traveled to Monterrey to carry out a series of activities in cooperation with local philanthropic organizations. The first was a training seminar held on Thursday, July 19 to provide best practices and governance tools to foundation leaders as well as to encourage participation among businesses and corporations in the region. In the afternoon, 230 nonprofit and philanthropic leaders attended our Trans-border philanthropy panel presentation. Panelists included Elizabeth B. Warfield, Mission Director, USAID/Mexico, Enrique Diaz Rivera R. Bours, Board Chair, US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and Treasurer, Fundacion Tichi Muñoz, Raúl Rodriguez-Barocio, Associate Vice President International Relations, Tec de Monterrey and Gabriela Boyer, Foundation Representative, Grant-making & Portfolio Management Nicaragua and Community Asset Mobilization in Mexico, Inter-American Foundation. Elisa de la Vara, Chief Community Officer, Arizona Community Foundation and BPP Board Member will be the moderator. Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, BPP Board Member and Director of Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico in Mexicali, delivered closing remarks. During the second day of activities in Monterrey, the BPP Board of Directors held its third annual meeting. We thank the Fundación Jesús M. Montemayor and local partners Fundación Treviño Elizondo, Fomento Moral y Educativo, Fundación Comunidar and Tec de Monterrey for their support in organizing these successful activities
Dolores Roybal, BPP Vice-Chair, delivers governance seminar for FECHAC.
July 19, 2018 | Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Dr. Dolores RoybalExecutive Director, Con Alma Health Foundation and BPP Vice-Chair, shared best practices for effective boards with FECHAC's leaders and Board members. Delegates from the main 9 cities in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, were in attendance to learn more about their roles and responsibilities as board members, principles of good governance and ethical practice. Dolores also spoke about how to achieve greater effectiveness in board meetings to improve strategic decision making. The BPP is proud to collaborate with Fundación del Empresariado Chihuahuense, FECHAC, our ally and founding partner, in strengthening their Board of trustees.
Cecilia Guzmán, Health Window coordinator receives excellence award.
July 20, 2018 | San Diego, California

Last Friday, July 20, at the 2018 annual conference "Adelante Promotores" (Forward Promoters), organized by the San Diego County Promoters Coalition, Cecilia Guzmán, Health Window program coordinator at the Mexican Consulate in San Diego, received an excellence award. The goal of the Forward Promoters conference is to celebrate the promoters / Community Health Workers (CHW), and motivate them and prepare them better for their valuable work. The Ventanilla de Salud (Health Window) is a free program designed to help people identify the health services they need in the United States and Mexico. Its main goals are to help prevent diseases, to promote healthy habits and to provide referrals to health services, like those offered by community clinics. Felicidades Cecilia!
Your help is needed! Children and Families Humanitarian Crisis in the Borderlands Survey results.

The BPP distributed a survey to our members, partners, and stakeholders on their response to aid children and families separated at the U.S.-Mexico Border. We appreciate the time and effort taken to share your response, and have shared the list of organizations responding with national, regional, and local funding partners. Additionally, we are partnering with Hispanics in Philanthropy to inform their donor network on how they may support our members responding to this effort. You may find the complete list of organizations responding here. Please give generously to their efforts. Your contribution is needed and may be matched. Please contact Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director with any questions or comments.
Louis Escareño, BPP Board Member, takes part in USMCOC Mexico Presidential Election Observers Mission.
July 1, 2018 | Mexico
The U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce led its 5th consecutive Observers' Mission to Mexico for its Presidential election to observe the electoral process, which has earned increasingly high marks for reliability and confidence. The mission, comprised of members of the board of directors and senior staff of the Chamber, who were certified by the Mexican National Electoral Institute (Instituto Nacional Electoral, or "INE"). Mexico is now recognized internationally as having a national electoral process that is a comprehensive structure, reliable and fair. Mission participants prepared apreliminary report with their first impressions and information on the electoral results. As you know, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador won with 53.2% of the vote. His Coalition "Juntos Haremos Historia" also obtained the majority in Mexico's Federal Congress. The USMCOC Electoral Observers Delegation monitored polling locations in Mexico City, Estado de Mexico and Morelos.
Thank you Southwest Airlines for your support!
BPP and Southwest Airlines have partnered in support of binational philanthropy. Southwest Airlines presented free travel certificates to BPP in support of our convening and events in the U.S.-Mexico Border region. The travel vouchers have enabled BPP to participate in important events promoting philanthropy in Washington, D.C., Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California. Thank you Southwest Airlines for this important community partnership during our 10th anniversary year.
Hispanic Chamber honors San Antonio's Most Influential Business Leaders at 2018 Business Awards dinner.
San Antonio Hispanic Chamber recognized nine outstanding local businesses and business leaders for their positive impact in the community. Honoring the accomplishments of some of San Antonio's most influential business and community leaders who are at the forefront of their industries, the Business Awards Dinner took place on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk. "These phenomenal business and community leaders positively impact our community and ensure the vitality of San Antonio's economy through their work every day," said Ramiro A. Cavazos, President & CEO of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. "It is a humbling honor for us at the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to be able to provide recognition to such incredible leaders." The 2018 Business Awards Dinner honorees included Advocate of the Year Award: Louis Escareño, UETA Duty Free and BPP Board Member. Felicidades Louis!
BPP participates in Trilateral meeting for the Environment.
June 26 -27, 2018 | Oklahoma City, Oaklahoma
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey was invited by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to attend the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) in Oklahoma City, OK. Carey serves as a member of the National Advisory Committee that reviews environmental issues presented by the EPA and provides citizen input. Carey serves on this committee in representation of philanthropy in the Borderlands. JPAC is a trilateral Commission between Canada, USA, and Mexico. Representatives are selected from the three countries to talk environmental issues and to make recommendations on possible solutions in benefit of our three countries.
BPP talks mapping at Arizona-Mexico Commission.
June 15, 2018 | Tucson, Arizona
Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director, will present to the Water and Environment Committee during the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Arizona-Mexico Commission this Friday, June 15, in Tucson, AZ. During the event, Carey will share an update on the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands mapping initiative under construction in collaboration with Foundation Center. The map is designed to increase philanthropy in the Borderlands by informing nonprofits about grant opportunities; donor entities about the funding needs in the region; and facilitate stronger collaboration amongst civil society organizations. The meeting will be held at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa. For more information on the Arizona-Mexico Commission Annual meeting contact Edna Mendoza.
Community Foundation leaders to meet in Phoenix, AZ to talk binational philanthropy.
June 14-15, 2015 | Phoenix, Arizona
Community Foundation leaders from the U.S.A. And Mexico are meeting today and tomorrow in Phoenix, AZ to discuss mapping initiatives to grow the philanthropic footprint in the Americas. The initiative titled, "Building Broader Communities in the Americas" is funded and led by the C.S.Mott Foundation and the Inter-American Foundation. Community Foundations across North America are participating to develop opportunities to encourage charitable giving between the U.S. and Mexico as a first phase, and later across the Americas. This week's meeting is hosted by the Arizona Community Foundation and the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is a steering committee member for this initiative. For more information contact Andy Carey.
US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) takes part in the citizen scholarship committee for the General Consulate of Mexico, San Diego.
May 11, 2018 | San Diego, California
Mexico's Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, IMEBecas distributed US$85,000 in scholarships for continuing and higher education. Congratulations to all the recipient organizations including but not limited to MANA de San Diego, University of San Diego, Barrio Logan College Institute, Southwestern College Foundation, PIQE, UC San Diego
USD graduate students complete applied projects for BPP Members.
May 10, 2018 | San Diego, California
Last week, Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director, taught the last class of the semester of Understanding Bi-national Nonprofits in the US-Mexican Border at The Nonprofit Institute at USD University of San Diego. During this class, students learned about the challenges and opportunities of nonprofit organizations in a binational context and worked in groups and with an associate from an assigned nonprofit that spans the Mexico and United States border to analyze the particular nature of that organization and the challenges it faces. The final class was a series of presentations or applied projects for BPP member organizations selected by the students:PATH - Making it Home, ProOncavi, Consulado General de México en San Diego, and Via International. Thank you to all who joined the student tours in San Diego and Tijuana, and for sharing your organizations amazing work in our binational community: San Diego Human Dignity Foundation, I Love A Clean San Diego, Hospital Infantil de las Californias, US Customs and Border Protection, Cruz Roja de Tijuana, Fundación Codet, Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, and Centro Cultural Tijuana - CECUT.
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership recognizes the Hon. Russell L. Jones as Chairman Emeritus.
April 12, 2018 | Santa Fe, New Mexico
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) recognized its founder Hon. Russell "Russ" L. Jones as Chairman Emeritus. Russ has been active in community since he was a young man growing up in Calexico, CA. He is the epitome of what is known in the region as a Borderlander. A Borderlander is someone who easily navigates both sides of the border, and identifies as being from both sides of the region. Russ was raised in Calexico, CA and Mexicali, Baja California. His father and grandfather founded what is known today as RL Jones Customhouse Brokers, a premier import/export business facilitating trade and commerce between the U.S. and Mexico across the 10 State region. Russ studied Business Administration at San Diego State University, where he met Janet, his wife of over 50 years. Russ is a founder of multiple organizations. He is one of the founders of the Border Trade Alliance, and he is one of the founding members of the Arizona Community Foundation, and their statewide affiliate system. Since 2008, Russ has served U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) with grace, humility, and honor. His generous spirit has contributed to the growth and development of the BPP as he faithfully executed his responsibilities as a board member and officer. Russ helped extend BPP's mission, redefine its services, expanded member network, and exponentially increased BPP's influence along and across the binational region. Thank you Russ for your tireless commitment to the Border region!
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership names Southwest Airlines Official Carrier.
April, 2018 | San Diego, California
Since 2008, the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership has been a steadfast promoter of increased charitable giving, public policy advocacy, and strengthening the nonprofit and philanthropic community along and across the 2,000 mile border between the U.S. and Mexico. This partnership with Southwest Airlines will enable us to mobilize organizational leaders and stakeholders to important events and activities that encourage greater philanthropic investment across our region and between the U.S. and Mexico. BPP's Executive Director, Andy Carey said, "Southwest Airlines is a natural partner and supporter for us as they reach all key communities and destinations from San Diego to San Antonio, and Southwest Airlines' expansion into Mexico extends this reach all the way to Mexico City and other important destinations. This partnership allows us to be where we need to be for important conferences and conventions to continue to build strong community ties East and West and North and South". Thank you Southwest Airlines!
The BPP hosts "Border KIDS COUNT: The Latest Data from New Mexico and Mexico."
April 12, 2018 | Santa Fe, New Mexico
On Thursday, April 12 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP), Con Alma Health Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation, the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico, and the New Mexico Association of Grantmakers, joined forces to present, "Border Kids Count: The latest data from New Mexico and Mexico ". Through a moderated discussion, this event featured analyses of child wellbeing data along the U.S.-Mexico border, to raise awareness about child wellbeing in the border region and inspiring local and national funders to get more involved in this critical issue. Panelists included: Francisco J. Ronquillo, PA, MA, Health Extension Officer and Hispanic/Latino Health Specialist, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Health, Health Sciences Center at the University of New Mexico; Laura Speer, Associate Director of Policy Reform and Advocacy, Annie E. Casey Foundation & Board Member, U.S.- Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership; James Jimenez, Executive Director, New Mexico Voices for Children, New Mexico KIDS COUNT; and Terra V. Winter, PhD, Executive Director, Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico. The panel presentation was moderated by Elisa De la Vara, Chief Community Officer, Arizona Community Foundation, & Board Member, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership.
New leadership takes helm of BPP Board of Directors.
The BPP is led by a binational Board of Directors from the U.S. and Mexico. New positions include Enrique Díaz Rivera as Board Chair; and Robert Ashcraft, Immediate Past - Chair. Dolores E. Roybal, Executive Director, Con Alma Health Foundation (Santa Fe, NM) becomes Vice-Chair, and Louis R. Escareño, General Counsel and Director, Government & Public Affair, Duty Free America/UETA (San Antonio, Texas) is the new Secretary/Treasurer. New Board members include: Eduardo Acosta, Vice President, R.L. Jones Customhouse Brokers (San Diego, CA); Rosa del Carmen Montaño, Executive Director, Cadenas de Ayuda para México (Mexicali, Baja California); Luis A Healy, Partner, Grupo Healy (Tijuana, Baja California); Hector Jurado Sánchez, Board Chair, Fundación del Empresariado Chihuahuense (Parral, Chihuahua); J.C. Thomas III, Director of External Affairs, Sempra International (Solana Beach, CA); and Oswaldo L. Wendlandt Hurtado, Board Member, Fundación Jesús M. Montemayor, A.C. (Monterrey, Nuevo Leon).
BPP Executive Director attended the 35th anniversary celebration of Hispanics in Philanthropy.
April 5-6, 2018 | San Francisco, California
The 2018 35th Anniversary National Conference & HIPGivers Gala: Investing in Leaders, Justice, & Opportunity for All, was the first annual celebration at HIP presided over by new President and CEO, Ana Marie Argilagos, a former Annie E. Casey and Ford Foundation Program Officer and Executive. Ana Marie is a strong supporter of BPP and was one of the original funders supporting our launch as a nonprofit organization nearly 10 years ago, said Carey. The HIP celebration was attended by more than 300 philanthropy leaders from across the U.S.A. and Mexico. BPP and HIP look forward to more collaborative opportunities in the years ahead.
BPP leaders meet with Mexico's Foreign Minister, Dr. José Luis Videgaray.
March 22, 2018 | San Diego, California
On a recent visit to the United States of America, San Diego was the next to last stop on Mr. Videgaray's itinerary. BPP assisted the Consulate General of Mexico to organize his visit. BPP Board leaders Russ Jones and Louis Escareño were in attendance. Additionally, Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director, was invited to have a private one-on-one with him about our role in the binational community. This was an important opportunity to brief him on our community building efforts while the two countries' relationship is undoubtedly strained. Additionally, BPP supported the Consulate General of Mexico in hosting the first ever convening of the National Institute for Transparency Access to Information and Personal Data Protection. This federal institute in Mexico is responsible for maintaining the right to access of public information and protection of personal data in Mexico. |
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership trains more than 50 nonprofit leaders in governance for nonprofit boards.
March 21, 2018 | Mexicali, Baja California
Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director, in coodination with Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, delivered a training course in Mexicali, Baja Califonia on the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit boards. Topics included: Basic responsibilities, the role of board members in fundraising, relationship between the CEO and the board, strategic recruitment, board committees, conflicts of interest and ethics, effective board meetings, board manuals and retreats, and succession planning, among others. Thanks to Cadenas de Ayuda and their wonderful staff, led by Rosa del Carmen Montaño Fimbres, member of the BPP Board of Directors.
The Nonprofit Institute at USD University of San Diego in the Borderlands.
March 15, 2018 | Tijuana, Baja California
Graduate students taking Lead 519 "Understanding Binational Nonprofits in the U.S.-Mexico Border region" traveled to Tijuana yesterday to see first-hand the amazing efforts of local nonprofit organizations serving them local binational community. Thank you Hospital Infantil de las Californias, Cruz Roja de Tijuana, Ciudad de los Niños, Tijuana, ProOncavi, Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, and Fundación Codet for sharing your story, your mission, and your efforts with our delegation.
BPP and partners host roundtable to discuss impact of the new California School Dashboard.
March 15, 2018 | San Diego, California
The US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP), The San Diego Foundation, andSVPRCommunications hosted a School Superintendents Roundtable breakfast to discuss the impact of the new California School Dashboard, a tool that shows how districts and schools are performing on test scores, graduation rates and other measures of student success. Thank you Larry Perondi (University of San Diego), Francisco Escobedo (Chula Vista Elementary School District), Hugo Pedraza (Fallbrook Union High School), and Luis Rankins-Ibarra (Escondido Union School District) for your support.
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership hosts border tour for International Visitor Leadership Program participants.
March 2, 2018 | Laredo, Texas
The BPP, in cooperation with local partners, hosted a tour of the Laredo, TX region on March 2, where participants of the Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program examined global and regional responses to refugee and migration issues. These visitors are invited to the United States under the auspices of the International Visitor Leadership Program. Their program is arranged by World Learning. International Visitor Leadership Program participants come from the business, government, nonprofit and philanthropic sectors from the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Finland, Honduras, Ireland, Jordan, Kenya,Lebanon, Malaysia, Malta, Norway, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, South Sudan, and Turkey. During this full-day excursion to Laredo, program participants heard directly from the bi-national practitioners who are working in this diverse region. The tour included visits and presentations of TAMIU by Maria Eugenia Calderon, Assistant Vice President for Global Initiatives, the Laredo Area Community Foundation, by Keith Franklin, Board Chair, and a presentation of the SAMES Scholars Program, by philanthropists Hank and Elizabeth Sames. The tour continued with a visit to the Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, Catholic Charities-Diocese of Laredo (CCDOL) and ended with a visit to Customs and Border Protection.
INAI holds the first binational event on the social utility of the access to information right as a tool for migrants.
February 28, 2018 | San Diego/Tijuana
More than 140 people attended the event, which took place simultaneously in Tijuana, Baja California, and San Diego, California. The event included a panel presentation, a round table to analyze migration related issues and a workshop on the exercise of the right of access to information. This was the first binational event of its kind where nonprofit organizations specialized on migration issues shared their experience on the use of public information as a tool for accessing other human rights of the migrant population in Mexico and the United States. The event also promoted the strategic use of public information to strengthen monitoring and public policy advocacy capacities in Mexico. In San Diego, the event was organized by the INAI, the Foreign Ministry of Mexico, the General Consulate of Mexico in San Diego, Indesol, Tijuana Innovadora and the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, in coordination with Instituto de Estudios y Divulgación sobre Migración, A.C. (INEDIM); Voces Mesoamericanas. Acción con Pueblos Migrantes, A.C.; American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU, San Diego; and Letra S, Sida, cultura y vida cotidiana, A.C. Read more (in Spanish).
Community Foundation for Southern Arizona partners with BPP in San Miguel de Allende.
February 8,9, 2018 | San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona partnered for the fourth time in as many years with the Border Philanthropy Partnership to carry out a two-day intensive resource development seminar for 100 leaders from more than 65 organizations in San Miguel de Allende. The two-day seminar was possible thanks to the Shaaron Kent Endowment Fund held at the Community Foundation. The fund was established to support the nonprofit sector in San Miguel de Allende, as well as support projects related to end of life care in Arizona and San Miguel de Allende. In addition to the seminar, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona distributed nearly US$80,000 to 11 local organizations in core operating support grants through the Border Philanthropy Partnership. The sessions were led by Carlos Madrid, President, Junta de Asistencia Privada, Distrito Federal; Alma Delia Abrego, Director, Fundacion de Artes Musicales, Tijuana, Baja California; and Maria Laura Muñoz and Andy Carey, both of theU.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The participating organizations appreciated the opportunity for peer learning, networking with leaders from other communities, and to meet with leaders from the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, Clint Mabie (President and C.E.O.), and Sandra Nathan (Senior Vice President for Philanthropy).
BPP talks binational philanthropy in Mexico City.
February 4-6, 2018 | Mexico City
Nearly 30 BPP members and leaders from across the U.S and Mexico attended the first-ever North American Community Foundation Summit held in Mexico City, February 4-6, 2018. The conference theme: "Leaving No One Behind: Achieving global goals together" explored the role of community foundations in a challenging world for solutions tied to the Sustainable Development Goals, and explored opportunities to build alliances to improve our planet while facilitating collaboration between governments, civil society, communities, and countries. Over 200 leaders from Canada, the United States, and Mexico attended the event representing philanthropy, government, academia, and nonprofit organizations. During the event, a coalition of actors met in support of the "Building Broader Communities across the Americas" met to explore ways to create ties between community foundations between Canada, the U.S.A., and Mexico. Mapping projects were unveiled to highlight opportunities to galvanize philanthropy in migrant communities across the continent in support of local projects as well as in their communities of origin. BPP Executive Director Andy Carey presented the work of the Border Philanthropy Partnership on a panel discussion along with founding members El Paso Community Foundation, International Community Foundation, and the Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte. The panel was moderated by Steve Cox of the Inter-American Foundation based in Washington, D.C.
Border Philanthropy Partnership congratulates Beatriz Marina Bours Muñoz, Universidad LaSalle.

The Universidad LaSalle based in Cd. Obregón, Sonora, Mexico recognized Beatriz Marina Bours Muñoz with an honorary doctorate degree in recognition of her lifetime support of community philanthropy. Beatriz Marina Bours Muñoz actively supports and participates in numerous nonprofit and philanthropic organizations across Mexico, and serves as Board Chair of the Fundación Tichi Muñoz based in Cd. Obregon. The Fundación Tichi Muñoz was started by the Robinson Bours family in honor of the late Beatriz Muñoz, and the Foundation is a long-time supporter, member, and donor to the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership.
BPP Board elects new officers and directors.
January 19, 2018 | San Diego, California
Enrique Diaz Rivera R. Bours was elected Board Chair at the 2018 annual meeting of the BPP Board of Directors. Enrique first joined BPP in 2013. Enrique has a long and distinguished history in the philanthropic sector in Mexico, and serves as an officer in the Fundación Tichi Muñoz, A. C., based in Cd. Obregón, and on the board of directors of the San Jose del Cabo Fire depart ment. Enrique has a baccalaureate degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de M on terrey. He is a real estate developer in Cabo San Lucas, Mex ico. Addi tio nally, Dolore s Roybal, Executive Director of the Con Alma Health Foundation , Santa Fe, New Mexico was elected Vice Chair. Louis Escareño, General Counsel, UETA Duty Free Americas, San Antonio, TX was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Robert Ashcraft, Executive Director of the ASU Lodestar Center on Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, Phoenix, Arizona, was elected Immediate Past Chair. New Board members joining the leadership team include: Rosa del Carmen Mo nt año Fimbres ( Cadenas de Ayuda para México, A.C. ) of Mexicali; Luis Alberto Healy (Grupo Healy) of Hermosillo; Hector Jurado (FECHAC) of Parral; Oswaldo Wendlandt (Fundación Montemayor, A.C.) of Monterrey; Eduardo Acosta (RL Jones) of San Diego; and JC Thomas (SEMPRA Global) of San Diego. Elisa de la Vara ( Arizona Community Foundation ) of Phoenix, AZ and Laura Speer (Annie E. Casey Foundation) of
Baltimore, MD remain on the board. In Appreciation. During the 2018 Annual Meeting, BPP recognized four outstanding leaders for their contributions to the growth and development of BPP during the past several years. Departing the Board of Directors are: Maria Elena Giner (BECC), Gustavo Bidart ( Civic San Diego), Francisco Solis (Consultores Tributarios de Negocios, S.C.), and founder Russ Jones ( RL Jones Customhouse Brokers). " Maria Elena, Gustavo, Paco, and Russ have all left an indelible philanthropic footprint in the Borderlands. We are forever grateful for their tireless contributions to increase philanthropy between the U.S. and Mexico." - Andy Carey, Executive Director. |
Border Kids Count: The Latest Data from California & Mexico.
January 18, 2018.
The US - Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP), the International Community Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and San Diego Grantmakers joined forces to present, "Border Kids Count: The latest data from California and Mexico". This event featured comparative analyses of child wellbeing data in the states along the U.S.-Mexico border, presented by the Red por los Derechos de la Infancia en Mexico / REDIM (Network for the Rights of Children in Mexico) and Children Now, with background information from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The data was extracted from the latest Kids Count and La Infancia Cuenta reports with the objective of raising awareness about child wellbein g in the border region and inspiring local and national funders to get more involved in this critical issue. In a discussion moderated by Laura Speer, Associate Director of Policy Reform and Advocacy, Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Board Member, U.S.- Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership , Laurent Giraudon, Juan Martín Pérez García from REDIM and Kelly Hardy and Fatima Morales from Children Now talked about the exclusion and wellbeing of childhood on both sides of the border. More than 150 leaders from the business, nonprofit, academic and philanthropic sectors attended the event. We thank our sponsor Sempra Energy for their generous support.
BPP leaders support launch of first ever binational committe to promote philanthropy and civic engagement.
November 30 & December 1, 2017 | Puerto Peñasco, Sonora
BPP member partners attended the Arizona-Mexico Commission annual meeting in Puerto Peñasco recently to help launch the first ever civil society committee. This initiative is led by Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC and Fundación Dar más para Sonora A.C. The initiative is designed to foster stronger community ties between Arizona and Mexico, as well as to strengthen the capacity of the nonprofit sector locally. BPP member agencies participating include: Fundación Tichi Muñoz A.C.,, Grameen de la Frontera Sonora, Centro de Formación Social, Bazar Solidario I.A.P., Ecomunidad Cocorit, Arizona Community Foundation, and US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) amongst others. Thank you all for your support as we look to strengthen our sector in Sonora. The effort was one of the highlights of the annual convening, and brought many new and important stakeholders together to promote collaboration and cooperation. Thank you all for your support as we look to strengthen community ties between the U.S. and Mexico. The Comisión Sonora-Arizona (CSA) and Arizona-Mexico Commission's (AMC) annual meeting in Sonora is the binational event where Sonora showcases and celebrates the best of the Sonora and Arizona relationship. Top level business leaders and policy makers gathered under the leadership of Sonora Governor Claudia Pavlovich and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to promote a strong, cooperative binational relationship.
BPP leaders, members, and partners headed to AZ-Mexico Commission 2017 annual meeting.
November 30 & December 1, 2017 | Puerto Peñasco, Sonora
This Thursday and Friday BPP members and leaders will join the Arizona-Mexico Commission at its annual meeting in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora. BPP membersChicanos por la Causa and Fundación DAR Más para Sonora will facilitate the civic engagement panel between Arizona and Sonora. The Border Philanthropy Partnership is pleased to participate with the organizers along with BPP members Arizona Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona ,Fundación Tichi Muñoz, Grameen de la Frontera, FESAC, Centro de Formación Social, Club Rotario, and Fundación Educativa y Cultural Don José S. Healy. For more information contact [email protected].
The US - Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership delivers workshop at CEMEFI's annual conference.
November 13-15, 2017 | Mexico City
In Mexico City, on November 13 to 15, the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) held its annual conference: Challenges and Opportunities in Complex Times. More than 500 leaders from the philanthropic sector and socially responsible corporations from 19 Mexican states and 5 countries had a chance to analyze our current context, discussing topics such as the economic uncertainty and renegotiation of the North America Free Trade Agreement; concurrent 2018 elections for more than 3,000 public officials at all levels of government, including the president, governors, mayors; corruption and impunity in public life; insecurity; and solidarity in the face of emergencies that the country experienced during the past months. Ma. Laura Muñoz, Mexico representative for the BPP was invited to deliver a fundraising workshop during the conference. Congratulations to CEMEFI for hosting the event that brings together the nonprofit community in Mexico.
BPP leaders meet Mexico's Ambassador to USA.
November 4, 2017 | San Diego, California
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey met with Ambassador Gerónimo Gutiérrez in San Diego this past week to talk environment, immigration, and philanthropy. Ambassador Gutiérrez is a long-standing supporter of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, as he was a member while leading the North American Development Bank. During their meeting, Carey was able to brief the Ambassador on many philanthropic initiatives promoting closer U.S.-Mexico ties including building bridges amongst community foundations to support causes in both countries; developing a new fund to support post-earthquake recovery; BPP's support of the Ventanilla de Salud health outreach in San Diego; and the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands Border data portal to increase philanthropy between the two countries.
BPP hosts San Diego Family Asset Building Coalition to talk domestic violence.
November 7, 2017 | San Diego, California
BPP is proud to serve as fiscal agent to the San Diego Family Asset Building Coalition. The coalition is a group of organizations dedicated to innovative service delivery, sharing best practices, and leveraging resources to create economically thriving communities. Today we gathered leaders from seven local agencies in San Diego to discuss domestic violence and explored ways for agencies to collaborate and improve services to victims. The San Diego Family Asset Building Coalition includes: Community HousingWorks, Community Resource Center, Dreams for Change, Home Start, Inc., International Rescue Committee, Maximizing Access to Advance our Communities (MAAC), and the San Diego Housing Commission.
Event sponsors and partners
BPP Board elects new officers: Enrique Diaz Rivera Robinson Bours elected Board Chair.
October 20, 2017 | Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua

The U.S.- Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership met October 20 in Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua for their last meeting of 2017, and elected new board officers for the 2018-20 term. Enrique Diaz Rivera R. Bours was elected Board Chair for a new two year term beginning January 2018. Enrique first joined the board in 2013 and has served as director and vice chairman.Enrique is commercial real estate developer in Cabo San Lucas. In addition to BPP, Enrique is a board member of the Fundación Tichi Muñoz based in Cd. Obregón, Sonora, and of the San José del Cabo fire department. Dolores Roybal, of the Con Alma Health Foundation in Santa Fe, New Mexico was elected vice chair. Robert Ashcraft of the Arizona State University Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation was elected as immediate past chair. Louis Escareño, General Counsel, UETA Duty Free Americas was elected as Secretary/Treasurer. For more information, please contact Andy Carey.
Mexico Peace Index 2017 presented in Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua.
October 19, 2017 | Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua
Community leaders from across the Paso del Norte region assembled in Cd. Juárez October 19 to discuss positive peace in Mexico. The Institute for Economics and Peace presented their fifth study in as many years. The focus of the report is to present data and research on the patterns, trends, causes and benefits of peace in Mexico. It aims to inform a strategic discussion among policymakers, researchers, business leaders and the general public. The report examines the results and findings from the 2017 Mexico Peace Index; positive peace in Mexico; the economic value of peace in Mexico; and essays from experts in Mexican civil society. Click here to read the full report. The presentation of the Mexico Peace Index report in Cd. Juárez was possible thanks to the generous support of the Institute for Economics and Peace, FECHAC, Fundación Pedro Zaragoza, FICOSEC, and Southwest Airlines. We especially appreciate the participation of community panelists: Jorge Contreras Fornelli, Judith Soto, Hector Jurado, Carlos Juarez, and Adriana Martinez Landaverde.
BPP teams with UC San Diego on Creating Binational Places Symposium.
October 3, 2017 | San Diego, California
The University of California San Diego and the Border Philanthropy Partnership co-hosted a dynamic series of panels on binational partnerships in education, industry and philanthropy. Judith Rodin, President Emerita of the Rockefeller Foundation headlined the event. The moderators and panelists included leadership from the ASU Lodestar Center on Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, the University of San Diego and James Irvine Foundation, California-Bajio Associates,Fundación Tichi Muñoz, Kyocera Mexicana, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, Keck Graduate Institute, Hunt Institute for Global Competitiveness at UTEP, City of Chula Vista, Thermo Fisher, and Solar Turbines. The conversation explored challenges facing the three sectors and opportunities to leverage binationalism in more creative ways along and across the 2,000 mile border. Participants included civil society leaders from California, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Baja California, and Sonora. We were pleased to have BPP members theInternational Community Foundation, Cadenas de Ayuda para Mexico, Nettleton Strategies, San Diego-Tijuana Smart Border Coalition, RBM and Associates, and the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego participate.
Philanthropy responds to natural disasters.
The Board of Directors and staff of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership extends our thoughts and our prayers to the families and communities impacted by the recent hurricanes and earthquakes across our countries and regions. We pray for the safe return of loved ones displaced by these tragedies, and for strength and comfort to those whose lives have been lost.
Now more than ever, volunteers and charitable contributions are needed to respond to the immediate relief of impacted families and communities. There are many organizations responding to these crises. Several BPP member and stakeholder organizations have opened emergency response funds to receive disaster relief contributions. Please see below for a list of organizations requesting your support. Your generosity is appreciated. For more information click here.
Now more than ever, volunteers and charitable contributions are needed to respond to the immediate relief of impacted families and communities. There are many organizations responding to these crises. Several BPP member and stakeholder organizations have opened emergency response funds to receive disaster relief contributions. Please see below for a list of organizations requesting your support. Your generosity is appreciated. For more information click here.
BPP participates in community panel to talk U.S.-Mexico Relations.
August 28, 2017 | San Diego, California
Share experiences to promote green growth in North America.

The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership is seeking your input on an important survey on how best to engage States, tribal nations, and the private sector and to share experiences promoting green growth in North America. BPP Executive Director is a member of the National Advisory Committee, which advises the U.S. government on issues related to the implementation of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. The input from the survey will help guide the U.S. in its public engagement for the 2018 Council Session. Your input is important and the survey may be completed in 5-10 minutes. Please complete this survey by Monday, September 11, 2017. Thank you for your consideration.
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey joined leaders from Mexico City, Tijuana, and San Diego to talk U.S.-Mexico relations. The panel was part of the public unveiling of the El Universal's exhibit celebrating 100 years in the life of Mexico and the World. The panel included José Galicot (Tijuana Innovadora), Lynne Walker (Inquire First), Enrique Bustamente (Fundación Ealy Ortiz), and David Shirk (University of San Diego). The panel was moderated by the Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, Ambassador Marcela Celorio. During the conversation, BPP Executive Director was asked to comment on U.S.-Mexico relations and he shared, "the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico is strong, as we have a binational community committed to each side of the border." When asked about the challenges in the political discourse between the countries, Carey added, "it is true the two Presidents are having a strong disagreement, however, there is nothing that a committed civil society cannot resolve on behalf of our communities and our countries".
BPP Leaders talk civil society at U.S.-Mexico Summit.
August 15-17, 2017 | El Paso, Texas and Cd.Juarez, Chihuahua
BPP members and stakeholders actively participated in the Borderplex Alliance's annual U.S.-Mexico Border Summit held August 15-17 in El Paso, TX and Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua. Hundreds of community leaders from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border attended the fourth annual event including BPP members from Paso del Norte Health Foundation, El Paso Community Foundation, Arizona State University, UTEP and BPP. The multi-day event highlighted the important community, commercial, and cultural ties between our two countries.
BPP Board Member honored for commitment to environment.

Maria Elena Giner, General Manager of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), was recognized by The Government of the State of Baja California, through its Secretary of Infrastructure and Urban Development, Manuel Guevara, for her outstanding work and thanking her for "making possible relevant actions for the sustainable development of our binational region," and for "her continuing support" as an ally of the State of Baja California. In addition to Secretary Guevara, the recognition was signed by the Director General of the Baja California State Water Commission, German Jesús Licea Márquez, and the director generals of the water utilities of Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada and Tecate, Miguel Lemus, Francisco Javier Paredes, Carlos Loyola, Patricia Ramírez, respectively.
The entire BPP Board of Directors and staff team extends our congratulations and appreciation to Maria Elena Giner for her leadership in the Borderlands.
The entire BPP Board of Directors and staff team extends our congratulations and appreciation to Maria Elena Giner for her leadership in the Borderlands.
BPP Executive Director delivers keynote speech at award ceremony for Sonora Philanthropy Prize.
August 10, 2017 | Hermosillo, Sonora
The award is presented by Fundación Esposos Rodríguez, Fundación Maldonado, Fundación Educativa y Cultural Don José S. Healy, Universidad de Sonora, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Universidad del Valle de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora and Universidad Tecnológica de Hermosillo. Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director was invited to deliver the keynote address at the award ceremony of the Sonora Philanthropy Prize. The prize was created to develop awareness and promote social responsibility among individuals, corporations and nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. This year's winners are: Campo Pablo Bórquez, (Caborca, Sonora), Juan Francisco Loureiro Herrera (Nogales), and Grameen de la Frontera A.C. (Cd. Obregón). The awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, August 10, at 8:00 pm at the Arts Center of the University of Sonora in Hermosillo.
Media Coverage:
- López, J. (2017, August 11.). Reconocen labor altruista. El Imparcial. Retrieved August 11, 2017, from
- Pacillas, S. (2017, August 11). Sonora es uno de los líderes en acciones filantrópicas: Carey. El Imparcial. Retrieved August 14, 2017, from
- Rodríguez, S. (2017, August 10). Grameen de la Frontera trabaja transformando la vida de las mujeres. El Imparcial. Retrieved August 14, 2017, from
- Rodríguez, S. (2017, August 8). Campo Pablo Bórquez busca generar el cambio. El Imparcial . Retrieved August 14, 2017, from
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) hosted a discussion in San Diego for the release of the 2017 Mexico Peace Index.
July 6, 2017 | San Diego, California
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership (BPP) hosted a discussion for the release of the 2017 Mexico Peace Index (MPI) on the challenges and opportunities for building a more peaceful society in Mexico. The MPI, produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace, provides a comprehensive assessment of the level of peace in Mexico, detailing the peacefulness of each of the 32 states of the country during the past 13 years. The presentation of the findings by Patricia De Obeso, spokesperson and coordinator of the Mexico Program for the Institute for Economics and Peace, was followed by a panel discussion on civil society's role in peace activities in the region. The panel was moderated by Dr. Robert Ashcraft, Chairman, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. Panelists included: Hon. Marcela Celorio, Ambassador, Consulate General of México - San Diego; Hon. Russell Jones, Arizona State Representative & President, R.L. Jones Management Group, BPP Board Member; Lic. Enrique Diaz Rivera R. Bours, Fundación Tichi Muñoz, Cd. Obregón, Sonora; and Michelle Breslauer, Program Director, US Operations, Institute for Economics and Peace, New York, NY. Event partners and sponsors include the Institute for Economics and Peace, Fundación Tichi Muñoz, R.L. Jones Customhouse Brokers, Mexican Consulate General in San Diego, ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, and SENTRE.
Elisa de la Vara is the Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award Winner.
July 8, 2017 | Phoenix, Arizona
Elisa de la Vara, Chief Community Officer at the Arizona Community Foundation and BPP Board member was presented with the Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award at this year's National Council of La Raza annual meeting. Prior to joining the Foundation's staff, de la Vara served as District Director managing the daily operations of Congressman Pastor's District 7 Office for seven years. She also served as State Director for the Fannie Mae Arizona Business Center. In addition, Elisa has held significant civic leadership roles throughout Arizona, including serving as Special Assistant to Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt from 1983 to 1986 and later, as Comptroller for Gov. Babbitt's 1988 national presidential campaign. She rose through the ranks at the nonprofit Chicanos Por La Causa from 1975 to 1983, ultimately serving as Executive Vice President, the most senior position ever held by a woman in that organization at the time. She also served as Assistant to the President of the L.U.L.A.C. (League of United Latin American Citizens) National office in 1972 and 1973.
BBP talks about U.S.-Mexico relations at the Dole Institute of Politics, The University of Kansas.
June 21, 2017 | Lawrence, Kansas.
While there are many positive economic opportunities for bi-national collaboration, this is not the reality for many who struggle with border conditions. The Dole Institute invited Andy Carey, executive director of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, to participate in its Summer 2017 Discussion Groups "Life along the Border: A Separate Reality?" to provide a deeper understanding of this reality and how some of these complex problems are being addressed. Carey brings a breadth of experience in his years working the entire U.S.-Mexico border to grow community philanthropy, leadership and cross-border collaboration in order to increase the human and financial capital needed to address the complex issues facing the region. The event is part of the Summer 2017 Discussion Groups: For many, the U.S.-Mexico border presents a problem, for others, an economic opportunity. An expert in cross-border economic development, Christina Luhn will lead a summer discussion group series exploring the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico with a focus on border security, immigration and trade.
BPP invited to talk about the socio-economic aspects of the border and their influence on human health in Washington, DC.
June 20, 2017 | Washington, D.C.
On June 20, the U.S. Section of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission (USMBHC) invited Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director as a panelist in the Understanding the Border panel at their Annual Meeting. Andy talked about the socio-economic aspects of the border - poverty, education, employment, etc. and their influence on human health. The purpose of the morning presentations was for USMBHC members to enhance knowledge about our world and what is ahead of us (the future and/or megatrends) and more specifically, our U.S.-Mexico border. This first panel featured three speakers who provided information about the U.S.-Mexico border from three perspectives: 1) homeland security (immigration included), 2) trade and 3) social determinants of health along the border. Roberto Coronado from the Federal Reserve Bank spoke about the topic of trade and Michael Houston discussed the immigration and homeland security aspects of the border.
Americas Quarterly Magazine hosts panel on border future.
June 8, 2017 | El Paso, Texas
Independent publication, Americas Quarterly Magazine, with support from the US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and El Paso Community Foundation, hosted a discussion regarding the future of the U.S.-Mexico Border on Thursday, June 8, at the Mills Building in downtown El Paso. The panel of experts included Economic Counselor for the Embassy of Mexico Karen Antebi, CEO of the Borderplex Alliance Jon Barela, journalist Alfredo Corchado, El Paso County Judge Veronica Escobar and Western Refining, Inc. Founder Paul Foster. The magazine's Editor-in-Chief Brian Winter, served as the moderator of the discussion and started the session with a guided segment and later allowed for the audience's questions for the panel. Winter explained the discussion's purpose and importance to the region. "These are important issues that touch on a lot of people's lives, their economic lives, and I hope we can send out everyone here today with a better understanding of not only what is happening in these communities, but also in Washington and Mexico City," Winter said. In terms of the scope of the discussion, Winter asked the panel what they thought was the biggest misconception among Americans about the border locality.
In partnership with:
BPP delivers Keynote presentation to Fundación Index annual meeting.
May 23, 2017 | Cd. Chihuahua, Chihuahua
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey delivered the annual keynote address to the leaders and stakeholders of Fundación Index based in Cd. Chihuahua, Chihuahua. Andy's address was titled, "Leadership is an opportunity to serve", and included anecdotes from Andy's family and his father's medical service to rural communities in Northern Illinois for more than 50 years. Fundación INDEX is a foundation supported by the maquilla industry from across the globe. During the event, which was also a presentation of their annual report, Cristina Sánchez Chacón, Chair of Fundación Index said: "...our work is born of commitment that maquiladora companies have with our people and with Chihuahua; Index Foundation is proof that the will moves mountains and transforms dreams into incredible realities that change lives." Fundación Index supports social programs including housing, education, community, environment, health, sports and athletics, and arts and culture. Read more (in Spanish)
BPP hosts New Mexico Learning Series: U.S.-Mexico Border Challenges and Opportunities.
May 22, 2017 | Las Cruces, New Mexico
Over 65 civil society leaders gathered in Las Cruces, NM to talk philanthropy and the U.S.-Mexico relationship. The BPP gathering included a dynamic panel including: Dolores Roybal, Con Alma Health Foundation, Karen Yarza, Fundación Paso del Norte para la Salud y Bienestar, José Luis Velasco, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission, Inés Maxaira Baltazar, Mexican Consulate General - Albuquerque; and Robert Ashcraft, Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation. The panelists discussed the state of relations between the two countries; the role of civil society organizations and their response to the growing needs, challenges, and potential innovative solutions to be implemented; and suggested recommendations to grow philanthropy between the U.S. and Mexico.
BPP and Chicanos por la Causa talk Mexico and philanthropy.
May 21, 2017 | Phoenix, Arizona
Chicanos por la Causa hosted philanthropy leaders from Sonora and BPP in their Phoenix offices to explore Arizona-Sonora philanthropy collaboration. The Sonora delegation included Margarita Ibarra de Torres, President of DIF Sonora; Yolanda Escalante de Mazon, President CIMA Foundation; Carlos Daniel Fernandez, Patronato Buen Samaritano; Juan Carlos Ruiz, President Villas del Papa Francisco; Marina Galaz, Fundación DAR Más; Ambassador Claudia Franco, Consul General of Mexico; and Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director. The meeting was chaired by CPLC President David Adame. CPLC, BPP, and the Sonoran delegation explored ways to increase leadership, collaboration, and philanthropy between Arizona and Sonora. Additional meetings were held with the Arizona Community Foundation and the Arizona Diamondbacks. For more information please contact Andy Carey.
University of San Diego and BPP partner to complete applied projects for member agencies.

Graduate students in LEAD 519 - Understanding Binational Nonprofits in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands completed three excited projects in support of Cd. De Los Niños, A.C., Fundación CODET, and the Mexican Consulate General in San Diego. The three graduate student teams collaborated with BPP member agencies over a 10 week period to develop a compelling and relevant project in support of the nonprofit agency. The projects were developed as an in-kind gift to the organization. Cd. De los Niños, A.C. received a new English language brochure to assist in their resource development efforts in the U.S.A. along with a donor cultivation letter. Fundación CODET was presented with a plan to determine evaluation methods and indicators for measuring CODET's impact across Tijuana and neighboring colonias. The final project benefitted the Consulate General of Mexico, and included a strategic plan framework to mobilize stronger civic engagement locally in pursuit of stronger binational ties between the U.S.A. and Mexico. This is the fourth year that BPP member agencies have benefitted from this strategic partnership with the University of San Diego's Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research in the School on Leadership and Education Sciences. Over 30 BPP member organizations have benefitted from California, Baja California, Arizona, Sonora, Texas, and Chihuahua.
BPP talks U.S.-Mexico relations at New Mexico Grantmakers conference.
April, 2017 | Bernalillo, New Mexico
Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director was a panelist at the 2017 New Mexico Association of Grantmakers Annual Joint Conference held in Bernalillo, NM. Andy participated on a panel to talk immigration issues between the U.S. and Mexico. The panelists included:
BPP Board meets in San Diego - Begins planning process for next three years.
April 7-8, 2017 | San Diego, CA
The Board of Directors met in San Diego on April 7-8, 2017 for their second board meeting of the year, and to begin the process to implement a new strategic plan to guide the organization to 2020. In addition to approving fiscal agency relationships for the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego, and the Institute for Economics and Peace, the Board also welcomed the newest board member, Laura Speer, Associate Director for Policy Reform and Advocacy at the Annie E Casey Foundation and has primary responsibility for the National KIDS COUNT Project as well as work in a portfolio focused on national policy research and advocacy with a special emphasis on racial equity policy and immigration.Having spent a number of years doing state- and local-level child advocacy work, Laura is now a key liaison and resource person for the KIDS COUNT network of state advocates in the US as well as a growing number of child advocates in Latin America interested in Data Based advocacy. Laura has a BA in Economics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a Master's in Public Administration from New York University. The next meeting of the Board will take place in San Diego, CA July 7-8, 2017.
BPP and USD Justice in Mexico program host Mexico Peace Index report.
April 13, 2017 | San Diego, California
The Institute of Economics and Peace published its fourth annual report on the Mexico Peace Index. The Mexico Peace Index (MPI) provides a comprehensive annual measure of peacefulness in Mexico, aggregating and verifying available data. This year marks the MPI's fourth edition, which analyzes trends in violence from the height of the drug war in 2011 through 2016, and calculates the economic cost of violence. The report aims to identify the key trends and drivers of peace, while highlighting policy opportunities. The report was unveiled at the University of San Diego last Thursday. In her presentation, Michele Breslauer, America's Program Manager, shared the latest trends of violence in Mexico. Dr. David Shirk, University of San Diego, and Andy Carey, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership shared thoughts and perspectives on the state of civil society and the nonprofit sector in Mexico. For a copy of the 2017 Mexico Peace Index, click here..
BPP attends National Advisory Committee meeting - Enviromental Protection Agency.
March 28-29, 2017 | Washington, D.C.

BPP Executive Director attended the second meeting of the National Advisory Committee (NAC) and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) in Washington, D.C. The volunteer citizen led committees provide recommendations to the trinational Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC) between Canada, U.S.A., and Mexico. Carey was appointed last year for a two-year term. The committees consist of community leaders from across the U.S.A., including academia, business and corporations, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and philanthropy. During the two day meeting, the National and Governmental Advisory Committees reviewed 12 proposals for implementation in human health and the environment in the three countries. The proposals included: Reducing marine litter in North American Border watersheds; expanding food loss and waste prevention, recovery and recycling in North America; promoting energy efficiency in Industrial sector; extreme heat; species conservation; marine protected areas as tools for promoting ocean health; measuring methane and black carbon emissions from flaring in the oil and gas industry; and reducing emissions from goods movement via maritime transportation in North America. EPA leaders including Assistant Administrator Jane Nishida, and colleagues Mark Karmanova, and Luis Troche will soon meet with counterparts from Canada and Mexico to select projects for implementation and funding. The leadership of the CEC rotates amongst the three countries, and is currently headed by Cesar Chavez of Mexico. For more information contact [email protected].
C.S. Mott Foundation Board of Trustees receives report on civil society in Mexico.
March 9, 2017 | Flint, Michigan

BPP Executive Director Andy Carey joined colleagues Steve Cox, Managing Director of Networks and Strategic Initiatives, and Agustín Landa, Board Member of Fundación Comunidar to highlight the state of civil society in Mexico, and the growing importance of community foundations across Mexico. Agustín Landa shared the history of the community foundation movement in Mexico, and the opportunities to grow the foundation movement. Andy Carey discussed BPP's impact to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations across the 10 Border State region, and Steve Cox shared the efforts of the Building Broader Communities in the Americas effort. The C.S. Mott Foundation has invested over US$4,000,000 from its International portfolio in building and strengthening Mexico's civil society. The panel discussion was led by C.S. Mott Foundation Program Officer, Nick Deychakiwsky. During the multi-day meeting, the Foundation Trustees also received updates on developments in Europe, Africa, the United States of America, the State of Michigan, and the City of Flint.
The Mexican Consulate General in San Diego hosts ceremony to sign fiscal sponsorship agreement with the BPP.
March 6, 2017 | San Diego, California
In cooperation with the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, the Mexican Consulate General in San Diego hosted a ceremony to sign a fiscal sponsorship agreement with the US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership for its Ventanillas de Salud, or Health Window program. Through this program, the Consulate aims to provide Mexican immigrants with basic health information, health checks and other preventive tests. It also makes referrals to U.S. hospitals, health centers and government programs to facilitate access of Mexican immigrants to health services. Ventanillas de Salud was created by the Mexican Consulate as a collaboration between government and private organizations to eliminate barriers to healthcare for the Mexican population in the US. The ceremony was presided by Marcela Celorio, General Consul of Mexico in San Diego, who will announce that the US-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership will act as its fiscal agency, managing the program funds provided by the Mexican Ministry of Health through the Institute of Mexicans Abroad. The event also featured a health fair to provide health information and free health services to the community. After the ceremony, San Diegans for Healthcare Coverage, a local nonprofit agency, offered a talk on health coverage for migrant families.
The BPP promotes binational philanthropy by coordinating Tijuana site visits for graduate students.
February 23, 2017 | Tijuana, Baja California
Andy Carey, Executive Director, U.S.- Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership and professor of LEAD 519, Understanding Bi-National Nonprofits In the US-Mexican Border Region at the School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego, headed the group of graduate students. The tour started at the border wall at Playas de Tijuana, where the students saw where the US-Mexico border extends 300ft (91m) into the Pacific coastline and have a view of San Diego from the "other side". Next, the group visited the Asociación para los Niños de Tijuana, which cares for nearly 100 children everyday, providing foster care, daycare, and social services for abandoned newborns and toddlers; Fundación CODET, that provides critical vision care to low and moderate income people in Baja California; and Casa del Migrante, a shelter run by Catholic priests that frequently houses Mexicans who have been deported from the United States, began in 1987. This shelter is of the few in Tijuana to serve those that have been deported. Separately, the BPP delegation met with Special Attaché Yoshida from the Japanese Embassy in México City, who is looking to help support the migrant community. The trip included lunch and a tour of Tijuana's Financial District.
BPP trains nonprofit leaders in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
February 13-15, 2017 | San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
BPP offered the third training seminar for nonprofit organizations in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in partnership with the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. The capacity-building seminar covered topics such as governance, fundraising, tax and legal, as well as social media, branding and marketing. The BPP staff team that delivered the trainings included Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director, Maria Laura Muñoz, Mexico Representative for the BPP, and consultants Ángeles Anaya o f Fortalece Legal and Miriam Amaro of SICDOS, Agencia Social. Sandra Nathan, Vice President of Community Investment with the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona presented the nonprofit community in San Miguel information about the 2017 Shaaron Kent Fund Grant Round to support programs and projects that benefit the people of San Miguel and align with one or more of the following focus areas: education, economic opportunity (job training, workforce development, asset building), and health and well-being. Grants are expected to be announced and allocated during the second half of 2017.
This seminar is made possible by the Shaaron Kent Endowment Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. When Shaaron Kent set up her field-of-interest endowed fund at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona many years ago, she designated that her assets be allocated annually to three areas that she felt passionate about: education, hospice and San Miguel de Allende, where she had a second home. The Community Foundation has the responsibility of carrying out her wishes in a manner that carries on her legacy as she envisioned it.
Robert F. Ashcraft, Pd.D., recognized as the H. Roe Bartle Momentum Award recipient.
January, 2017 | Chicago, Illinois
The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance recently presented Dr. Ashcraft with this prestigious award at the annual Alliance Management Institute, an educational conference geared toward students planning a career in the nonprofit sector. This honor is significant in that this is the first time such an award has ever been given. Dr. Ashcraft is the current BPP Board Chair and has served since 1984 as the executive director of the ASU Nonprofit Leadership Alliance and his leadership has resulted in a number of noteworthy achievements including, in part, the development of the nation's first bachelor's degree in nonprofit leadership and management and helping over 400 students to earn their Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credentials. He is recognized nationally for his applied work in the sector, and he continues his steadfast work by representing the Alliance at the national level with groups such as the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council and the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. "The program Dr. Ashcraft has helped build at ASU is the model we all aspire to create. The many programs his leadership has informed around the world stand as testament to... (read more)
BPP Board elects new officers.
January 13, 2017 | Phoenix, Arizona
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership Board of Directors met January 13, 2017 at the Arizona Community Foundation for the first meeting of the 2017 year. New board officers and directors were elected for 2017-18. Dr. Robert Ashcraft (Arizona State University Lodestar Center on Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation) was reelected as Board Chair, Lic. Enrique Diaz Rivera Robinson Bours (Fundación Tichi Muñoz) was elected as the Vice Chair, Maria Elena Giner (Border Environment Cooperation Commission) was elected Secretary-Treasurer, and C.P. Francisco Solis (Consultorios Tributarios de Negocios) was re-elected as Immediate Past Chair. Two new board directors were also elected to the board including Lic. Verónica Jiménez (Fundación Pedro Zaragoza) and Laura Speer (Annie E. Casey Foundation). The board also approved operating plans for 2017, approved fiscal agency services for Fundación Montemayor, the audit report for Alianza Fronteriza de Filantropía, A.C., and an implementation timeline for drafting a new 5 year plan.
University of San Diego: School on Leadership and Education Sciences tours Guatemala nonprofit and civil society sector.
January, 2017 | Guatemala

Graduate students in LEAD 518: Nonprofits and Civil Society in Guatemala recently completed an 8 day tour and intense study of Guatemalan civil society, with particular emphasis on the country's response to poverty alleviation, chronic malnutrition, food insecurity, access to education, and ending violence against women and girls. The course was led by BPP Executive Director and USD Adjunct Professor Andy Carey, and included visits to Guatemala City, San Juan Sacatepequez, Quetzaltenango, Panajachel, Santiago, Iximche, and Antigua. The student cohort visited local nonprofit and philanthropic organizations including Fundazucar (Sugar Producers Foundation), Liga Guatemalteca de Higiene Mental (Mental Health organization), the United Nation's Women's Project in Guatemala, and Marmion Abbey's Guatemala Mission Priorato y Seminario San José educating high school aged young men. The delegation also met with four government ministers leading the ministries on Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Social Development, and Food Security, as well as with representatives of the U.S. Embassy staff in Guatemala. One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to the Catholic University Universidad Rafael Landívar to meet with the Dean of the Medical School, Dr. Gustavo Estrada, and the medical school students. The students shared stories of paying for college tuition, securing internships and fellowships, as well as determining medical specialties. The course is required as part of the International Experience to graduate. The 14 graduate students are all leaders of nonprofit organizations based in San Diego County. BPP member organizations participating included: The San Diego Foundation, I Love a Clean San Diego, University of San Diego, and International Rescue Committee.
BPP Board Member honored for dedication to community.
January, 2017 | Phoenix, Arizona

Congratulations to Arizona Community Foundation Chief Community Officer, Elisa de la Vara, who was awarded the Inaugural MLK Project H.E.A.L. Diversity Excellence Award. She was recognized for her exemplary work ethic and performance as well as her dedication to minority groups in Arizona. As Chief Community Officer with the Arizona Community Foundation, Elisa oversees the Foundation's affordable housing initiative, the impact investing program, and the grants management division. She is also responsible for leadership of staff, volunteers and consultants that guide the Foundation's Latinos Unidos initiative, the Black Philanthropy Initiative, and the Asian American Women's Giving Circle. ¡Felicidades Elisa de la Vara!
U.S.- Mexico Philanthropy: Expectations and Opportunities for 2017.
January 12, 2017 | Phoenix, Arizona
200 border leaders gather in Phoenix on January 12 to talk about philanthropy. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership hosted "U.S.-Mexico Philanthropy: Expectations and Opportunities for 2017," an event that featured philanthropic leaders from 3 states and 2 countries: Claudia Jasso-Stevens, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona; the Hon. Amanda Aguirre, Regional Center for Border Health; Lucila Murguia de Arronte, Fundación Integra; Francisco Fernandez Jaramillo, FESAC; Enrique Díaz Rivera, Fundación Tichi Muñoz; and Lisa Urias, Arizona Community Foundation. The panel discussion was moderated by Robert Ashcraft, PhD, Chairman, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, and Executive Director, ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, and was followed by a networking reception. This event highlighted the importance of working bi-nationally and in partnership to address transborder issues and opportunities between the two countries. In his opening remarks, Steve Seleznow, President & CEO, Arizona Community Foundation said: "The border does not separate us. We are one voice of what it means to be partners." Panelists emphasized that diversification of philanthropy is critical, with more Latinos making decisions; that the philanthropic sector is key to maintaining good relationships among actors on both sides of the border; that it is our responsibility to counter perceptions and messages about the border and bring communities together as "fac ilitators of resources." In short, the panelists agreed that philanthropy energizes the notion of creating a more vibrant region. The series of conversations about philanthropy are expected to continue in the summer of 2017, after a BPP board retreat in the spring to evaluate the past six events. The BPP wishes to thank the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, the Arizona Community Foundation, Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC, the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona and Molera Alvarez for their generous support.
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U.S. and Mexico Donors continue to support both sides of the border.
A little more than two years ago, the Board of Directors approved fiscal agency services for BPP network members. This service allows Border Philanthropy Partnership and Alianza Fronteriza de Filantropía, A.C. to legally transfer charitable gifts from member donors to causes and programs on the other side of the border. Since the program started, over US$1.2 million has been donated through the Border Philanthropy Partnership and Alianza Fronteriza de Filantropía, A.C. in support of public policy advocacy, the environment, health, recreation, and child services. Only BPP members are eligible to participate, and the BPP Board of Directors approves each new relationship. According to one recent donor, "this is an excellent opportunity to act philanthropically on both sides of the border, and we appreciate our partnership with BPP to make it happen". The charitable gifts are flowing both North to South and South to North. The U.S. and Mexico are inextricably linked. If you are in need of fiscal agency support, or want more information on our services, contact [email protected].
BPP honors Ana de la Rosa y Carpizo.

BPP honors Ana de la Rosa. BPP Board Vice Chair Ana de la Rosa y Carpizo submitted her resignation to Chairman Robert Ashcraft to enable her to participate more actively in the public sector in her home State of Chihuahua. Ana has been an instrumental figure on our board for more than five years serving as a director, committee chair and most recently as Vice Chair. Under her leadership, BPP forms a key alliance with Centro para el Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad Civil (CFOSC), and have jointly delivered important training, education and coaching services to hundreds of organizations across Mexico. Robert Ashcraft shared during the last board meeting that: "Ana is undoubtedly a very important voice making great contributions to the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors in Mexico and across the border region. We appreciate the leadership and vision she has shared with us." Thank you Ana!
BPP attends first meeting of the US Environmental Protection Agency National Advisory Committee.
November 16-17, 2016 | Washington, D.C.
BPP Executive Director Andy Carey was appointed by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy for a two year term on the National advisory committee. The EPA established the National Advisory Committee in 1994 to provide advice to the Administrator on a broad range of environment-related strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory, and economic issues to be addressed in implementation and elaboration of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. Committee members serve as representatives of academia, business, and nongovernmental organizations. |
U.S.-Mexico Philanthropy: Building bridges for a more prosperous future.
October 27, 2016 | San Antonio, Texas
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership convened philanthropy and nonprofit leaders for a discussion on the role of philanthropy in strengthening the ties between the U.S. and Mexico. The event, titled, "U.S.-Mexico Philanthropy: Building bridges for a more prosperous future" was held on Thursday, October 27 at the San Antonio International Center and included a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Robert Ashcraft, Chairman, U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership followed by a networking reception. Speakers included: Hector Javier Herrera Bours, Fundacion Tichi Munoz; Elizabeth Romano Sames, Laredo Area Foundation; Raul Lomeli-Azoubel, SABEResPODER; James Paluzzi, KJZZ, Rio Salado College; and Roberto Espinosa, President, Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos (AEM) in San Antonio. Mayor Pro Tem, Hon. Ron Nirenberg, and the Consul General of Mexico, Lic. Hector Eduardo Velasco Monroy welcomed the audience.
The event was sponsored by:
BPP Executive Director appointed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Advisory Committee.
October, 2016

Andy Carey was appointed to serve as a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 's National Advisory Committee for a two-year term beginning October 22, 2016, and ending October 22, 2018. As a representative member, he will represent the interests of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The EPA established the National Advisory Committee in I994 to provide advice to the Administrator on a broad range of environment-related strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory and economic issues to be addressed in implementation and elaboration of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. Committee members serve as representatives of academia, business and nongovernmental organizations. The committee is chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, which regulates and governs its operation.
Andy Carey was appointed to serve as a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 's National Advisory Committee for a two-year term beginning October 22, 2016, and ending October 22, 2018. As a representative member, he will represent the interests of the U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. The EPA established the National Advisory Committee in I994 to provide advice to the Administrator on a broad range of environment-related strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory and economic issues to be addressed in implementation and elaboration of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. Committee members serve as representatives of academia, business and nongovernmental organizations. The committee is chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, which regulates and governs its operation.
BPP joins community foundation mapping working group.
October, 2016 | Texas
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and the Inter-American Foundation are leading a mapping initiative titled "Building Broader Communities in the Americas" (BBCA). The efforts seeks to strengthen the ties that bind migrant communities in the U.S.A. to their community of origen. The init iative will unfold over the next 18 months and currently includes foundation and philanthropy leaders from across the U.S.A., Puerto Rico, Mexico, and El Salvador. The meeting in El Paso, TX was hosted by the El Paso Community Foundation, and included BPP founding members FESAC, FECHAC, Fundación Comunitaria de Matamoros, Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte, International Community Foundation, and the El Paso Community Foundation. The remaining participants include the entire community foundation network in Mexico known as Comunalia, Council on Foundations, CF Leads, and the Philanthropy Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to create a self-governing network of collaborating community foundations
BPP leaders invited to share their experience at "Philanthropy and social investment" at CSO Forum: Impact that Transcends.
October 24-25, 2016 | Yucatán and Quintana Roo

Ma. Laura Muñoz, Mexico representative will speak at two important events. Ma. Laura will present in the panel discussion "Philanthropy and social investment" at the CSO Forum: Impact that Transcends, which will be held on October 24 in Merida, Yucatan and on October 25 in Cancun, Mexico. Other panelists include Alejandro Martinez, Executive Director, Fortalece, Andres Perez Peña, Program Manager, ADO Foundation, and Kalus Boker, Board Member, Rafael Dondé Foundation.
BPP presented at the Iberoamerican Summit of Institutional Development.
September 29 - 30, 2016 | Mexico City
Andy Carey, Executive Director of the BPP and Ma. Laura Muñoz, BPP Mexico Representative presented at the Iberoamerican Summit of Institutional Development (CIDI) organized by the Junta de Asistencia Privada de la Cd. De México and its partners in Mexico City on September 29 and 30. This year, the CIDI's thematic focus was visibility and trust in nonprofit organizations. Andy delivered a keynote speech about making visible your passion to serve and Ma. Laura offered two workshops: "How to build trust in your donors", and "Boards, guardians of the public trust". More than 450 representatives of the nonprofit sector in Mexico attended the conference to gain theoretical and practical knowledge applicable to their organizations. Ma. Laura also presented at ForoMty on September 24, in Monterrey, Mexico, in the panel discussion "New role of philanthropy in modern societies", alongside Lourdes Sanz of CEMEFI and Carmen Garza T., of Comunidar. The panel discussion was moderated by Rodrigo Villar, nonprofit sector researcher and former Philanthropy, Civil Society and Social Change in the Americas (PASCA) at Harvard.
BPP hosts U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in border region.
October 12, 2016 | San Diego, California

The BPP hosted the Environmental Protection Agency in the border region this past week to explore stronger collaboration with network partners supporting public health and environmental initiatives in the binational region. This first series of meetings included the San Diego Foundation, Alliance Healthcare Foundation, International Community Foundation, I Love a Clean San Diego, and the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. BPP hopes to identify collaborative funding initiatives, encourage greater sharing of resources and information, and to support potential new initiatives for the Border 2020 program. It was wonderful to have Lisa Almodovar and her team from the Office of Regional and Bilateral Affairs and the Border 2020 program visit San Diego and Tucson to strengthen collaborative ties with the nonprofit and philanthropic sector.
Support the BPP by shopping at Amazon.

The US - Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership has a unique AmazonSmile link that makes it easier for people to find and support us. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. When you click on BPP's unique link, you skip the process to search for a charity to support among over 1 million eligible charities. Instead, you're taken to and are automatically asked if you want to support the US - Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership. Once you select our organization, BPP will receive 0.5% of the price of all your eligible purchases, regardless of whether you use our unique AmazonSmile link to return to the site. Please bookmark and use our link so you don't accidentally shop at instead of Only purchases made at are eligible for donations. Thank you for your support!
Learning about what unites us: The San Diego-Tijuana Mega-Region.

Nearly 50 years ago, former First Lady Pat Nixon spoke at the inauguration of Friendship Park at the U.S.- Mexico border in Tijuana, where divided families have come to meet one another for generations. Mrs. Nixon, standing in front of the then-border fence, loosely strung together with barbed wire, said, "May there never be a wall between these two great nations. Only friendship." While the first part of Mrs. Nixon's hope may not have been realized, many people in the San Diego-Tijuana region are working hard to guarantee that the second part - friendship between the two nations - endures. Numerous nonprofits, foundations, philanthropists, and businesses are working in tandem with government agencies in both the U.S. and Mexico to build neighborly relationships that unite San Diego and Tijuana as a "mega-region." After all, the environmental health factors and socio-political and cultural movements of the mega-region can have significant impacts on people living on both sides of the border; the policies and practices on one side inevitably affect the health and wellbeing of the other. To take a closer look at these earnest efforts, Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego, International Community Foundation, San Diego Grantmakers (SDG), and U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership hosted a full-day learning tour of cross-border issues in Tijuana... (read more)
BPP Mexico representative attains Certificate of Nonprofit Board Consulting.

Ma. Laura Muñoz, Mexico Representative for the BPP recently completed a three-day course with BoardSource to become a Certified Nonprofit Board Consultant. The course featured core curricula and provided nonprofit consultants the tools needed to address important and sometimes tough conversations that happen in the boardroom. The course facilitator and participants discussed techniques that BoardSource has found most effective in working with boards while weaving in high-level nonprofit governance concepts, case studies, group work, and current nonprofit trends. The BPP wishes to thank our member organization, Centro para el Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad Civil in Chihuahua for providing this professional development opportunity for our staff.
Webinar, Authorized donees in Mexico: requirements and obligations.

In Mexico, not-for-profit organizations must apply and obtain approval from tax authorities on a case-by-case basis to be eligible for income tax exemption and to receive tax-deductible donations according to the Income Tax Law and other provisions. An organization with "authorized donee" status may also be exempt from import taxes. On Thursday, August 11, the BPP will offer a webinar on this subject. This free webinar will be delivered in Spanish by Consuelo Salinas, the leading expert in Mexico on nonprofit legal issues. Consuelo is the Executive Secretary of the Junta de Asistencia Privada del Distrito Federal, and for 20 years headed the legal department of the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI). The webinar will include a Q&A session after the presentation. This webinar is made possible by the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, the Tichi Muñoz Foundation and the Centro de Formación Social. Missed the webinar? BPP Members can request a copy of it. Send us an email at [email protected].
BPP provides keynote address to El Paso Nonprofit Business Summit.
August 5, 2016 | El Paso, Texas
The Center for Civic Engagement at The University of Texas at El Paso, the United Way of El Paso County and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation collaborated with the OneStar Foundation to bring the 2016 Nonprofit Business Summit as part of the Texas Nonprofit Series on Friday, August 5, 2016. The event was headlined by Texas First Lady, Mrs. Cecilia Abbott, UTEP President, Dr. Diana Natalicio, and BPP Executive Director, Andy Carey. Approximately 250 nonprofit leaders from the Paso del Norte region attended. Texas first lady Cecilia Abbott said Friday in El Paso that she hopes to inspire more people to answer the call to volunteer service. Abbott spoke about her Texanthropy initiative, which is an effort to improve volunteerism across the state, at the El Paso Nonprofit Business Summit at the University of Texas at El Paso. The event was one of three 2016 Texas Nonprofit Summits across the state. "Texans are generous by nature, and these summits will bring together nonprofit organizations, business and community leaders, volunteers and others interested in learning how we can work together to help make a difference through service and volunteering," Abbott said said. Andy Carey, BPP Executive Director was the Keynote speaker and delivered a workshop on volunteering. The series of summits that kicked off Friday in El Paso and will continue in Edinburg and in Lubbock.
Experience your border: A learning tour of cross-border issues in the Tijuana-San Diego region.
BPP partners with International Community Foundation, San Diego Grantmakers, and the Jewish Community Foundation for philanthropy tour of Tijuana. Four San Diego based philanthropy organizations partnered for a tour of public health and environment initiatives in our binational region. Over 30 philanthropists spent the day learning about our shared resources and challenges in the San Diego-Tijuana region. During the day, site visits were made to Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, Friendship Park, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, and a final stop at Via Corporativo. During each stop the delegates learned about current research about cross-border air and water quality issues, and heard directly from the bi-national practitioners who are working to address them. Guest speakers included: Chris Peregrin (Director of the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mayor Serge Dedina (Mayor of Imperial Beach), Margarita Diaz (Director of Proyecto Fronterizo Educacional Ambiental), Michale Krichman (Insite), Daniel Watman (community organizer), Sonia Contreras (Center for Disease Control), Dra. Vargas (Universidad Autonoma Baja California), Marcela Merino (Executive Director Fronteras Unidas Pro Salud), Edith Guerrero (Qualcomm Wireless Reach), and Consul General William Ostick, U.S. Consulate in Tijuana.
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership convenes more than 200 philanthropic leaders to discuss collective impact in the border region.
July 14, 2016 | San Diego, California
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership convenes more than 200 philanthropic leaders to discuss collective impact in the border region. The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership in cooperation with the San Diego Foundation, the International Community Foundation, Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation, and the UABC Foundation, hosted "Collective impact: Philanthropists and foundations making a difference in our region", a conversation that took place will take place on July 14 in San Diego, CA. The event included a networking reception followed by the first panel discussion: Exemplary Foundations Investing Strategically in the Binational Region, moderated by Dr. Robert F. Ashcraft, Board Chair of BPP and Executive Director of the Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation. Panelists included Kathlyn Mead, CEO San Diego Foundation, Anne McEnany, CEO, International Community Foundation (San Diego), Reginald Jones, CEO, Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation (San Diego), and Georgina Walther Cuevas, CEO, UABC Foundation (Mexicali, Mexico). The second presentation was a one-on-one conversation with San Diego philanthropist Malin Burnham. Malin is the author of the book: Community Before Self: Seventy Years of Making Waves, in which he recounts lessons learned in his life and career and describes how anyone can live a life of integrity and purposeful giving. Regardless of income, political views, or age, everyone can contribute toward enhancing their community by volunteering their time and effort. This event was made possible thanks to the generous support of San Diego Gas and Electric, Sempra Energy, The San Diego Foundation, Wells Fargo, Point Loma Credit Union, Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation and Electroneon.
The BPP hosted the 2015 Annual Report presentation of the Tijuana based Children's orphanage, Asociación para los Niños de Tijuana, A.C.
(Ciudad de los Niños).
The mission of Ciudad de los Niños is to promote and provide care, attention and protection to children and adolescents in an environment that respects their rights and dignity. The organization provides foster care, daycare, and mental health services to over 600 children. Nonprofit, academic and civic leaders from the San Diego/Tijuana region gathered to learn about how this organization is impacting children and families in the Tijuana/San Diego region. BPP is proud to have Ciudad de los Niños be a member since 2011 and to serve as their Fiscal Agent. Click here to download the 2015 Annual Report.
The BPP congratulates and welcomes Roberta Jacobson, new U.S. ambassador to Mexico.
Roberta Jacobson confirmed as U.S. ambassador to Mexico. The Senate finally confirmed Roberta Jacobson to be the U.S. ambassador to Mexico on Thursday, ending a months-long delay of her nomination that was ultimately resolved by a complicated deal that drew in two Senate Republicans who had vied for president. Jacobson, a top State Department official, had faced objections from senators related to her work on implementing the Obama administration's controversial policy normalizing relations with Cuba. In November, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who at the time was deep into his presidential run, put a hold on her nomination while publicly criticizing her work at State. But the wheels began to turn toward getting Jacobson installed this month, after Rubio returned to the Senate following his failed presidential bid. (read more)
BPP featured in US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce magazine.

If The BPP is pleased to share the latest ad that is featured in Alliance, the US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce magazine. This is the second time UETA Duty Free Americas has shared ad space with BPP thanks to the efforts of Board member Louis Escareño. Alliance magazine is a quarterly publication and advertising medium published by the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce (USMCOC) committed to provide timely and relevant data on our binational business community, expanding communication for members and furthering the goals of being the "Ambassador of Good Business". The United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce is the leading binational business organization working to build mutually beneficial trade and investment relationships in the Americas. The organization's mission is to promote business between the United States and Mexico. If you would like to receive a copy, please email Andy Carey.
US and Mexican leaders build children's play park in San Vicente, Baja California.
Members of the Club de Cazadores de San Vicente joined forces with BPP to build a play park for young children in San Vicente, Baja California in recognition of the hunting clubs' 25th anniversa ry. Club members wanted to make an impact locally where members have gathered for years to hunt with family and friends. BPP fiscal agency services allowed members to make tax deductible contributions to build the playground. "The smiles on the children's faces makes it all worthwhile", said one member. The playpark includes a large boat themed playground, and includes new swing sets, covered picnic tables, and a refurbished playground area. The park is open dawn to dusk, and is available to all children 9 years old and younger.
BPP talks paying it forward to scholarship recipients.
The Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad (IME) invited BPP Executive Director to talk to scholarship recipients at the annual scholarship presentation held each year at the University of California San Diego. The Mexican Consulate General in San Diego hosts the event each year to recognize college age students of Mexican descent who are awarded scholarships from the Mexican government. Andy shared his families' story on why giving back to the community matters highlighting his father's 50 year career as a medical doctor in rural Illinois. Andy challenged the scholarship recipients to serve others before themselves, to find a cause that matters, and to leverage their professional career in a meaningful way to build communities and families.
University of San Diego - SOLES and BPP team up to support border region nonprofits.
Graduate students in LEAD 519 -"Understanding Binational Nonprofits in the US-Mexico Border region completed applied projects for 11 BPP network organization members. The organizations included: San Diego Family Asset Building Coalition (Community Housing Works, Dreams for Change, Home Start, Inc, International Rescue Committee, MAAC Project, North County Lifeline, and the San Diego Housing Commission), Cadenas de Ayuda, A.C., ProOncavi, A.C., and the Laredo Area Community Foundation. The graduate students are completing their Master's degree in Nonprofit Management and are all full-time nonprofit executives. As part of their graduation requirements, they must complete an International experience. The 10 session course includes studying the history of the binational region, impacts of philanthropy between the US and Mexico, and the completion of an applied project for a binational nonprofit. Over the past four years, 30 BPP organizations have benefitted from the applied projects. This year's projects support volunteer mobilization, resource development, and communications. For more information, please contact[email protected]
Nonprofit and philanthropic leaders talk about border issues, information and resources in Las Cruces.
The U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership, Con Alma Health Foundation, Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico, and the New Mexico Association of Grantmakers, convened nonprofit and philanthropic leaders in Las Cruces on Thursday, April 7 to discuss U.S.-Mexico Border issues, information, and resources on the first of theNew Mexico Learning Series. The event started with a panel discussion and closed with a networking reception. Speakers, panelists, and facilitators included Dolores E. Roybal, Executive Director, Con Alma Health Foundation & BPP Board member; Andy Carey, Executive Director, BPP; Robert F. Ashcraft, Ph.D., Executive Director, Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation at Arizona State University and Board Chair, BPP; Lisa Cacari-Stone, Ph.D., Member, BHC Work Group; Silvia S. Sierra, President, Cultivating Communities, Louis Luna, Board Vice President, Con Alma Health Foundation; Jennifer Cervantes, Executive Director, Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico; Francisco Solis, Director, Francisco Solis y Asociados and BPP Board member; Cathy Frey, Executive Director, New Mexico Association of Grantmakers, and María Elena Giner, General Manager, Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) and BPP Board Member.
BPP Board of Directors meets in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
The BPP Board of Directors met for their second meeting of the 2016 administrative year. The meeting was held at the Encanto Hotel in Las Cruces, NM. The agenda included robust discussion in four key areas guiding the growth and development of BPP. Staff reported that membership has increased to 257 organizations from academia, business and corporate sectors, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and philanthropy. Since January, BPP has hosted two philanthropy panels in the region, conducted a three-day nonprofit training program in San Miguel de Allende, completed border tours in San Diego and Tijuana, and is planning for additional philanthropy conversations to be held July 14 in San Diego, CA; October 27 in San Antonio, TX; and January 12, 2017 in Phoenix, AZ. Additionally, BPP is planning additional learning series opportunities in New Mexico, Sonora, and Chihuahua for later this year.
Elisa de la Vara promoted to Chief Community Officer.
Longtime community leader and BPP Board Member, Elisa de la Vara has been promoted to the newly created executive-level position of Chief Community Officer with the Arizona Community Foundation, which is among Arizona's and the nation's largest charitable foundations. She joined the Foundation's staff as Senior Director of Community Initiatives in early 2015 and will assume additional organizational and statewide executive leadership responsibilities in this new role. As a member of the executive management team, de la Vara will oversee the Foundation's engagements and relationships with the diverse cities and communities of Arizona. Her leadership and oversight responsibilities include the grants management division, all major community initiatives including the Community Impact Loan Fund (impact investing), affordable housing fund, immigration and border philanthropy, the Black Philanthropy Initiative, Latinos Unidos initiative, and the Asian Pacific American Women's Giving Circle. She will also build the strategy and implement ACF's new Native American Philanthropy Initiative. Read more.